Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 527 Asura King: Collecting Myriad Tribulations

Chapter 527 Asura King: Collecting Myriad Tribulations

The source of Dao returned to Yuan, bursts of wild laughter came.

Deafening, soul-stirring.

Countless Dao students in the Dao Martial King Valley had a splitting headache and vomited blood one after another.

The ones who felt the deepest were undoubtedly Jianzi Xianji, Jian Feidao and others, but they had a deep foundation and they were easily suppressed, but just smelling their body made everyone feel a huge pressure, which showed that they were amazingly capable.

Falling with laughter.

Immediately, the phoenix rang and the bells rang, and the cicadas shook their wings, like poetry, fantasy and dream.

"Cicada? Bell tone?"

Zhu Zun looked puzzled.

When I was amazed, I was surprised to see the ice-blue chilling cicadas shaking their wings and covering the sky, and in the center of the chilling cicadas, a gorgeous and unparalleled figure descended under the protection of the chilling cicadas.

"Xingxue desolates the sky and the Milky Way hangs down, and the glamorous night lingers to cast Chu Ci. The autumn wind rises in the bleak and mournful voice, killing memories before the cicadas sing."

The voice of the evil poetry spread, and the astonishing aura overwhelmed the entire Daowu King Valley, making Jian Feidao, Zhu Zun and others look pale.

With white hair, red eyebrows and red robe, he is handsome and strange, giving people an extremely dangerous feeling.

"who are you?"

Zhu Zun couldn't help asking, because this person was probably the culprit behind the recent turmoil in Daowu King's Valley.

"The stars are strange, or you can call me——King Asura Harvest Myriad Tribulations!"

Behind the back of Shou Wan Jie Yi Shou, he said calmly, his voice was full of a sense of evil, making people unforgettable.

King Asura, one of the eight tribes, appeared.

In addition to this, he has two other respectful titles - the beauty of the eight parts, and the chief of the night charm.

Its strength can be regarded as the top among the eight parts.

Perhaps apart from the Heavenly Evil Kings of the Near Gods, they are the strongest.

Even Yasha Xiaowang can hardly defeat him without using the sword of life and death.

"XingXiu Yiqi, the descendant of the Taoist Emperor!" Hearing this name in shock, Jianzi Xianji was even more astonished, and there was a hint of disbelief in his words, "He is actually King Asura?"

Shou Wanjie ignored the questions of Jianzi Xianji and others, and said directly: "Answer me, the brave will succeed in a hundred battles, and the wise will win without hesitation. Why is it that the wise and brave will never recover?"

Asking coldly, Jianzi Xianji and the others frowned, not knowing what it meant.

At this time, Shou Wanjie stretched out his hand and said contemptuously, "Come on, show me the answer with your strength."

The mysterious King Asura challenged the heroes of Taoism.

Tension ensued.

"In the face of evil, I never back down, only - Gu Chen Zhan is selfless!"

After Jianzi's fairy trace was cold, he flicked the floating dust in his hand, and Gu Chen was pulled out behind him, and the bright sword energy was reflected, making the atmosphere more tense.

"very good!"

With a urge to close the palm strength of ten thousand calamities, the mountain shook immediately.

"There are many sword shadows." On the opposite side, Jianzi Xianji turned around suddenly, forming thousands of sword shadows.

King Asura, personally handed down by the Dao Emperor, is the most authentic Xuanmen martial arts in every gesture, and the sword's immortality is amazed, "It's so good to practice with an evil body."

When the swords and palms intersected, the wind did not move, and Jian Zixian retreated three steps.

"Sword Immortal Trail, the pinnacle of the Taoist sect, is indeed well-deserved!"

Shou Wanjie gave the same admiration, and the next moment, he pressed his palm again, and true energy like fire and blood surged out, directly attacking Jianzi's immortal trace.

"Immortal Shadow Floating Trail." Jianzi Xianji moved around, avoiding the ultimate move in an instant, and then turned around and slashed down with his sword, "True Martial Sword."

The most rigid and fierce sword force is urged, turning into the ultimate sword and chopping towards the end of ten thousand kalpas.

"However, no matter how high the peak is, can it be as high as the sky?" After accepting Wan Jie's unfinished words, he made a mistake with both palms, and the first movement was the ultimate skill, "The Emperor's Heavenly Palm."

As soon as the Dao Emperor's Jue Shi came out, the energy was condensed into the air, and it turned into a huge flaming palm that was pressed down from the sky with the vast power of the sky. avoid.


Behind Jianzi Xianji, Jian Feidao and the others changed their expressions and spoke nervously.

But Jian Jianzi's fairy trail remained undisturbed in the face of danger, Gu Chen swung the famous move again, "Unparalleled under heaven!"

Jianzi Xianji leaped into the air, smashed the palm of the sky with his sword, and then swooped down towards Shou Wanjie, as if he wanted to kill evil with his sword.

Facing the ultimate move, the indifferent smile on Shou Wanjie's face remained the same, while continuing to say, "You are indeed worthy of me—sword!"

Accompanied by the last two words, Gu Jianzun, the head of the Seven Immortals, suddenly fell into the palm of Shou Wanjie.

Extremely intersected, the two unworldly gods collided most fiercely, accompanied by the overflowing power, the two retreated three steps each, and it was evenly divided.

"Your sword is already unusable!"

In the first confrontation, Shou Wanjie narrowed his eyes slightly, and he had already seen through the details of Jianzi's immortality.

But the only response to him was a cold snort, "But against you, Jianzi is still confident!"

Gu Chen is a magical soldier who has accompanied Jianzi in countless bloody battles for a few years. He has faced countless powerful enemies. Up to now, although the appearance is not obvious, the inside of the sword is already full of cracks, which is overwhelmed.

Jianzi Xianji naturally knows this situation, and has always used part of his own sword strength to protect the sword body, so that he can continue to use it, but if he faces the weak, he can still crush it, but it is very difficult for a strong person like Shangshou Wanjie. If you can't catch it, you may even be in danger of breaking your sword at any time.

And this is also the reason why Jianzi Xianji, one of the pinnacles of the three religions, will fall slightly in the face of the catastrophe.

Not only did he lose the power of the weapon, but he also protected the weapon with his own true qi, and his skills were incomplete.

Jian Feidao obviously also noticed this situation, he couldn't help but step forward and shouted loudly: "Senior, let me help you!"

"Hmph, disappointment!"

Shou Wanjie snorted coldly, and then looked at the towering Jietian Pagoda in the distance, "The dragon's head is already obtained, and there is no need for this tower to exist."

As soon as the words fell, I was shocked to see that Shu Wanjie turned around with a sword, which cut off the earth's veins. Immediately, the earth's energy erupted, the sky shook, and the Jietian Tower was in danger of collapse.

Immediately, Jianzi Xianji and others ignored King Ashura and Qingyangzi, and after achieving their goal, the two stopped fighting and disappeared.


During this time, news about Jun Fengtian's disappearance also spread to Defeng Ancient Road and Yunhai Xianmen.

However, Yun Kui, who went to Hell and Impermanence, also disappeared.

Following Ying Long Wuji's investigation and return, the Hell of Impermanence is empty, and the disappearance of the Xuanmai Baojian means that Yunkui has succeeded.

"How could this be?"

"Second Senior Brother fought against the Heavenly Evil Kings, but now even Grandma Grandma has lost all traces. Who is targeting the Xianmen?"

Yun Huizi walked back and forth, looking worried.

After a long time, his expression suddenly changed, "The God-killing move left by Xuanzun in the Xuanzun Baojian was revealed by Mr. Yuan, but according to Ying Long's investigation, even Mr. Yuan disappeared. What happened during this period?" ?”

"Now that all the eight tribes are out together, the senior brother is occupied by evil spirits, the life and death of the second senior brother are unknown, Yunkui and Brahma are all missing, what should I do?"

"No, even if Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother are not here, I will fulfill their wish and not be ashamed of them."

Thinking of the end, Yun Huizi's expression gradually became resolute, "Even if I can't prevent the evil god Baqi from coming back, I still want to weaken his strength. I will destroy the dragon head of Baqi."

 The second update is complete, go to sleep!
(End of this chapter)

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