Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 519 The Big Nephew's Counterattack

Chapter 519 The Big Nephew's Counterattack
In front of Jinwo Foshan, Buddha spirit and evil spirit are soaring.

Le Xunyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, but he avoided Liushenzi and picked Fawei King Kong.

This is a strange instinct that makes Le Xunyuan not want to confront this person.

Zonghengzi confronts the Eternal Tribulation Goddess, one of the Four Zen Heavens, and the three sects of Mianliu confront Guanyin of Jinyue
As for Dianbianjialuo, he did his part. To the son of the sixth god, no, it should be said to be the angry Buddha.

The nameless hostility is rampant, even the relics with Buddha nature in their bodies can't suppress the hostility born from the soul body, causing the anger to dominate the Buddha's body again.

The fiery red cassock fluttered in the wind, like the rising flames of anger, and the five Buddha crowns on his head made the angry Buddha look more majestic and domineering.

"Go, the law of light; walk, the road to salvation; all actions are impermanent, all leaks are suffering, all dharmas have no self, and Nirvana is silent."

As the last word fell, the Angry Buddha stepped on his feet, and the flames filled all directions, "Evil demons and monsters are not allowed under the palm of the Angry Buddha!"

With a flat push of the palm, it is like a king kong in the world, the majestic and fierce zhenqi condenses in the palm, urging mountains and cracking seas, with extraordinary prestige.

Facing the strong move, Dian Bianjia Luo pointed at the end of the evil blade in his hand. On the blade, strong evil energy gathered, "The wind blows, the evil blade blares, and life stops."

The two sides stopped talking, and now that they have decided, they will confront each other in an instant.

The flames of war first started between Mianbian Jialuo and Liu Shenzi.

The Xie Dao is as fast as a storm, gathering strength and speed, sweeping across the nine heavens and ten places.


With a shocking explosion, he resisted the evil knife with his angry palm, and the golden light shone all over his body, without hurting the slightest bit.

"What a powerful body protection magic skill!"

With one move to test, Jia Luo immediately understood the opponent's fundamental changes, "But, today, the Buddha blocked and killed the Buddha in my way!"

"Fuck Xie Yao·Gather Ghost Glow·End Dharma Destroy the World!"

As soon as he made a move, it was the most extreme killing move. The white bones and withered wings on the back of Dian Bian Jia Luo spread out, standing proudly in mid-air, and at the same time, the evil knife was erected in front of his chest, and he slashed across the evil front with his claws, and the evil energy rushed from all over the world .

At this moment, Jinwo Foshan, behind the people of the Buddhist sect, became even more restless, and traces of evil energy seeped out from the ground, increasing the evil power.

Facing the ultimate move of Bian Bian Jia Luo, Fu Fu let out a deep shout, and said in the same way, "Six Gods Jue Tathagata Break!"

With Liushenzi standing upright with one palm in front of his chest, the Buddha essence in his body poured out, and the golden Buddha yuan turned into a dark gold color, condensing behind Liushenzi with a mysterious and dangerous light, and finally turned into a huge Buddha statue sitting cross-legged.

The Buddha statue is dark gold in color, with a sense of evil, not like the Buddha who saves the world, but more like a demon who destroys the world.

"Tathagata broken!"

With a palm blast, the huge Buddha statue behind him also pushed forward with a palm.

At this moment, the whole world buzzed, as if the world was being pushed and pressed down with an unparalleled force.

Conflicts are extremely tricky, and the world turns pale in an instant, and the hundred miles are in turmoil.

The majestic impact swept across all directions, and even Liu Shenzi, who had transformed into an angry Buddha, had to take three steps back. Fortunately, his body protection skills were extraordinary, and his whole body was like a cast of gold, without any injuries.

On the other hand, although the evil power of Dian Bian Jia Luo is vast, the person flew upside down, spilling a handful of bright red in the air.

Strong and weak.


When Liushenzi and Mibian Jialuo are fighting, Le Xunyuan, who has improved again, also shows his might for the first time.

"Master, be careful!"

"Xuanhua·Qing Yutian Harvesting!"

Le Xunyuan twirled his arms, absorbing all the wind and cloud for hundreds of miles, and blasted out with one palm, which was unparalleled.

And his opponent is Fawei King Kong, one of the Four Zen Heavens in the West Huang Buddhist Realm, a figure similar to Fengtian, the first king of Haozheng Five Paths, who handles foreign affairs in the West Huang Buddhist Realm all the year round, and is very powerful.

"Buddha's ultimate thought!"

Fawei King Kong gave a deep shout, condensed the Buddha's essence to the extreme, and rushed out in the remaining moment.

Their palms faced each other, and their strength overflowed. The ground under their feet cracked open, but was submerged in yellow sand in an instant.

Immediately, the palms continued to attack again.

One of the two is fierce and the other is feminine.

Fa Wei King Kong is rampant, and Le Xun Yuan has mysterious moves, twirling and moving, and his lifting power is exquisite.

In addition, Le Xunyuan learned the clear knowledge of aura in the treasure book of profound veins, which gave him a deeper understanding of qi, not only improved his own skills, but also could detect all the movements of the enemy.

You can even know the degree of internal essence of each person to know the specific strength of the opponent. With Le Xunyuan's original foundation, you can absorb part of the opponent's attack for your own use, and you can also absorb the strength of the opponent's moves to weaken the opponent's attack.

This made Fawei King Kong frowned, always feeling that his strength could not be fully utilized, and he was always interrupted at critical moments, thus falling into a disadvantage.

Today's Le Xunyuan, first improved by the power of blood darkness, and then incorporated all this power into his own body to eliminate hidden dangers, and then learned auxiliary martial arts such as spiritual energy and awareness, which made him a qualitative improvement, which is enough for him. Comparable to the realm of legends.

"Heavenly Buddha leads the way!"

Facing Le Xunyuan's weakness that can always attack him, Fa Wei changed his Vajra palm posture, struck with vertical palm force, and the vast Buddha light led him down, as if he had a spirit, avoiding Le Xunyuan's strengths and focusing on his weaknesses.

With a sudden move, Le Xunyuan was surprised, and then sneered, "Master, you think Xunyuan is too weak."

As soon as the words fell, I saw Le Xunyuan and then absorbed the power of the wind and cloud. The distance was hundreds of miles away, and it was clear and cloudless for a while, "The sky is full of energy!"

One move absorbs all the wind and clouds, turns the mysterious into power, and shakes the world.

As soon as Bang Majesty took over the palm, Fawei King Kong backed up dozens of steps, his mouth overflowing with vermilion, while Le Xunyuan on the opposite side also took three steps back, and just now he lost his strength, and the blood at the corner of his mouth was wiped away without a trace.

Neither of them used their real killing move, so it was difficult to distinguish between them for a while.

On the other side, Zonghengzi seemed to erupt with mighty true energy, but he hadn't released his ultimate move, he just cooperated with the screaming in the night to entangle the goddess of eternal calamity. Obviously, it was impossible for Zonghengzi to go all out.

The three sects of Dianliu are also tightly entangled with Guanyin in Jinyue.

The victory or defeat rests with Dian Bian Jia Luo and Le Xun Yuan.

"It seems that this time I have to use the ultimate move!"

Le Xunyuan's eyes narrowed slightly, he, like Yuan Wuji, is a person who has nothing to gain, and this time, the only reason for his efforts this time is that the Babu people promised the benefit of impressing Le Xunyuan.

"After this success, Baqi Cthulhu will help me cleanse my bones and rebuild my peak. From now on, even if I meet Yuan Wuji, I will have no fear."

Thinking of this, Le Xunyuan decided not to keep it anymore, but to recruit again, "Heavenly style, smoke pours over ten thousand tides!"

Like clouds and water, it set off continuous waves and swept over.

"If you refuse to look back, you will bear the wrath of the Buddha!"

Fawei King Kong let out a low cry, the Buddha Yuan drums, and the sound of the Brahma around him spread widely, illuminating the ten directions, "The Great Brahman is endless, and all evils will be overcome!"

Immeasurable light erupted suddenly, and the majestic Buddha's light suppressed the evil spirit for a moment. Accompanied by Fawei Vajra's palm, it blasted out, like a spinning Buddha wheel, cutting through thousands of air waves in a row, pointing directly at Le Xunyuan.

"What a West Yellow Buddhist Realm, what a Fawei King Kong!"

Le Xunyuan took a few steps back. Although his face was surprised, he was not afraid. On the contrary, his heart was ruthless, and he used the extreme ultimate move with both palms. Do nothing, no way!"

The ultimate ultimate move of the Ming Qi Martial Art is blessed by the entire sky, transforming into infinite Qi swords, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth.

Boom boom boom!
The collision of the Buddha's light and the vast zhenqi shook the entire Buddhist boundary of West Huang, and the yellow sand exploded, covering the sky and the sun.

 I went out for a walk today to relax my mind, and I will come back in the afternoon!Going to cook...

(End of this chapter)

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