Chapter 526 Qingyangzi

Just as Horror communicated with Tianhuizong.

Jian Suifeng and others finally arrived and rescued Gongsunyue and the unconscious Die Xiaoyue.

When he saw Yuan Zheng who had fallen to the ground without a sound, Jian Suifeng's expression was first stunned, and then he showed a look of disbelief, "It's little Yuan Zheng, why is he here? Could it be that he was killed by Die Zai... "

Thinking of this, Jian Suifeng couldn't help shivering, "If Xiaoyue finds out..."

On the side, Gongsun Yue also felt heavy, and briefly explained the whole story.

"I didn't expect that after Yuan Zheng disappeared, he was actually controlled by the evil prison king Ming and others. Now Mr. Butterfly has turned into a butterfly of death again. Her relatives don't recognize her. If Xiaoyue wakes up, how can she bear this kind of blow?"

"Besides, Yuan Zheng's father is Mr. Yuan. If he finds out, this enmity will be even more difficult due to his character."

However, the deal is done, everyone can only suppress their worries and decide to rescue Mr. Butterfly as soon as possible.


Because of the early return of the first part of the evil dragon, the decisive battle on Shiliu Island was brought forward.

And within Daowu King's Valley, the side of the evil god finally found the real storage place of the dragon head.

One of the Seven Immortals, Shizun, broke the ancient mirror.

In order to prevent the release of the evil force, Jianzi Xianji and the others ran in a hurry, and finally arrived in front of the broken ancient mirror to prevent the release of the evil source.

Just when the semi-perfect man cast a spell and was about to explore the secret of breaking the ancient mirror, a powerful palm energy came.

The broken ancient mirror suddenly shattered, and the huge petrified dragon head inside the mirror suddenly appeared. On top of the dragon head, there was an ancient dusty sword deeply inserted in it, as if it was suppressing.

"Not good, the seal has been broken!"

Zhu Zun looked shocked and heavy.

At this moment, there was a burst of rapid and ear-splitting piano sounds, and then, a familiar and domineering poem was heard from outside the sky, "There are no monks in the yellow sand for thousands of miles, and the Confucian students are covered by the storm. The three religions are headed by the original Tao. "

A person wearing a red and white Taoist robe, holding a red and white center engraved with black and white Tai Chi Dao fan in his hand landed on the petrified dragon head.

And behind that person, there are two Daoshengs wearing red and yellow shirts, they are Huyin Shuanhuo and Ling Junzhang, two of the former highest three cultivators of Daowu King Gu.

"You are, Qingyangzi!"

Jianzi Xianji was stunned, although he had already guessed about the means of the dark man during this time, but when he really showed up, Jianzi Xianji was still a little stunned.

"It's Qingyang, thanks to you who broke the seal of the ancient mirror to unseal it."

Qingyangzi's voice was calm, neither joyful nor sneering, as if he was just telling a fact.

Qingyangzi is also called dragon brain, and Su Huan really sworn brothers.

He was once the third child of Xuantian Liuyang, and also the leader of the joint practice society who once brought great disasters to the three religions for the disaster of martial arts.

Its past achievements are countless.

For example, he created a union to rebel against Taoism; planned to use Buddha to kill Buddha, so that a page of books was imprisoned by the monks of Shengfoyan; Zhenjun's invisible arrow shot through the hidden borneol and appeared, and the explosive power crushed Ye Xiaochai's feet.

It can be said that the three protagonists of the misery were offended by Qingyangzi all the time, but in the end they were able to become sworn brothers with Su Huanzhen, and joined forces with Su Huanzhen or Aoxiao Hongchen to do many great things that benefit the righteous way, which shows their amazing ability for.

From evil to righteousness, now there is from righteousness to evil, which brings more variables to the plight.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Jianzi Xianji couldn't help asking loudly.

"Draw the sword and release the evil!"

Facing Jianzi Xianji's questioning, Qingyangzi said indifferently, the next moment, his hand had grasped the ancient sword hilt, and slowly pulled it out.

This is the ancient sword Zunshi, the head of the Seven Immortals, and only this sword can suppress the dragon head of the evil god.

However, as Qingyang wrote to slowly pull out the sword, Longshou suddenly transformed into an invisible evil energy and exploded into the sky.

"The seal is broken."

Unable to stop Jianzi's celestial deeds, anger immediately appeared in his eyes, "Qingyangzi, even you have fallen into evil ways."

At the same time as the evil spirit was released, bursts of arrogant voices echoed throughout Daoyuanguiyuan, "The voice of the chilling cicada is beyond redemption! Uh ha ha ha..."


Apart from swallowing beasts.

The goddess of death stared at Mr. Xi. After a long silence, with a gust of cold wind blowing, a cold questioning voice finally came, "If you don't fight with people from the Buddhist sect, it seems that you still want to make friends with the Buddhist sect, and you are not on the same mind as the ghost prison. ah!"

"Is it true that if you have the opportunity, you will use the ghost prison blood sacrifice in exchange for your fame?"

At this moment, as the deity wakes up, the nameless hostility also disappears without a trace, and no root or trace can be found. Mr. Xi suppressed his doubts for a while, and looked at the strange and beautiful eyes of the dead goddess.

Facing the cold voice of questioning, Mr. Xi smiled slightly, not taking it seriously at all, "As the national teacher of Yan Luo Ghost Prison, I have my own purpose in what I do, and it is not up to others to comment."

"But..." But then, his voice paused.

Mr. Xi approached the goddess of death and silence a few steps, and did not stop until the two of them were less than one foot away. Their eyes met each other, one was oppressive, the other was full of vigilance and inquiry, and immediately he saw the corners of Mr. Xi's mouth curled up, revealing a hint of evil. Mei smiled, and said in a low voice: "However, you are right, I am not in the same heart as Ghost Prison."


Hearing this, the Goddess of Silence was stunned for a moment, and then she flew into a rage, and the strange pupils of Silence changed drastically, adding a different flavor.

"Princess Lonely Moon, has anyone ever told you that your eyes are beautiful?"

Before the Goddess of Silence could utter her angry words, she heard the person on the opposite side getting closer to her, and the frivolous words made the Goddess of Silence flustered.

The warm breath on the face made the goddess of death, who was used to the cold, couldn't help taking a step back, and her strong momentum suddenly languished.

"Young Master Xi, I will report back to the Empress what you did today, hmph!"

After finishing speaking, the Goddess of Silence snorted coldly, turned around and left, but no matter how she looked at her steps, she seemed a little hurried.


Watching the beautiful woman go away, Mr. Xi stretched out his palm and squeezed it firmly, and said meaningfully: "You can't escape my palm."

And in the ghost prison.

With the return of Jun Fengtian's ghost, the dusty eyes regained their light.

A majestic figure crossed his hands, sitting on the stubborn rock, watching the commotion of the black water lake, or thinking about the three major philosophical issues of life.

Beside him, a dark war horse snorted boredly and exhaled two puffs of white air.

In the silence, the empress' cold and domineering voice suddenly echoed.

"After stepping into a difficult situation, I will round up the young master for a while, and prove the strength of the ghost prison."

Inside the royal palace, the empress looked at the incomplete chapters on the case table. Although there was fear in her eyes, it was more of a kind of ambition, a kind of conquest.

She never sits on an equal footing with others, even if it is the peak that she once looked up to, what she wants is not to stand side by side, but to surpass, even step on the head of the person she once looked up to, and conquer him.

Therefore, even though Yuan Wuji is full of mystery, it will only make the empress more eager to conquer.

After all, this is a horrible woman who wants to reverse the incestuous routine, let men have children, and has ideals and ambitions.

 Thanks: Gundam Throne, Si Ren Haggard, Du Tian Shen Sha Zhou Tian Xing Chen and other Taoist friends for their rewards!Thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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