Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 532 Fledgling [September Monthly Pass 9]

Chapter 532 Fledgling [September Monthly Pass 9]

Zonghengzi and Le Xunyuan looked at each other, and they both saw the internal contradictions of the eight tribes.

However, the two didn't say much, they just thought about how to do it to be more beneficial to themselves.

"I'm for myself, but what about him? Shoko..."

Le Xunyuan nodded slightly at Zonghengzi, on the surface calm, but he had other thoughts in his heart, "Zonghengzi and Yuan Wuji have a very close relationship. It can't be ignored, I don't believe Yuan Wuji will be defenseless."

"Besides, Zonghengzi once turned into a magic machine, stirred up wind and rain in the rivers and lakes, and really fought wits and courage with Su. Is it really so easy to subdue?"

Le Xunyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a sneer in his eyes, "No way, from the beginning to the end, what he did to the Babu people was only a small part of his strength, and he didn't put his heart and soul into it. There is another purpose around me, but I don't know if it is what I want to know, or I am helping Yuan Wuji."

For Yuan Wuji, Le Xunyuan's perception is extremely keen, so he doesn't want to meet him or have a direct conflict. Even though his strength has improved greatly, that person still seems to be shrouded in fog, making people wonder what the other party is hiding What is the purpose of the hole card?

The unknown is the most terrifying.

In the past, Le Xunyuan felt that Nishenyang was scary, the earth was scary, and people pretending to be ghost unicorns were scary, but when he saw their true colors and got to know them better, he felt nothing more than that.

I am curious and in awe of the newly-appeared Babu people, but after getting along with them, I also become calm. Now, only the evil kings of the heavens and the evil god behind them are left, and the last one is Yuan Wuji.

When Andi and others decided to target Qushan Longshou.

On the other side, Qiushui and Zuoxue found some messages that Yu Xiao had agreed to leave behind.

This is the summons agreement they planned to sneak out of the fairy gate.

Even if they are separated, in the end, as long as you leave a letter here, you can find each other.

It's just that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, Yu Xiao was accidentally taken away by Mian Bian Jia Luo, and the sneaking plan was declared aborted before it was fully started.

"It seems that Yu Xiao hasn't forgotten us yet, remember to leave a letter here."

Qiu Shui opened the envelope, saw the contents inside, and nodded with satisfaction, "It seems that he is doing well in the world of elves, Yu Xiaogui has the most ideas, Yuxue, let's go find him."

"it is good."

Zuoxue nodded, with anticipation in her eyes, "I don't know how Yu Xiao has changed these days. Will he be surprised when he sees us, hehe..."

The Xuexue monster laughed, obviously remembering the past when he was teased by Yu Xiao.

"This time, we are older than him, and I can already imagine how shocked he was."

Qiu Shui also gave a strange smile. There was a map in the letter, so the two of them didn't have to worry about finding the place.

But just as the two were about to leave, there were three more shrunken or ugly people in front of them, and the three of them still held a gleaming steel knife in their hands.

"Robbery, quickly take out the valuables on your body, or be careful of your lives."

One of them said fiercely, with a fierce look on his face.

Qiu Shui and Zaoxue looked at each other, and there was a smile on their faces, "This is more and more Jianghu."

"Huh? What are you talking about? If you don't take it out, the uncle will do it himself!"

The three shouted threateningly, the steel knife in their hands gleaming coldly.

"Hmph, blocking roads and robbing in broad daylight. Today, the young master will let you know how powerful you are. You don't even need to bathe in the snow. Qiushui is already swooping up, knocking people down with just a few palms."

Although the two of them didn't practice much martial arts in Xianmen, it was easy to deal with a few thieves.

Just when the two defeated the three and were full of ambition, they didn't know that a pair of cold eyes flashed by in the grove beside them, and then the owner of those cold eyes looked away, without attracting the attention of Qiu Shui and Yu Xue.

Not long after, in a dense forest ahead, a man wearing a wreath made of branches appeared next to a burly, vicious man with a fleshy face, and whispered:
"Boss, there are two little fat sheep in front of you. They look luxuriously dressed and can do a lot of kung fu. Maybe they are young masters who came from a rich family to roam the rivers and lakes. They must be very rich."

"Very well, I'll go and have a look."

The burly man patted the short man's shoulder with satisfaction, and stopped suddenly after taking two steps, "Since he is a rich man, he is worth living, and if he accidentally kills him, he will lose money. There must be a better way." , directly make these two brats lose the power to resist."

"The boss is the boss, and the boss is thoughtful." The short man slapped himself and complimented him.

"Hmm..." The burly man showed complacency on his face, and after a moment of pondering, he turned around and asked, "You say they are rookies?"

"That's right, I think they don't understand anything, they must have sneaked out." The short man nodded quickly with an affirmative expression on his face.

"Very well, then use this method." The burly man suddenly looked at a woman with heavy makeup around him, and said with a smile, "Er Niang, it's up to you."

"Understood, my mother is on the move. There is absolutely no chance for the two fat sheep to escape from our grasp."

The woman with heavy makeup raised her chin with a proud face.

On the other side, Qiu Shui and Zaoxue gave the three guys who dared to block the way and robbed them a hard lesson before moving on.

At this moment, the two suddenly heard a cry of killing and help from the woods in front of them.

Qiushui and Zuoxue were born in the immortal sect, but evil is not allowed to run rampant. They looked at each other and walked towards the dense forest.

At this moment, a stumbling figure suddenly ran out of the woods.

It was a woman with heavy make-up, her dress was torn apart in many places, apparently she escaped after a fierce struggle.

After the woman saw Qiushui and Zuoxue, she immediately rushed over with a face of joy, and at the same time said loudly and coldly: "Young man, help, there are bandits infested, they robbed money, killed the lives of my husband and my baby, and returned Want to treat me..."

As he spoke, he began to cry in a low voice, but when he lowered his head, there was a look of disdain in his eyes.

"Girl, don't worry, we will never let anyone hurt you."

Qiu Shui shouted righteously, his words were full of determination, and there was a hint of chivalry.

The two of them were young and energetic, when no evil was tolerated.

Especially when he first came out of the rivers and lakes, he encountered two groups of robbers, and this time was even more serious, how could he let him go easily.

With the sound of drinking autumn water, figures in the dense forest hurried, and soon, more than a dozen big men with fierce faces appeared.

"Hmph, where did you come from, dare to meddle in my business?"

The big man headed by him is a one-eyed dragon, his body is full of muscles, and he looks very intimidating.

"Boss, looking at their expensive clothes, they must not be born in ordinary families. If they are caught, they will definitely be able to threaten their families to pay a lot of ransom."

A short man next to him yelled, 'Eyes shine'.

"Hmph, you guys are flying upside down, it's really hateful, girl, you hide behind us."

Qiu Shui snorted coldly, said as he took a step forward, and stretched out his hand to help the woman who fell on the ground. The moment the woman raised her head, a puff of white smoke covered Qiu Shui and Yuxue.

 Third update.sleep...

(End of this chapter)

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