Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 518 [Add 12 for Q reading 'Clouds']

Chapter 518 [Add 12 for Q reading 'Clouds']

"Stop it!"

At this moment, Xi Duanhong spread his arms and stood in front of Jian Zhiji. At the same time, he looked up at Yupo, gritted his teeth and said, "I just came here to ask what happened that day. Now that things have come to this I will not ask any more questions, and I will take Huo'er away, and from now on, I will never show any kindness, and I hope you will not appear to disturb us again."


Yupo's eyes flashed, according to the past, he would never let them go with his unique skills, but now he is not in the right state, suppressing his anger, and snorted coldly, "Very well, then leave, next time you dare to draw your sword against me, Don't blame me for being ungrateful."

After finishing speaking, Yupo looked at Luo Yuhen again, "My lord acted justly, and Xue Jing stayed with me. As for your request, within one month, I will make your wish come true, so you can leave too!"

At this time, he urgently needed to figure out his hidden dangers, so he didn't have the heart to tease them, so he didn't bother to imprison them again.

Afterwards, Yupo said to Yiqingtian: "Jun Shiyu's soul, I have put it in the blood mirror, if you can find Moshi to get his blood essence and treasures containing life energy, I will reshape it for her body."

Finally, Yupo scanned the rest of the people, "Whether you choose to seek revenge on me or leave, you can decide for yourself."

At this moment, Yupo was eager to retreat, and after waving his sleeves, he disappeared into the Earth Sea Castle with an ugly expression on his face.

This turn of events made everyone feel mixed.

"He would let us go so directly?" Yan Feihong's voice was unbelievable. Looking at her previous actions, she was not such an easy-talking person.

Especially what they did today undoubtedly swept each other's face. In the past, it was definitely not so easy to get away.

"It seems that something must have happened to him, or there was something urgent before he let us go."

Feng Yuelin gritted her teeth and said that she couldn't forget the humiliation she suffered that night, but, thinking of Mo Rong's disappearance, she had to temporarily suppress her hatred.

Feng Yuelin can see it, and other people can also see it.

Yiqingtian heard that Jun Shiyu still had the hope of being resurrected, and the spark of hope was ignited in his dead eyes again. As the other party left before he was released from the imprisonment, Yiqingtian's cultivation base gradually repeated.

Yupo has no time to care about personal affairs at this moment, and directly enters the secret place for retreat, to stabilize the mind, and to find the source of the birth of hostility.


And in the West Yellow Buddhist Realm.

Mianbian Jialuo and others have already started to attack, and the target is directly at Jinwo Foshan.

The West Yellow Buddhist Realm dispatched the third of the Four Chantians and the four sons of the Six Gods.

Facing the group of demons, the four great buddhas transported the vast buddha energy together, and for a while, the Sanskrit sounds burst out from a hundred miles around.

"Today, the evil source of the dragon head will be unsealed, you bald donkeys, die!"

The one who controls the sky, the dark truth is not there, everything is headed by Bianjialuo.

And the former Mianbianjialuo died at the hands of Zun Buddha's successor, and Zun Buddha was the creator of Xihuang Buddha.

This hatred is not light.

Therefore, Mianbian Jialuo's murderous intent was overwhelming in this operation.

Beside him, there are Zonghengzi, Le Xunyuan, Heiye Crying Sha and Mianliu who came from Andi's side.

Andi was seriously injured after the battle between the two because of the lack of sword before, and he had returned to the hidden place to heal his wounds, but he sent the three sects of Mianliu to assist him.

As for Yuan Zheng, he was transferred back to Shiliu Island by Yutianzhe because of other matters.

In addition, Chi Luo, who failed to assassinate Ji Xuangu, also arrived.

It's just that Chi Luo doesn't like to cooperate with others, so he is still secretly waiting for a good opportunity to make a move. He has unsealed the dragon heads of Youjie and Elven World successively, which can be said to be rich in experience.

This time, the Babu people can be said to have mobilized all the power that can be used in Shenzhou, and there is no doubt that they are bound to win.

And in the evil mouth of swallowing beasts, Qing followed Buddha and Shengheng Shi Zhijialan to pull the power of the ghost prison.

At this moment, a dark green ball of light pierced the sky for a moment, and suddenly no one swallowed the beast.

This not only surprised Shi Zhijialan and others, but even the goddess of death and the newly dispatched generals from the ghost prison were surprised and puzzled, obviously not knowing what happened, because all the people in the ghost prison are here, Without the death of the person in the ghost prison, it is naturally impossible for the ghost to return.

However, this is not the time to explore, and everyone is waiting.

The Buddhist Shengheng came out in person, but fortunately there is still Mr. Xi sitting in the dark, although the goddess of death does not like this person, but the other party is strong, so the goddess of death has the confidence to involve the power of Buddhism.


Just when Mu Lingfeng was healing Ji Xuangu's wounds.

In the distance, a gloomy eye hides behind.

But at this time.

A soft sound suddenly sounded.

"From one's own knowledge, through the righteousness of all people. Debating the thoughts of the past and the present, and aspiring to the sages and sages."

The master of Defeng Gudao has been in charge of thousands of years of enlightenment and jade scriptures, which can stop those who hide.

And the person who hides is exactly——

"Zeguo Jiangshan enters the battle plan, how can the living people plan to enjoy Qiaosu; relying on Jun Mo's words to seal the marquis, one will succeed and all will die."

Ghost Qizhu came out from the darkness, facing Yu Lijing, Ghost Qizhu smiled slightly, "My son will only take the initiative to visit me at this time, it really makes my father feel jealous towards them! "

"With me here, you won't have the chance to hurt Shengru Zun and them!"

Yulijing didn't fluctuate in the slightest to the words of the ghost unicorn, and his voice was cold and majestic.

"Oh? Then you don't care about Jun Fengtian?"

The ghost unicorn lightly shook the Mori bone fan, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, with a confident smile on his face.


Yulijing's face darkened, because someone had raided the Blind Dao Forest in Qushan before, and the Confucian sect was divided into guards, and the ghost Qizhu was spying on the outside, and the holy Confucianism and Fengru went to help Yafu, so Yulijing did not come.

But now...

"It seems that you really don't know, so I will tell you good news as a father. That hateful Jun Fengtian has finally died. He died at the hands of the evil kings of the heavens, and there is no bones left! Hahaha..."

As he said that, the ghost unicorn couldn't help laughing out loud, very happy.

Jun Fengtian not only killed himself back then, but now he even snatched away his own son. For the ghost unicorn master, it was too late for him to die.

In this way, no one can compete with him for his son.


Shocked by these words, Yu Lijing froze, then shook his head suddenly, with a look of disbelief, "Impossible, Yafu's strength will never die."

Although Yulijing didn't want to believe it in his heart, his mood fluctuated after all, and he saw a flash of evil light in the eyes of Lord Guiqi, and his subordinates secretly performed magic tricks, and the invisible force began to affect Yulijing.

Although it is said that the blood has been washed by infusing the body with the Qi of the Emperor Fengtian, but it has only eliminated the hostility contained in the blood, and it is still difficult to guard against the ghost Qi Lord using the power of the blood.

"Don't you want to influence me again!"

The moment he realized something was wrong, Yu Lijing's body swelled with arrogance, suppressing the changes in his body, and at the same time shouted resolutely: "I will never let Yafu be ashamed again!"

"It's Jun Fengtian again!"

The ghost unicorn master showed anger, "He is dead, you should recognize the reality!"

"I believe that Yafu will be safe, Lord Guiqi, I will definitely expose your conspiracy in one day."

The famous front appeared in Yu Lijing's hand, with arrogance and sword energy soaring to the sky, completely suppressing the inexplicable restlessness, and at the same time, the sharp point pointed directly at the ghost unicorn.

"Huh? Do you still want to kill your father?"

Facing the sword edge of Yuli Jing, Gui Qizhu's face was gloomy, and then he laughed angrily, "That's fine, you are my son after all, with the blood of ghosts and ghosts, you should be so ruthless."

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, I will make you repent in Confucianism!"

Yu Lijing took a deep breath, and the atmosphere between the two became more and more tense.


Wars are about to start on all sides, and the Confucian sect also allocates strength to keep an eye on Qushan.

Because someone had sneaked into Qushan before, which made the Confucian sect dare not be careless.

Defense is always passive.

But now, I have to do it.

However, Qicheng, who had returned from the world of elves, did not return to Confucianism, but stood on the peak, looking coldly at the person below.

That person is Lang Ye Xing Dao Jun Shang.

He is also Qicheng's father-killing enemy.

Bu Junshang's revenge-seeking journey encounters a desolate city that also seeks revenge. What will be the outcome of the novel?
 Unexamined, cold and hungry in the middle of the night, sleep!
(End of this chapter)

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