Chapter 520
Under the ground, countless monsters and insects attracted by the evil spirit of the dragon head exploded one after another.

Directly turned into gravel, buried in the earth forever.

With a forceful attack, the yellow sand within a radius of a hundred miles moved towards the four directions, centered on the two of them, as if they were dug out of thin air to a depth of several feet.

After a long time, the two people who were buried in the dust were revealed. At this time, both of them were wounded and their breath was weak.

At this moment, Le Xunyuan didn't do anything anymore, because he had already paid enough, if he fought again, it would be a desperate battle.

Le Xunyuan wanted the benefits of the evil god, but he would not go all out for him. He was selfish in the first place. Besides, he severely injured Fawei King Kong, one of the Four Zen Heavens in the Western Huang Buddhist Realm, no matter what the final outcome was, he would never be missing the benefits of.

On the other side, Liu Shenzi and Mian Bian Jia Luo also reached the moment of victory.

After the forceful move, each of them vomited blood, but this time, Mian Bian Jia Luo still did not retreat.

Because he was waiting for an opportunity.

"Eight Signs of Heaven · Killing!"

Dian Bianjia Luo's evil power is used again, and the evil blade is lifted up to the sky, one turns into eight, and kills Liushenzi from eight directions.


Liushenzi stepped back half a step, and the golden "卍" Buddha seal swirled under his feet. Immediately, Liushenzi's arms moved with the Buddha's seal, and instantly transformed into thousands of hands around his body, rushing or slanting, up or down, pinching With a fingerprint, all kinds of strange things.

"Tathagata Thousand Buddha's Hands!"

The six god sons made a strong move and moved again. The hands of the thousand Buddhas bombarded all directions, blocking the sharp sword shadows of the eight swords one by one.

At this moment, an undetectable soft sound sounded from behind Liushenzi and the others, and immediately, a shocking evil force burst out.

In an instant, the clear sky was shrouded in dark purple evil clouds.

At the same time, an earth-shattering dragon chant came from behind, shaking the entire land of Shenzhou.

The evil power is pervasive, strongly suppressing the Buddha's body, and enhancing the strength of Mibian Jialuo and others.


And swallowing beasts.

The black waterfall is still galloping, making a deafening sound.

At this moment, Buddha Flower bloomed.

"Bodhi arises without arousal, Buddhism seeks without seeking, wonderful deeds are practiced without practice, and true wisdom is practiced without doing."

The soothing sound came from outside the sky, and then Taoism and Buddha's light shone everywhere, sweeping away the gloomy ghost energy accumulated above Tunshou's evil mouth.

At the next moment, a Buddha dressed in a white and blue-rimmed monk's robe and the same blue and white hair ornament on his head turned from the sky and descended to the dust.

"Saint Heng!"

Qingsui Fozi, who had been secretly watching Yan Luo Ghost Prison's actions, stepped forward to salute.

"The ferryman."

Shi Zhi Jialan nodded slightly, kindly with majesty, pure and solemn.

"Shengheng, if there is no Shengheng in Jinwo Foshan, there will be no problem if you sit in the town?"

Qing Sui Fozi asked with a worried face, ghost prison is a hidden danger, and Baqi dragon head is also a hidden danger, which made Qing Sui Fozi unavoidably worried.

He was originally a traitor sent by the ghost prison to break into Buddhism, but he was able to sit on the Four Zen Heavens in the West Huang Buddhist Realm, which shows his outstanding acting skills.

Shi Zhijialan didn't doubt that he was there, and said calmly: "There are six god sons and Buddhist friends here, so those who cross don't need to worry."

"That's good." Qing followed the Buddha and recited the Buddha's name, and then the two Buddhas looked at the lake like stagnant water.

"Yan Luo Ghost Prison, since you want to divide the troops in the West Huang Buddhist Realm, and your goal has been achieved, then show your cards!"

Although Shi Zhijialan's words were soothing, they contained supreme majesty.

At this moment, dead silence and white ash drifted away, and the surrounding vegetation was immediately rotted and turned into ashes.

Then, a woman in a black gauze skirt appeared, who was the goddess of death.

In addition, she was accompanied by a group of ghost soldiers.

However, Shi Zhijialan didn't look at them, but looked behind the goddess of death and silence.

"Shengheng in the West Huang Buddhist Realm is really good."

Following the sound of an indifferent voice, a red-robed figure walked out of the dense forest behind Si Jinsheng.

At this time, Mr. Xi didn't even cover up, and directly exposed his 'true' identity.

But there was also a smoldering look in his eyes, even if he suppressed it, it still made him unknowingly boil with murderous intent.

"I don't think your Excellency is a member of the ghost clan, so why do you want to support the ghost clan?"

Shi Zhijialan first chanted a Buddha's name, and then he took a deep look at Mr. Xi, "I'm full of hostility, it seems that you are in good health!"

"Ha! No, I'm fine!"

Mr. Xi sneered, hostility will affect his consciousness, but it will not affect his strength. To suppress the murderous intent in his heart, Mr. Xi continued: "As for the partiality in the mouth of Shengheng, I don't agree with it. The Buddha said that all living beings are equal, so why is it necessary to focus on ghost prisons alone, and not be tolerant in the form of lending?"

"The ghost prison is a disaster for the poor. If it is left unchecked, the common people will suffer catastrophe. Shizhi Jialan will stop it."

Shi Zhi Jialan said solemnly that the ghost prison was a disaster at the beginning, and it was the sword clan who paid the price of almost exterminating the clan to suppress it. Shi Zhijialan hummed clearly the ambition of the ghost prison.

Regarding Shi Zhijialan's words, Mr. Xi shook his head, "The people in the ghost prison are also part of the sentient beings. The Buddha said that if we must tolerate, then we should tolerate the ghost clan with great love, so as to stop fighting instead of blindly fighting. "

"Guyue, do you think I'm right?"

Mr. Xi looked at the Goddess of Silence beside him, but the only response to him was a cold snort, obviously scoffing at his words.

Young Master Xi didn't take it seriously, he didn't want to be controlled by hostility and fuel it, so he didn't want to use force at this moment, instead he started a debate with Shi Zhijialan.

On the other side, as the evil energy surged up, the huge Buddha statue was infected by the evil force, and cracks appeared. Cooperating with the surrounding evil energy, it became even more eerie and strange.

Obviously, with the release of the previous dragon head, the remaining dragon capitals gradually awakened and became stronger and stronger, and the Xihuang Dragon Head was about to be unsealed.

"Not good!"

Liushenzi turned around suddenly, seeing this scene, his face was full of shock and anger, "Shengheng entrusted this place to me, and I will never let him down!"

Originally, with Nufo's character, he would always only fight, not defend, but since he agreed to Shi Zhijialan, he could only suppress the fighting spirit in his heart and guard this place for him.

"I will never let you out today, let's stop here!"

There was a flash of fire in Liushenzi's eyes, and his words were sonorous.

At this moment, the evil power of the dragon head surged, breaking through part of the seal, but obviously not enough to break the seal. I saw that the Buddha Yuan in Liushenzi's body was transported again, reappearing the unique style, "The palm of the Tathagata, the first appearance of the Buddha's light!"

Accompanied by a loud shout, a Buddha wheel appeared behind Liushenzi's head, and a golden light burst out into the Buddha wheel. He wanted to clear away the evil haze and suppress the dragon's head.

However, Liushenzi concentrated on targeting the dragon head, while Mian Jialuo behind him sneered, the Wind Clan's lore sword was already ready to go, "Dian Dao Liu!"

Xie Yi quickly and fiercely pointed at the back of Liushenzi's vest, and the fate of the one who killed the Buddha.

At this moment, a sharp sword energy came from outside the sky.

Then I heard the voice of the poem again, "Hanging the Longquan sword on the waist, carrying the cold jade piano on the back, experiencing the autumn rains in the world, and carrying a paper quilt with me."

When the cold wind blows, you can see the yellow sand everywhere, a dashing and unrestrained figure dressed in a desert, holding Hu Xian, and at the same time, there is a sad piano sound coming from Hu Xian in his hand.

"It's you again."

Gusu returned his sword and stepped forward, and behind him were Xi Xueyi and Young Master Xiaona who came together.

During the journey, most of Ling Xiue's injuries had recovered.

As soon as I entered the Buddhist boundary of Xihuang, I saw the evil riots here, so I came here directly.

With the arrival of Gusu Huanjian, Xi Xueyi and others, temporarily blocking the edge of the evil spirits, also bought time for Liushenzi to suppress the dragon head of the evil god.

The ten-thousand-foot Buddha's light rose from the ground, pierced the evil clouds on the sky for a moment, and condensed a huge "卍" character in the air. The Buddha's light purified the evil energy for hundreds of miles in Fangyuan, and then fiercely printed on the Foshan that was about to collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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