Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 525 Yuan Zheng's end

Chapter 525 Yuan Zheng's end

The black butterfly shadow, with a knife as its wings, dances with blood.

The moment the two swords intersected, the butterfly knife had already pierced into the body of King Ming of the Xie Prison.

Xie Prison Ming Wang forcibly used his energy to force back the coldly killed Heichou, but blood had already spurted out along the wound.

"I must, I must kill him, otherwise there is no guarantee that he will not destroy the ceremony!"

Even at such a point, Xie Prison King Ming felt that death was approaching in his heart, but he still did not take half a step back, stubbornly standing in front of the altar.

As the most loyal person under the command of Yaqi Cthulhu, he was promoted to the position of Babu Clan from a little demon at the end of Dongying Baiyaojuan, not by strength, but because of his love for Baqi Cthulhu, or more accurately It is said that it is greedy loyalty.

Therefore, even if he died the next moment, he would not take half a step back.

"If you die, I will drag you to hell!"

King Ming of Xie Prison suddenly let out an angry shout, King Ming of Xie Prison released the evil power from his whole body.

Holding the blood-red Maha Prajna high in his hand, in an instant, the majestic dark blood evil power escaped from the body, "Die——Mr. Butterfly!"

The unreserved two swords, the most extreme battle, the two sides have given up life and death, and will not rest until death.

"Liberate the evil power. If you reach this step, you will be doomed to death. Lord Ming of the evil prison, your loyalty to the evil god is really moving."

On the peak, the Sky Royale watched the development of the battle with cold eyes.

For the desperation of King Xie Prison Ming, he couldn't help admiring him.

Injuries kept changing, and gradually approached the limit of death, but the butterfly shadow dance did not stop, and Ming Wang's evil power was almost wiped out.

"Time is running out, end it all!"

At this moment, the evil power sublimated to the extreme, and the evil energy poured out from the body of King Ming Ming of Xie Prison without reservation. The majestic blood energy was compressed, and a dense blood-colored current condensed around his body, and finally it was the last blow. !"

Facing the most extreme killing move, Mr. Butterfly stands still, with a knife behind his back, and a knife raised sideways. With his eyelids drooping, thirteen black butterflies dance wildly around him, which is an endless knife of death.


As soon as the word "kill" came out indifferently, Mister Butterfly jumped lightly, and then heard a clang, the king of evil prison Ming——dead!

However, the death of King Xie Prison Ming was just the beginning.

Just when Mr. Butterfly slashed at the blood column, suddenly, a majestic palm force struck, and the knife energy shattered immediately, but the blood sacrifice remained the same.

At this time, Yuan Zheng finally arrived.

In other words, there are few evils in Fengdu.

At some point, his eyes were enveloped by evil spirits as he approached the shrine, facing Mister Butterfly, Gongsunyue and Sister Xiaoyue, as if he had never known each other.

His situation is very similar to that of Mr. Butterfly who turned into a black butterfly, except that Mr. Butterfly uses the forbidden power in his body, while Yuan Zheng is mainly the source of evil in his body.

This is a trick specially set by the evil god Baqi on Yuan Zheng.

"I originally wanted to see you father and son fighting each other, but now I have to use the hands of Mr. Butterfly to complete it. He will win me the most critical time for the blood sacrifice. If he dies at the hands of Mr. Butterfly, it will also kill two birds with one stone for me."

The indifferent voice of the evil god Baqi sounded, and won the respect and admiration of the sky master, "The evil god really has no plans."

The evil came back, turning Yuan Zheng into a puppet sooner or later, attacking frantically with a powerful palm regardless of his own danger.

But the black butterfly on the opposite side didn't go berserk, only silent and cold killing, with deadly moves.

The last clarity and will in the mind is to save one's true love and relatives.

And whoever stands in front of this road is an enemy, or a dead person!
Butterfly chopping, butterfly knife, long and short swords in parallel.

Yuan Zheng, who has been demonized, has become even more weird and difficult with his martial arts.

At this moment, Die Xiaoyue, who was in a coma, woke up a little bit, and vaguely saw two figures struggling to fight.



The soft call and the weak voice made the two people who were in the state of mad killing freeze at the same time.

At this time, the evil spirit in Yuan Zheng's eyes trembled violently.

A suppressed consciousness awakened again.

"Xiaoyue, I can't let this sink in... I want to save Xiaoyue, not harm her..."

The roar reverberated in the heart and mind, but the source of the evil had already merged with the body, once it erupted, it was no weaker than Master Ming.

At this moment, Yuan Zheng's consciousness was like a worm in the net. Although he tried his best to shake the giant net, he couldn't shake the net that was getting tighter and tighter around his body.

And a big ferocious mouth is getting closer and closer, until it is swallowed, it will sink into endless darkness forever.

At this moment, Yuan Zheng suddenly thought of the gift from his father when he left the world of elves, and the words full of deep meaning, "Zhenger, when you feel powerless to change, change the direction and angle. Death may not be the end." , it may also be rebirth, and it is something that can free you from all shackles."

"Stand-in puppet."

Yuan Zheng murmured, thinking of the magical effect of this thing.

After I die, it can transfer all my injuries and all hidden dangers in my body, including evil spirits and curses, to the puppet, making me feel like a newborn, no longer under anyone's control.

"It turned out that my father had already noticed the hidden dangers in my body, so he told me this before leaving, and gave me this hole card."

Yuan Zheng murmured, clenched his fists suddenly, and said solemnly: "Father, Zheng'er will never let you down."

Yuan Zheng opened his eyes again, his evil look remained the same, but when Mr. Butterfly slashed down with the sharp knife again, while his body was spinning, he took a wrong step, as if deliberately killing his life, his neck met the blade.


Die Xiaoyue, who was weak, saw the scene in front of her in astonishment, and then let out a mournful roar.

Unfortunately, with the flow of blood, her voice is already inaudible.

The cruel scene played out before her eyes, impacting Die Xiaoyue's heart, and finally made the already exhausted Die Xiaoyue pass out.

"Little Moon."

Gongsunyue also saw the abnormal state of Die Xiaoyue, but at the moment, she could only see love and affection, wishing to hug her daughter tightly in her arms.

After killing Yuan Zheng, Mr. Butterfly's knife paused slightly, and then chopped the blood column with one knife, and the blood sacrifice stopped.

And Mr. Butterfly, who turned into a black butterfly, turned into a black shadow and disappeared into the dense forest after the last obsession was completed.

Soon after, Jian Suifeng, Qiushan Xiaoying and others finally broke through the obstacles and rushed to the shrine, saving the weak Gongsunyue and the unconscious Die Xiaoyue.

On the other side, an angry roar suddenly came from under the ground.

But then it broke into laughter.

"All the dragon heads are about to return, and the seal is also broken. Even if the blood sacrifice cannot be completed, my return is only a few days earlier or a few days later."

"Now, Master Fengdu died at the hands of Mr. Butterfly. I really want to know what the person who interests me will do."

Baqi Cthulhu said loudly, his words were full of playfulness and curiosity, but he didn't know which soul was the leader at this moment.

Eight huge dragon heads swayed in the ground, like a group of demons dancing wildly, evil and terrifying.

And within one of the dragon heads, the consciousness of the two confrontations gradually subsided.

"I didn't expect that it would be you who would influence my judgment."

Tianhuizong, one of the Baqi evil spirits, spoke in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Even if the soul body is eight points, it is not the real soul of calamity, but it is the soul of near god after all. When Yuan Wuji was knocked into a coma by the celestial gate, the sudden appearance of hostility finally made Tian Huizong get rid of his slumber.

Although he just recovered, Tian Huizong was not angry, and he did not announce the matter. Instead, he was full of curiosity and anticipation.

"Baqi Cthulhu is worthy of being a god, but he found my weakness when I first showed my weakness. It's really extraordinary!"

Yuan Wuji's voice came from a green light sphere.

It is the fear that hides in the body of the bad god.

 The second one is delivered, sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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