Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 521 Returning to Childhood [add 22 for Q reading 'Clouds']

Chapter 521 Returning to Childhood [add 22 for Q reading 'Clouds']

Amidst the silent roar, the reclining Buddha, which was infected by the evil spirit, recovered again, and the repaired cracks were also filled in the Buddha's light, and the evil spirit rising from the ground was sealed again, preventing it from rushing out.

However, the evil force was still impacting the seal all the time, and the Buddha's light dimmed at a slow speed.

"The plan has been completed, let's go!"

Although he couldn't kill the dragon's head once, let alone kill the son of the six gods, Mianbian Jialuo was not angry, sneered, and disappeared with everyone.

Because with the return of the evil god, the Xihuang Buddha and the Liushenzi are nothing more than chickens and dogs.

"Monk, are you all right?"

Gusu Huanjian was as indifferent as ever, and shouted directly at Liushenzi and Fawei King Kong.

It wasn't the first time they met, but they were familiar with each other. They greeted each other, and then looked at Jinwo Foshan.

After repelling the eight tribes, there was no joy on his face, but even more dignified.

"Hey, the seal has been broken. Even if it is temporarily sealed with the Buddha seal, it will not be able to be suppressed for up to ten days. At that time, the dragon head will definitely break away from the seal and return to Baqi."

The Eternal Tribulation Goddess stepped forward and suddenly sighed.

The eyes of Liushenzi who turned into an angry Buddha flickered, and the golden relic in his body swirled, suppressing the hostility in his heart, but he was still full of fire when he spoke, "The seal is only temporary, and the best policy is to destroy the dragon head as soon as possible. It's a pity that you won't let it go!" I'll give it a try."

Liu Shenzi snorted, obviously dissatisfied with Xihuang Buddha's blocking.

But he is a man of faith, since he promised Shi Zhijialan, he will do it.

"If there is no way to completely destroy the dragon head, it will be a day if it can be delayed."

Jinyue Guanyin also came forward slowly, shaking his head and saying.

And the left Bianjialuo and others also achieved their goal and walked directly towards the Three Realms Pagoda.

"It seems that Dian Bian Jia Luo has been prepared for a long time, and once again aroused the power of the dragon head, breaking through part of the seal."

Along the way, Zonghengzi also understood the plan of the eight tribes, "I think this is another plan by the sky master. Now, the dragon head of the West Yellow Buddhist Realm doesn't need to be ignored. We just need to wait for the time to come. .”

After thinking about this clearly, Zonghengzi has already started planning how to explain the reason for his paddling after returning.

In Jinwo Foshan, the war ended.

Apart from swallowing beasts.

Shi Zhijialan also noticed the changes in Jinwo Foshan.

Now that the matter over there is over, Shi Zhijialan will not stay any longer.

"If the ghost prison can really be good-hearted, the West Yellow Buddhist Realm will not stop it. If it still wants to invade the miserable environment and bring disasters to the common people, the West Yellow Buddhist Realm will definitely block the door of the Ghost Prison, and will not give up an inch of ground."

Leaving decisive words, Shi Zhijialan and Qingsui Buddha also left.

After a while, the Goddess of Death and Silence suddenly looked at Mr. Xi, and said coldly, "What are you planning?"

Apparently, the Goddess of Death and Silence was deeply dissatisfied that Mr. Xi did not take action against the people in the West Yellow Buddhist Realm.

"Do you believe me when I say that I want to use love to influence the Empress?"

Mr. Xi suddenly let out a strange laugh, left a sentence of unknown meaning, and then disappeared, because if he didn't suppress it wholeheartedly, the hostility in the soul would explode.


At this moment, in a grove dozens of miles away from Hell's Impermanence Sky.

Two unconscious figures lay in the grass.

But in the dark, three pairs of cold eyes have been watching for a long time.

"Heart demon, are you really not going to do it?"

A flame-like fire demon suddenly spoke, and his words were full of eagerness to try.

The heart demon in black robe sneered, "If you want to test his strength, you can go there."

At this moment, a fierce tiger suddenly appeared, and then rushed towards the two people who were in a coma, but before they got close to ten feet, they didn't even make a sound, and were directly annihilated by the invisible sword energy. There was no hair left, as if the world had evaporated.

"too horrible!"

The ice demon couldn't help shivering. Although they were quite powerful, far from being comparable to wild beasts, they didn't have the confidence to approach the unconscious two.

"We have no enmity with him, there is no need to provoke disputes, maybe we will need to cooperate with him in the future."

The demon spoke again, obviously thinking otherwise.

Attaching to the strong is a matter of course, not to mention, they are demons, so they are naturally willing to follow the strong.

And Yuan Wuji is the strong one they recognize.

After the three demons left, after an unknown amount of time, one of the two unconscious people in the woods suddenly moved its fingers.

Yuan Wuji slowly opened his eyes, feeling a sharp pain in his mind, but his soul was not damaged, but it was filled with a lot of content, all about the use of the 'Thunder of the Gods' and various secret techniques in the Profound Vein Treasure Book.

"Nine Heavens Xuanzun."

Yuan Wuji murmured, with a complex expression on his face, "I never thought he would pass on all these to me."

Thinking about it, Yuan Wuji shook his head again, "I can't be moved by him, this must be his conspiracy to make me relax my vigilance, hum, Xuanzun Jiutian, you can't fool me."

As Yuan Wuji raised his hand, he was stunned.


"Where's my hand?"

Yuan Wuji flicked his sleeves, the sleeves were slightly longer than his hands, and his hands were still stuck in the sleeves.

Immediately afterwards, Yuan Wuji jumped up, his trousers and gorgeous robe looked extremely bulky.

As Yuan Wuji raised his hand, there was an extra mirror in front of him.

And he finally saw what he looked like now.

At the age of fourteen or fifteen, his face is round and delicate, and looks younger than Yu Xiao and Yuan Zheng.

In an instant, Yuan Wuji understood.

"Go to Uncle Ni's Nine Heavens Xuanzun, cheat me?"


The Immortal Forbidden Technique can bring a person back to childhood, and even affect the primordial spirit, even the memory back to childhood.

It's just that Yuan Wuji's soul body is divided into seven parts, so memory loss will not be lost, but the physical body cannot be avoided.

This is also because the forbidden move of "returning to a child" will not put people's lives in danger, otherwise even if Yuan Wuji is unconscious, if he senses danger, it will stimulate Yuan Wuji to wake up or the true energy in his body will circulate by itself, killing him. The enemy of crime.

Just like the previous wild beast attack, or the worries of Heart Demon and others.

The only fortunate thing is that he has already been reborn, so the current appearance is based on the degenerated childhood after the rebirth.

Red lips and white teeth, round face.

It's quite cute.

Yuan Wuji was full of anger and embarrassment at the moment, he was ambitious and ready to become a god Yuan Wuji, the father of many children.

Now, it turned out to be as old as his two sons, and even looked smaller.

How is this acceptable.

Yuan Wuji thought of the scene when Yi Qixing, Zaoxue, and Qiushui were brothers and sisters, and finally understood the embarrassment in Yi Qixing's heart.

Fortunately, his memory is still there, and he will not go to call his son a brother, otherwise...

At this time, Yuan Wuji looked to the side, his pupils couldn't help shrinking, and the lady Jie at the side also disappeared, replaced by a charming young girl, and with the shaking of the girl's eyelids, it was obvious that she was about to wake up.

[2 rewards for reading 'Yunduo' for Q; end]

 The third watch is over.

(End of this chapter)

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