Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 531 White Wing Snow Soul Reappears

Chapter 531 White Wing Snow Soul Reappears
"Don't worry, Holy Mother, I won't let you betray Yuan Wuji, I just need Holy Mother to do some insignificant things at critical times.

Before that, we will solve the hidden dangers in your body for the Holy Mother. If the matter is completed, in the future, we can also help the Holy Mother to obtain the anode life source that should belong to you, and achieve the number one demonic power in the Netherworld from ancient times to the present. "

"Is there such a good thing?"

Jiuying showed obvious disbelief on his face.

"Please believe, the Holy Mother, that we have no conflict of interest with you, and we will benefit both. What's more, this matter does not require the Holy Mother to take any risks. If the Holy Mother feels that there is danger, she can withdraw at any time. At that time, we can also provide a solution." The solution to hidden dangers in the body, but that needs to be resolved by the Holy Mother herself."

Jiuying squinted his eyes, thought for a while, and then sneered, "It's nice to say, but you still want me to acquiesce in your actions in order to show a little sincerity, is it too ridiculous?"


Bai Yixuehun's eyes moved slightly, and after a while, a smile appeared on his face, "It turns out that the Holy Mother is doubting our strength. If the Holy Mother has any doubts, you can ask, Xue Nu will satisfy the Holy Mother."

"Very good, if you want to cooperate, you always need to let me know who is the real force behind you before you can make a preliminary cooperation intention, and you don't even explain who is behind the scenes, how can I know who to cooperate with? Are you really capable of helping me achieve my goal?"

Jiuying already had the idea of ​​spying on the person behind Baiyi Xuehun. In fact, she also guessed that since Baiyi Xuehun, one of the infinite six murderous souls, could be betrayed, it must have a deep relationship with Youjie.

However, Jiuying is not the original demon king. He was born in the Demon City of Western Earth. Even though he has read many classics over the years, he still cannot get a glimpse of the real secrets of Youjie. Who will it be and what is its purpose.

Now that she has an opportunity, she will naturally not miss it. Knowing who the person behind it is and how powerful she is, can she truly make up her mind to make a choice and plan well.

Know yourself and know your enemy.

"I can answer one or two questions about the Holy Mother. The person behind me is the real Demon Emperor of the Nether Realm. Even the Demon Lord is just a junior in front of him.

However, his existence was erased by himself in the early years, so very few people knew about it, and with the power and status of the Demon Emperor, the origin of yin and yang is nothing but his legacy creation, so the Holy Mother does not have to worry that the Demon Emperor will harm the Virgin. "

"The Devil Emperor of the Nether Realm?"

Jiuying's eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes revealing his thoughts, and he carefully recalled the secret records about Youjie in his mind.

"The Holy Mother wouldn't think that "Shimolu" was really created by the so-called ghost unicorn?"

At this time, Baiyi Xuehun's calm voice came out again.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Jiuying's face changed slightly, and there was a look of surprise in her eyes, because as far as she knew, Shimolu was indeed created by the ghost unicorn.

"No, there is indeed no one in Youjie who is sure that it was created by the ghost unicorn, but they have a deep relationship with him, don't they?"

Jiuying had other thoughts hidden in his heart, so he couldn't help but ask, "Could it be..."


Before Jiuying could finish speaking, Bai Yixuehun nodded and said: "Shimolu is the work of the Demon Emperor, and Guiqizhu has only used it before and conducted some research and filling."

"So that's the case." Jiuying nodded, his face showed a look of surprise, but he didn't know whether he believed it in his heart or not.

"If there is nothing else, Xue Nu will leave. I believe that in the future cooperation, the Holy Mother will see more sincerity and understand who is the real strong."

As he said that, Baiyi Xuehun slowly backed away, and with a gust of wind blowing by, the snowflakes drifted and dissipated, and the person disappeared.

"The meaning of his last sentence seems to have a grudge against Yuan Wuji, um..."

Jiuying's eyes flickered for a while, and he murmured: "Since I don't need to express my opinion, it's better to just pretend to be a snake. If you find that he is not as capable as he said, and the plan fails, then tell Yuan Wuji about it. gain more trust.”

After making a decision, Jiuying smiled and was in a good mood.


In the Three Realms Pagoda, Bianjialuo and others also rushed back from the West Yellow Buddhist Realm.

At this moment, Andi's heavy wound gradually healed with the addition of Baqi's evil power.

"The dragon head of the West Huang Buddhist Realm has been unsealed, and it will return within seven days at the most. At that time, we only need to entangle the righteous way so that they have no time to attack the dragon head. Our character is complete. Now we will take this opportunity to untangle the mountain dragon." First, as long as this task is completed, there will be only the last one left."

Mianbian Jialuo spoke out what was in his heart, and everyone present was silent for a while.

Because there must be people from Confucianism in Qushan to help out, and if they want to unblock, they may have to face Shangji Xuangu again.

They have personally experienced Ji Xuangu's ability, among the eight tribes, perhaps only the evil kings of the heavens can defeat it.

At this moment, a mocking sneer suddenly came, "Ji Xuangu has been severely injured by the evil kings of the heavens, so you don't have to worry about it."

The hoarse and deep voice echoed in the Three Realms Tower, seeming to be full of disdain.

"Huh? Yaksha Owl King!"

An Di slowly raised his head and spoke hoarsely.

"A million corpses are buried under beacon fires, and dead bones are buried in blood near mountains and rivers. The sword and halberd sink into the sand, only ask Chi Luo."

Accompanied by a murderous chant, a burly figure stepped in. The purple shirt, light purple long hair, and black mask made him even more evil and cold.

"I didn't expect that Yasha Xiaowang, who wanted to come alone, would join hands with others." Andi snorted softly and said.

"Wrong, I'm just afraid that you will shrink back because of this, and I'm here to tell you the news."

The eight tribes are not of the same mind, after all, even the evil spirits of the evil god of eight Qi have competition, not to mention the deployment of each hand-picked.

Chi Luo, the Yasha owl king, is used to being alone, Mo Xie Wang Bian Jia Luo and Yu Xie Wang Andi are inseparable friendships, Ghost Qi Lord wanders among the crowd, Jing Xie Wang Yu Nengtian is Ashura King Jie's brother-in-law, the last one is the most loyal dog-licking evil king of the evil god of Baqi, who only obeys the orders of the evil god.

As for the evil kings of the heavens, they are existences that are not on the same level as them at all. They are existences with the word god, and they are existences that can be called brothers and sisters with evil gods. They only need to do things according to their own wishes, and no one can direct them.

"Hmph!" Bian Jialuo suddenly snorted coldly, "Eight people are fearless, even Jixuangu will eventually be the wronged soul of our subordinates, and now we are just preparing to unseal the dragon head of the evil god as quickly as possible. , rather than doing meaningless deadlocks."

"Heh..." Chi Luo sneered, apparently scoffing at what Jia Luo said.

Jixuangu's power is extremely restrained against evil forces, and can cause huge damage to the Eight Tribes. What's more, after it erupts, it can be promoted to near god in an instant. No one wants to face him.

Even though the Eight Parts are brave and brave, they do not completely ignore the gap between life and death.

 All kinds of requests!

(End of this chapter)

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