Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 533 Abducting 2 Preparatory Disciples

Chapter 533 Abducting Two Preparatory Disciples

Qiu Shui was the closest, and immediately rolled his eyes and fell to the ground. Although Zaoxue was leaning back, his body was shaking, and he pointed at the ragged woman and said unwillingly: ""

Before she could finish her sentence, Zaxue rolled her eyes and fell to the ground.

"Hey, they really are two little white sheep!"

The woman stood up from the ground, tidied up her clothes briefly, then nodded and said: "The Shixiang Ruanjin powder produced by Qingyi Building is really effective. Last time, it stunned a first-class expert. This time it is used on you. You are already proud of the two brats."

"Go, tie them up, wake them up and ask them about their origins, so that their elders can redeem them."

The burly man also laughed, seeing Qiushui and Zuoxue's clothes becoming more and more satisfied, "Such silk and satin must not come from an ordinary family. It seems that this time it can be sold for a good price."

The rope was tied up, and soon, Qiushui and Yuxue should not be woken up, but the medicine in their bodies has not yet passed, and their whole body is weak, and they have nowhere to exert strength when they are tied up.

"I didn't expect that I was kind enough to save you, but you plotted against us."

Qiu Shui stared angrily at the woman who 'asked for help' before.

"It's because you have too little experience in the world, and you can't even see through this calculation." The woman snorted, with a look of disdain.

"Boy, tell us your origins, as long as your family members hand over the ransom, the uncle will set you free!"

The burly man squatted down and reached out to touch the clothes and accessories on the two of them. There was a hint of greed in his eyes, and he asked coldly.

Qiu Shui struggled a bit, but the rope on his body was tied very tightly, so he couldn't break free due to his current weakness. At the same time, his mood was depressed, and his eyes were rolling rapidly, thinking of a way to get out.

Seeing that the two of them didn't intend to speak, the big man grinned, and gestured with a small knife in front of Qiushui and Yuxue's faces, "If you don't speak again, be careful to leave a mark on the faces of both of you."

"Brother, why are you willing to give up such a pretty face, why don't you leave it to me, and I will squeeze these two handsome guys dry."

The woman with heavy make-up giggled and wiped the faces of the two of them, "Look, this face is more supple than a little girl's!"

"Okay, okay, let's talk."

Qiu Shuihou raised his head and wanted to avoid it, but he had no choice but to shout loudly.

"Then speak quickly."

Qiu Shui's eyes rolled around, and he said loudly: "Our home is in the north, if we want to go, I will show you the way, but you must promise not to hurt us."


On the other side, Yuan Wuji took Hua Xiao and walked towards Qushan in the mist.

Just happened to pass by a group of people.


Yuan Wuji looked towards the center of the group with a feeling, and saw two handsome young men tied up, walking forward with the large group.

And the faces of those two teenagers are familiar to him, they are Qiushui and Zaoxue who have grown up a lot, and his son Yuxiao's classmates.

The former is Yan Feihong's son, and the latter is Yi Qixing's sword spirit who conceived life.

"Yun Huizi was so relieved to let them come out, but this luck..."

Yuan Wuji thought 'tsk tsk' a few times, he naturally couldn't help saving the son of an old man.

Thinking, Yuan Wuji flew up and landed directly in front of the pedestrian.

"Huh? Here comes another brat."

The big man in the head laughed grimly, "It seems that today's harvest is quite good."

However, before he could finish speaking, Yuan Wuji had already swung out his palm, "Returning to a Child" only affected his body, and his cultivation base was still strong.

It's just that in order to hide his identity, Yuan Wuji no longer uses many common martial arts, but even so, under his deep foundation, ordinary moves can still exert great power, so how can a few third-rate thieves be able to resist.

A strong air current swept across, like a storm, accompanied by a burst of fear and shouts, the horn of the demon path was swept away, and it was thrown to nowhere.

"what happened?"

At this time, Hua Xiaochao Wu also stepped forward. Naturally, Jie Hongyan, who is now a child, doesn't know Qiushui and Zaoxue, and neither of them know that the young lady in front of them is the grandma they have been looking for so hard.

"Thank you both for your help."

After untying the rope, Qiushui and Yuxue smiled wryly, and briefly explained the matter, feeling a little depressed, obviously feeling ashamed.

"Hey, I don't know how Yu Xiao can do so well, we are so unlucky.",

Zuoxue sighed secretly in her heart, and also felt a little envious and adored in her heart.

"It turns out that you are looking for someone, but with your current strength and experience in the world, I am afraid that you will not go very far and you will be arrested again. How about this? Since you have no destination, why not follow Xiaohua and me."

Yuan Wuji looked carefree, Hua Xiao Zhaowu could only recognize the name Xiao Hua under his unilateral circumstances.

"Don't worry, with my sister here, I will definitely protect you."

Hua Xiao Chaowu on the side also nodded, for some reason, she also liked these two little guys very much.


Qiushui and Yuxue looked at each other, and Yuxue couldn't help but scratched her head. After a while, the two nodded, "Thank you, Brother Tian and Sister Hua."

"You're welcome, I see that you two have a good eye for each other. During this time, I will teach you some martial arts for self-defense."

Yuan Wuji patted the shoulders of the two, smiling like a big bad wolf who seduced Little Red Riding Hood.

The two fledglings have a good impression of Yuan Wuji and Hua Xiao Zhaowu who saved them, especially in Hua Xiao Zhaowu who felt the warmth of their elders, which made them unconsciously let go of their guard and have a kind of closeness.

A group of four went directly to Qushan to check the situation.


In Defenggu, with the return of Ji Xuangu, Yulijing and others, everyone also knew about Jun Fengtian's disappearance.

Although Jun Fengtian has already resigned from the position of Confucianism, everyone still respects Jun Fengtian for his contribution and reputation to Confucianism over the years.

When they were shocked to hear about this, everyone was even more astonished by the strength of the evil kings of the heavens.

"I didn't expect the evil kings of the heavens to be so powerful that even Master couldn't destroy them."

Yun Wanggui was shocked, but also worried.

After all, in addition to his status as a guard of Confucianism, the most important thing is that he is a senior disciple of Confucianism.

"The evil kings of the heavens are the real near gods, and his strength is indeed far beyond expectations. Even in my heyday, I would never think of retreating unscathed.

If the battle against Faru and Confucianism had already drained most of the evil kings' true energy and caused him to be severely injured, we wouldn't be able to get away so easily this time. Unfortunately, we have already searched all over Xianjiao Fangyuan for hundreds of miles. But no trace of Faru was found. "

Ji Xuangu also had a serious expression on his face.

"I will order Confucian disciples to search with all their might."

Yu Lijing took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and said at the same time.

At this moment, there was a cry of a crane, and then a letter fell from the sky into Yu Lijing's hands.

"Huh? It's a letter from Yun Zun."

After opening the envelope and seeing the contents in his heart, Yu Lijing looked solemn, "Yun Zun said in the letter that the dragon head seal of the West Huang Buddhist Realm has been opened, and now it can be temporarily sealed for seven days by the Buddhist sect.

After seven days, he will return directly to Baqi Cthulhu, and Daowu Wanggu has also changed. The next target of Babu people is likely to be Qushan Blind Daolin. He hopes that Confucianism will assist him in destroying the dragon head. "

After finishing speaking, Yu Lijing looked at everyone, "What do you guys think?"

"Has he found a way to destroy the dragon's head?" Jing Tianhuai narrowed his eyes slightly and asked.

Yu Lijing nodded slightly, but then shook his head slightly, "It is said in the letter that he will use the magic-slaying-recording method to motivate the two fronts of heaven and earth to give it a try, and he is [-]% sure."

"It's a pity that I can't work hard now, otherwise I will be more confident!"

Ji Xuangu sighed, his kung fu also restrained evil forces, but his kung fu and the Tianjing sword complemented each other, and others couldn't exert their full strength, otherwise it would have been handed over to Yu Lijing to use.

"Since Yun Zun wants to try, then please invite Shengsi, Siwei, Master Jing, and Wudu to help."

After thinking for a moment, seeing that no one had any objections, Yu Lijing made arrangements.

 Thanks: Dao Throne, Du Tian Shen Sha Zhou Tian Xing Chen and other Taoist friends for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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