Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 524 Taboo Black Butterfly

Chapter 524 Taboo Black Butterfly
On Shiliu Island, inside the shrine, there used to be a place for praying and dancing, but now there are two more iron pillars, Gongsunyue, Die Xiaoyue, mother and daughter are tied to it, unable to move.

In front, the pillar of blood soared into the sky, reflecting the entire shrine in a blood-red color, like a boundless blood prison.

With the progress of the blood sacrifice and the passage of time, the evil god that swept the world in the past is about to return to the world.

But there is one person, for my beloved, who will stand up even if death is in front of me.

"The bad guy has the courage of the bad guy, the rules have the regular eyebrows, the killer has the angle of the killer, and the game has the charm of the game."

The butterfly knife appeared, like a pool of clear water piercing through the blood curtain and descending.

"Mr Yinchuan Butterfly!"

King Xie Prison Ming, who was dressed in a dark blood battle robe, turned around slowly, looked at the person coming, and said a few words coldly, "Your choice is too unwise."

"Dare to hurt Ah Yuezai, Butterfly will make you regret it." Mr. Butterfly's saber aura spontaneously caused the earth to crack.

"Really? Uh ha ha ha..."

Hearing these words, King Ming of Xie Prison burst out laughing suddenly, the laughter was full of disdain, and at the same time, the ferocious demonic power permeated all directions, frightening Fang Yuan for hundreds of miles, and the domineering poem also resounded for nine days, "The blood of Xie Prison sinks into three thousand souls, regardless of Good and evil; King Ming annihilates the nine realms in anger, and looks at the Buddha and demons."

As soon as the words fell, the blood in the hands of King Ming of Xie Prison was filled with blood, and then it turned into a hideous blood knife.

In an instant, Mr. Butterfly's quick knife has arrived.

This is the third time the two have fought against each other, they have already been familiar with each other's foundation and martial arts, and they will leave no room for attack.


Accompanied by the roar of a blow, Mister Butterfly took three steps back, bleeding from his palm.

"The blood sacrifice is still going on, your blocking is just delaying my time, but it doesn't matter, this time won't be too long."

While speaking, the two swords crossed each other, each with bright red.

Seeing the life of my beloved Yue and my dearest relative Yue passing away bit by bit, Mr. Butterfly burst into anger and vowed to turn the tide.

Accompanied by Shen Drinking, Mr. Butterfly glared, "I will never let you take them away."

"Butterfly Slashing Flames!"

With a powerful slash, the void burst into flames, as if it was about to burn through the sky.

"Thousands of souls in the evil prison cry!"

The magic sword of the Ming King of the evil prison is in the same luck, and the mournful cry seems to come from under the hell, shaking the soul.

Two knives clashed, restrained each other, fists fought with fists, punches to the flesh, and the vigorous vigor pierced through the body, which shocked the king of evil prison Ming, "He who has just passed through the test of death, he can still do this?"

"It seems that this seat underestimated you, come again!"

King Ming of the evil prison forced his move again, and his aura became more and more violent, "Ming Wang suppresses the prison!"

The power of a single knife seems to be able to overwhelm the Nine Realms, making people unable to lift their heads.

"Butterfly Shadow Knife Flow." Faced with strong moves, Mr. Butterfly also made frequent killings. Under the blade, thousands of red butterflies rushed like a torrent, covering the sky and covering the earth.

The forceful move struck again, Mr. Butterfly staggered back a few steps, his mouth vomited red, his fair and handsome face was stained red with blood, like a ghost, but his eyes became firmer and more eager.

Maha Prajna in the hands of King Xie Prison Ming on the opposite side was also picked up and fell to the ground.

However, as the blood sacrifice lasted longer, the young Die Xiaoyue was completely unconscious, her face was as pale as paper, and she was in danger.

Even Gongsun Yue was also unconscious at the moment.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Mister Butterfly stared wide-eyed, accompanied by a hoarse roar, suddenly, a black air erupted from his body.

A long time ago, the black butterfly was a legend spread in the Northern Territory, representing the nightmare from death.

Today, this nightmare reappears on Sheliu Island thousands of miles away.

Bloody lightning descended suddenly, and a deadly terror enveloped the entire Shiliu Island.

"Compared to losing you all, I would rather sink into the nightmare again!"

Mr. Butterfly roared to the sky, his blood-stained white hair danced wildly in the wind, his clear eyes and various emotions were swallowed by a black mist at this moment.

I used to close the knife for love, but now I kill for love.

After endless years, Mister Butterfly once again liberated the forbidden power in his body.

In an instant, Mr. Butterfly was wrapped in black mist. After the black mist dissipated again, the forbidden Black Butterfly reappeared.

The terrifying breath lingering around him exudes the trembling that distorts life,
Mr. Butterfly in a scarlet robe is no longer there, replaced by Mr. Butterfly wearing a pitch-black battle robe, with black hair fluttering in the wind, and no emotion in his eyes.

The same face and different clothes also symbolize completely different strength and ruthlessness.


Xie Prison King Ming's face darkened, his eyes were serious, and he stretched out his palm to suck it in. The blood-red air rushed up, and the Maha Prajna that fell to the ground was also taken into his palm again.

"Now he is completely different from just now."

Xie Prison King Ming was already on the alert, and the terrifying aura was completely different from the weirdness, which made him dare not relax.

"'s Black Butterfly!"

The drowsy Gongsun Yue was stimulated by the sudden breath, as if recalling a past full of killings, her expression could not help but change.

"No matter what tricks, I can kill you again!"

The King of Xie Prison Ming let out a roar, and lifted the knife like a Buddha and a demon again, and the violent sword moves poured out in an instant.

At this moment, Mr. Butterfly is silent.

People are silent, and knives are silent.

There is only the dead silence of killing, and the growing murderous aura.

The two swords were released at the same time, the swords swirled like butterflies, with a poignant beauty, the tyrannical sword move of King Xie Prison Ming was broken in an instant, and two scarlet streaks were added to his body.

At this moment, King Xie Prison Ming also noticed a clue.

"He has lost his mind, but every step, every knife, is like a killing machine, trying to kill me with every move."

While thinking to himself, King Qiangyun of Xie Prison Ming had learned all his life and tried his best to defend, but the speed was not as fast as a flash of a knife, which made him feel powerless. As he retreated, his shoulder sprayed bright red again.

"Am I - going to die?"

At this moment, King Xie Prison Ming was no longer aggressive, and felt that death was so close to him for the first time, a fear emerged in his heart.

It was just a moment of breathing, but when he saw the black butterfly slashing again, the King of Xie Prison Ming was injured again and retreated, his figure was already staggering.

And in the distance, the sky master, who was incarnate as Mo Zhaonu, bowed down and begged for orders, "The king of the evil prison Ming is about to lose, evil god, will you release that person?"

In fact, Yutianzhe has always been on Shiliu Island, and everything in Shenzhou is just completed by him using the power of evil gods to project all directions.

After all, helping the evil god return as soon as possible is the real big deal compared to the things in China.


There was a murmur in the dark void, and it was only after a while that he said, "He is my trump card against another person, and he should not be played lightly, but Xie Shao Fengdu has returned."

"Fengdu is evil?"

Yu Tianzhe's eyes moved slightly, and there was a slight hesitation in his expression, "This son Yuan Zheng has always obeyed the orders of the evil god, and he has a close relationship with Mr. Butterfly's family, I'm afraid..."

"Uh hahaha..."

Facing the concerns of Yutian Zhe, there was only a burst of inexplicable laughter in the void, and then he heard the indifferent voice of the evil god, "When the time comes, I can't let him go!"

Yutian Zhe was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, and said respectfully: "It seems that everything is under the control of the evil god."

And at this time.

Yuan Zheng, as they were talking about, had also stepped into the land of Shiliu Island and rushed towards the shrine.

At this moment, he didn't know that Die Xiaoyue was dying.

I don't even know what I'm about to face.

 There is no keyboard suitable for trying to add code words in the physical store. I came back and re-upgraded various drivers, and then successfully enabled the Bluetooth function of the keyboard. I finally got rid of Chapter 1. I will continue to write Chapter 2, but there are still some other things in the past few days. Things, I have to go to the hospital, the update may not be very effective, I will continue to add updates after I am busy!

(End of this chapter)

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