Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 528 Autumn Water and Bathing Snow

Chapter 528 Autumn Water and Bathing Snow

On that day, a page of the book circulated Gu Wei Sheng Lian to wrap Fei Feijun and Zhan Tianjiao in it at the same time.

The demon soul that occupied the infinite body disappeared.

After a few days, Fang appeared outside the Netherworld.

"According to Bai Yixuehun's report, Yuan Wuji appeared in Youjie before disappearing."

Infinity lowered his eyes and fell into deep thought, "What will he do here? What will he do after that? Maybe we can find some clues from the Nether Realm."

"Yuan Wuji, everything you did back then, now I will start to recover bit by bit!"

The fist of infinity is suddenly clenched, symbolizing resolute confidence.

The Eye of the Universe was merged, the power of blood darkness was temporarily sealed, Yan Luo Ghost Prison was about to be unsealed, and his target obviously fell on Yuan Wuji who caused him a huge loss again. This was the beginning of revenge.

However, he never imagined that Yuan Wuji would be with his wife Jie Hongyan.

Moshi is very confident in his acting skills.

In terms of self-directing and acting, he was far earlier than Di Ming and Yuan Wuji.

The Nether World at this time.

Jiuying, Zhuqueyi, and Jianlangya were all there, but Gu Xinglei had left and disappeared.

Because Yuan Wuji had already taken away the missing soul on the sword, she could only obey orders if she wanted to revive the demon father.

Before Yuan Wuji mysteriously disappeared in the Netherworld, so she could only wait here.

She didn't know whether Yuan Wuji left himself in Youjie to forget or for another purpose, but as long as he could save the Demon Father, everything would be worth it.

And today, Infinity, which had disappeared for several days, returned again. Compared with before, the aura was stronger and treacherous. Obviously, this period of time has improved again.

"Infinity." Jian Langya greeted with a hoarse voice.

Infinite also glanced at Jian Langya in 'surprise'. In fact, Bai Yi Xue Hun had told him about Jian Lang Ya's return before, but Bai Yi Xue Hun didn't know about the lack of the sword. After all, those who knew about it Only Jiuying, Suzakuyi, and Gu Xinglei were present.

For Jian Langya's return, Infinity was also slightly surprised. He knew what Jiuying had done to Jian Langya back then, but on the surface he remained calm, and after replying, he brushed past him.

But after passing by, he turned his head slightly and glanced at the white sword bag behind Jian Langya.


Unlimited eyes were puzzled, although the sword bag cut off the holy energy, he still felt extraordinary.

But this is not a big deal, as usual, Unlimited entered the Holy Land of Pregnancy and Birth, visited Jiuying, and saw Suzaku Yi.

Zhu Quyi reserved things about Yuan Wuji's words, but after all, the matter was infinite. Therefore, although he was calm on the surface, he secretly began to look for details carefully, wanting to see something.

And Wu Wuji mentioned Yuan Wuji vaguely, searching for the tone of Zhuqueyi and Jiuying.


On the other side, with Yuan Wuji's vague traction, Hua Xiao Chaowu began to follow his footsteps to track down Baqi Longshou and other things.

The two turned into a boy and a girl, with completely different looks and auras, which became the best disguise.

"Baqi Cthulhu, the great demon, has been sealed, but I don't know if the clan is safe or not."

Hua Xiao frowned at Misty's small face, a little sad.

Yuan Wuji sat next to Hua Xiao Chaowu, "Now that the evil god Baqi is coming back again, we must destroy his plan. I heard that there is a dragon head of a demon hidden in Qushan, so we will start here first."

"it is good!"

Hua Xiao looked at Wu with a serious face, nodded and jumped up, heading towards Qushan together.

The seal of Qushan was set by Xuanzun Jiutian, and it can be broken by the king's dedication to the sky, and naturally it can also be robbed of the beauty.

However, at this moment Yuan Wuji doubted whether the dragon head of Qushan still existed.

Zhengdao is not a fool, it is impossible to leave such an obvious flaw.

And this is also the reason why Yuan Wuji went to investigate.

Now he just pulls Hua Xiao and Zhao Wu to act together, just to hide his true identity.

It is believed that more than one party is investigating the cause of Yuan Wuji's disappearance.

Yuan Wuji also took advantage of this time of hiding, the main soul, all the souls were trying to find out where the nameless hostility aroused by Xuanzun Jiutian came from?How can it be eradicated?

What happened during this period of time, he has obtained a lot of opportunities to draw immortal martial arts, and he has drawn them, and the "surrogate puppet" on Yuan Zheng is just one of them.

In addition, he has provided more treasures obtained to the gods in the Vientiane Heavenly Palace.

These are driven by the purest life energy, which guarantees the perfection of the god body, and strives to ensure success on the day when the bad god returns.

Soon after, Yuan Wuji and Hua Xiao Zhaowu rushed to Qushan.

In addition to them, the eight tribes are also thinking about this place.

It is only a matter of time before the dragon head of the West Huang Buddhist Realm is unsealed, so their current goal is the known Qushan Blind Sword Forest.

In addition, King Dao Wu Gu Asura appeared, and the source of evil was released, so there is only the last dragon head left.

Dian Bianjialuo chose to turn around to the Valley of the Wind at the beginning because he felt the breath of the dragon head of the evil god in the Valley of the Wind.

Moreover, one of the eight dragon-slaying swords was the patriarch of the Nausicaa clan. According to the arrangement of Xuanzun Jiutian, the surviving people each took a dragon head to seal. Therefore, Nausicaa of the Wind will not exception.

It's just that since he was born, he has searched all over the inside and outside of the Valley of the Wind, but he has not found the slightest trace, unless he is not in this space.

Therefore, Dian Bian Jia Luo could only suppress his doubts, prepare to undo the seal of Qushan, and then find the whereabouts of the last dragon head.

Inside Yunhai Xianmen, Yun Huizi also received a report from Yinglong Wuji again, knowing the next move of the Babu people.

"Hmph! Are you overjoyed too early? The dragon head of the West Yellow Buddhist Realm hasn't been fully released yet!"

Unable to find any trace of grandma, Yun Huizi could only order his subordinates to look for it, and his gaze once again fell on the dragon head of the evil god and the eight tribes.

"I have merged the mind method of killing demons, but I am afraid that Ziweiyuan alone will not be able to do it. To prevent accidents, I must use the Taiweiyuan in Yuan Wuji's hand and the infinite eyes to see through the flaws of the dragon head and give it a fatal attack. one strike."

"Yuan Wuji is missing now, but he has a close relationship with Youjie, and he may be able to inquire into Youjie, and Wu Wuji is also from Youjie, so it happens to be handled together."

"Now, the eyes of the Eight Tribes are on the evil god Longshou and the Confucian sect, and the pressure on the Yunhai Xianmen will be less, so I will act as soon as possible. I will complete the unfinished business of the elder brother and the second elder brother for them. "

Yun Huizi's eyes gradually became firm, and he said in his heart at the same time: "Second Senior Brother, I believe you will be fine, and you will definitely come back."

After thinking about it, Yun Huizi raised his head, and said to Ying Long Wuji a solemn entrustment: "The safety of Yunhai Xianmen will be taken care of by Lao Shuangsheng."

"Yun Zun, please rest assured, as long as Ying Long Wuji has breath, he will never let anyone harm the Yunhai Xianmen."

Ying Long Wuji's expression was firm and his words were sonorous.

Afterwards, Yun Huizi's eyes fell on Erxiao beside him, but before he could speak, Qiushui and Yuxue couldn't wait to say: "Yun Zun, the fairy gate is in danger, and Yuxue and I also want to help, although We can't help much, but we can go to find the second uncle, and even go to Yu Xiao to help find grandma and the others."


Looking at the firm expressions of the two, Yun Huizi pondered for a while, and finally made up his mind after a while, "Okay, I will help you and break the seal for you, but you two are new to the rivers and lakes, remember to be extremely careful .”

"Yun Zun, please rest assured, we will not embarrass Xianmen, and we will ask Yu Xiao to help."

Qiu Shui and Yu Xue looked excited, and they couldn't wait.


Yun Huizi sighed inexplicably, and then unfolded Haoyuan, and the aura of the emperor immediately poured into the two of them, and Yuxue and Qiushui immediately underwent a huge change, from a child to a young man.

One has curly brown hair, pure and lovely; the other has loose white hair, handsome and extraordinary.

 Thanks: Gods, demons, and holy kings are all occupied, and all the attainable abilities of Thunderbolt are controlled by me and other Taoist friends for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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