Chapter 523

Bu Junshang was extremely sensitive to murderous intentions, and immediately turned around, "It seems that we have enmity?"

Although it is doubtful, the words are full of affirmation.

Qicheng remained silent, but the murderous intent became more and more intense.

And the murderous aura on Bu Junshang's body was equally chilling.

At the moment when the atmosphere was tense, there was a flash of sword light behind Qicheng, the space was torn apart in an instant, and a strand of black hair was cut off on one side of Bu Junshang's body.

The cold air made people's scalp numb, but it also aroused Bu Junshang's fighting spirit.

"Aren't you going to tell me?"

The infantry soldier Shang Hengdao was in his hand, and the aura of masculinity lingered all over his body, his eyes were like wolves, like a beast that would choose someone to devour.

Qi Cheng didn't say a word, just put his hand on the hilt of his sword, and killed indifferently.

In an instant, both of them disappeared in the same place, and when they reappeared, their figures had changed several times, and they were almost ruthless.

As soon as the sharpness appeared, the surrounding area was instantly affected, and it was a mess.

"very good!"

Bu Junshang was agitated in his heart, his blood was boiling hot, and he instantly raised his murderous spirit, "Howl of wolves, proud of the sky."

The brilliant sword shattered the sky and arrived in an instant.

As soon as Qi Cheng stepped on his footsteps, he burst out with energy, and instantly the saber energy attacked his body and disappeared into nothingness.


Bu Junshang's eyes flashed coldly, and his figure flew up again, the wolf knife slashed quickly, the knife was ruthless, showing the intention of killing.

The defeat by Yuan Wuji made Bu Junshang full of resentment and anger, but now that he was blocked by a man in white, the murderous thought suddenly arose in his heart, and a trace of blood red flashed in his eyes from time to time.

Obviously, the attack of evil spirit made it easier for Bu Junshang to go berserk.

In the battle between the two, one knife and one sword show their respective foundations and the agility to face the enemy.

In this battle, the situation changed until the situation changed, and both sides suffered losses.

Sword wounds and sword marks intertwined on each other's bodies, and blood stained their respective robes, but neither of them backed down.

One is to seek revenge, and the other is to vent the anger in his chest.

The flames of hatred and anger intertwined between the two, and the battle became more violent and fierce.

The mighty sword light and the extremely sharp sword energy interweave the most exciting decisive decision.

"Why didn't your knife come out?"

After the forceful move, each retreated, Bu Junshang held the wolf knife again, glanced coldly at the knife behind Qicheng, and questioned in a cold voice.


With a cold snort, it was disdain or sarcasm, and Qi Cheng pressed his fingers on the blade of the sword, and suddenly a powerful force erupted from it.

It is the supreme unique knowledge of Confucianism-the journey of the emperor!
The majestic coercion swept across, trees smashed and stones flew.

Not to be outdone, the infantry soldier held the wolf knife horizontally, and the knife energy was self-generated, "Wolf howling · invincible in all directions!"

Accompanied by a low shout, the infantry soldier Shang charged forward with the wolf knife upside down, showing his bravery and invincibility.


Accompanied by a shocking explosion, Bu Junshang's shoulders immediately sprayed a burst of bright red, and the person flew out, but immediately after, Bu Junshang turned around and stood still, and a bloodthirsty red glow suddenly burst out from the Langye Xingdao in his hand, The terrifying evil spirit impacted the universe.

As a result, Bu Junshang's eyes shone red, like a demon.

The next moment, a low howling sound that didn't sound like a human roared out, and Bu Junshang came to kill him again. The sword's momentum was a few points more fierce than before, and its power also increased.

Qicheng didn't know why, so they used defense instead of attack, and the two fell into a entanglement again.


On the other side, Mu Lingfeng had already helped Ji Xuangu temporarily suppress his injury, and the pain in his mind disappeared with the awakening of Yuan Wuji himself.


Ji Xuangu frowned tightly. During the previous stabbing pain, many familiar and unfamiliar images were born in his mind.

He couldn't see people clearly, couldn't hear voices clearly, as if everything was covered by a fog, blocking his chance to spy on the truth.

However, these images always give him an inexplicable familiarity and a palpitation that he does not want to recall.

"Xuan Gu? Did you remember something?"

Mu Lingfeng held Ji Xuangu's hand tightly, and asked nervously and curiously.

She knew that Jixuangu had lost a piece of memory, and she also found that Jixuangu's soul and body were not missing when she explored the sea of ​​knowledge with magic.


Ji Xuangu suddenly came back to his senses, nodded first, but then shook his head, he had nothing to hide from Mu Lingfeng, "There are some strange pictures in my mind, but these things I don't know. It seems to have been experienced, but these pictures are shrouded in a layer of invisible fog, making it impossible for me to see the truth."

"That's it!"

Mu Lingfeng looked pensive, and said after a while: "It's okay, this is a good thing, it shows that you are one step closer to recovering your lost memories."

Following the two of them, they headed towards Confucianism Gate.

The tense atmosphere between Yulijing and Ghost Qizhu in the dense forest gradually dissipated.

"My son, I will give you the time to confirm the news of Jun Fengtian's death, and I will also give you the time to return. Sooner or later, you will make the most correct choice."

The ghost unicorn shook the Senluo white bone fan in his hand, let out a strange laugh, his figure slowly retreated, and soon disappeared into a cloud of black mist.

Yu Lijing looked at the direction where the ghost unicorn master disappeared, his eyes flickered a few times, and then he snorted softly, "First ask the venerable sage to ask about Yafu's condition."

The words of Lord Guiqi made Yu Lijing a little flustered, but he didn't believe that Yafu would fall like this. In his eyes, Yafu was the strongest.

As long as Yafu is around, he will always be the strongest and tallest wall in front of him, which can resist any wind and rain erosion.


"Second Senior Brother's aura has disappeared!"

Inside Yunhai Xianmen, Yun Huizi waited anxiously, and an inexplicable throbbing suddenly appeared in his heart.

This made Yun Huizi even more restless.

And Zuoxue and Qiushui who were behind him were also anxious and flustered.

"It would be great if Yu Xiao was here. With his character, Yun Zun will definitely relax a lot."

Qiu Shui sighed, during the days when Yu Xiao was away, Xianmen was much deserted again, which made Zuoxue and Qiu Shui can't help but miss a guy who had already been intoxicated in tenderness, forgot about two little friends, and valued sex over friends.

And in the respective guardian places of the two saints.

The ravings in Linfeng Xuanji's ears became more and more serious, and she had already started to lose her mind from time to time. The day when Xie Ran was brought under control was not far away.

In addition, in the Crystal Palace of Queyuntai.

The ice coffin opened silently.

A figure who had been silent for an unknown number of years suddenly opened his eyes.

Confused and curious intertwined in his eyes.


On the other side, Yuan Zheng had already boarded a boat full of doubts and headed towards the direction of Shiliu Island.

"Why did the evil god call me back at this time?"

Yuan Zheng frowned, not knowing why, but there was a bad feeling in his heart.

After a long time, a puppet appeared in Yuan Zheng's hand, and his expression softened unconsciously.

"Father gave this object to me before he left, saying that this object would be the key to breaking away from the evil god's control. Could it be that he had already expected that I would be in danger when I return this time?"

Yuan Zheng murmured to himself, and then his eyes became firm, "Father has a clever plan, it seems that everything is in father's plan."

"Father, don't worry, Zheng'er will never let you down."

Just as Yuan Zheng was gradually approaching Shiliu Island.

Shocking changes also took place on Sheliu Island.

King Ming of the evil prison came out, Qiushan Xiaoying and the others were immediately defeated, and Gongsunyue and Die Xiaoyue, two people with the blood of the daughter of Shengmiao, were also captured, and a blood sacrifice to help the evil god unseal was about to be held.

 Today only guarantee 2 is updated, go to bed early, get up early tomorrow to continue to solve the water problem, otherwise the water will be cut off, and the mineral water is too cold, I have a little stomachache, crying... Finally, thanks to fellow Taoists such as 'Yiqixing's little fox' reward!
(End of this chapter)

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