Chapter 534 The Next Goal

"Huh? Leaving the scriptures only asks us to help, but there are more people left on the Defeng Ancient Road. Could it be that they are guarding against something or have other secrets?"

Yun Wanggui glanced at the Jade Lijing, and doubts floated in his heart.

However, he believed that Yu Lijing must have other arrangements, just curious, not suspicious.

And Jing Tianhuai seemed to know everything, so he directly agreed.

After the few people left, Yu Lijing looked into the distance with an inexplicable expression, and his hands in his sleeves were tightly clenched, obviously he had other plans.


But in the Earth Sea Castle.

Yupo also came out of the secret room.

The most deeply affected by the inexplicable hostility is the soul of evil and desire.

It's just that the evil soul, the one-page book, and the extraordinary monarch are sealed in the ancient micro stone lotus, and their skills suppress each other, so they can't cause more influence.

But Yupo is different, it is always outside, and it is the most indulgent, lustful, and self-indulgent.

Therefore, hostility has the deepest influence, and it has not been suppressed until now.

Even so, Yupo also understands that as long as it is slightly affected, it is likely to lose control again and become a monster who only knows how to indulge desire and has no reason.

The hostility affects not only making Yuan Wuji bloodthirsty, but also magnifies love, evil, fear, anger, joy, cruelty, bloodthirsty and other emotions and negative emotions countless times.

If the root cause is not found, this hidden danger will explode in an instant when he is promoted again.

The accumulated desires would destroy Yuan Wuji's rationality in an instant.

The road to becoming a god is obviously not easy.

After all, since ancient times, all the gods are born, not acquired.

Even if some Taoist friends in the previous life speculated that Shennong Liuli Kung Fu combined with eighth-rank magical powers can be infinitely close to gods, but that is just speculation, and it is not without cost, such as Ce Menghou who became Bu Xiangchen.

Therefore, Yuan Wuji has nothing to learn from, so he can only rely on himself.

Many things are still being explored.

For example, the hostility in the soul body is obviously not attracted by the outside world, but it is possessed in the soul body itself.

"At this point, no matter whether he is intentional or not, I should probably thank Xuanzun Jiutian for letting me know the hidden dangers in advance, so that I won't be in a hurry after the final outbreak."

"Since it's because of the soul body, we can only find the reason from the soul body."

Yupo whispered to himself, his soul is different, because he came from time travel, and merged with Mr. Yuan's soul, "Perhaps the fusion of souls is not as perfect as I thought, and this hostility, what is it? Is it from myself, or from the past Mr. Yuan?"

Thinking of this, he felt that it was necessary to explore the system.

Even if the source of the system cannot be found out, you can still find some skills or secrets about the soul body from the system. During this period of time, you have gained a lot of chances to extract it. Although you have used it a lot before, you have also drawn some useful Treasures for tempering the body, but there are still three random chances to draw Xianwu.

In fact, Yuan Wuji has always attached great importance to the soul, but the skills or treasures involved in the soul are also extremely rare in the system, not as many as other martial arts.

If he could draw it this time, he could also rely on himself to find some clues.

Now the system's drawing probability will increase according to his current needs. Therefore, with three chances, there is still a high chance of drawing a suitable one.

The main soul is already picking the right opportunity, as for him.

Yupo's eyes flickered, "Baqi evil god is about to come out, and most of my souls are also complete. Now I only need to solve the hidden dangers in the soul body, so when I take advantage of the earth soul to find the root cause, I will first solve the hidden dangers of Yanluo ghost prison and Moshi. .”

"Even if I can't use my full strength, no one can match me."

He is no longer prepared to intervene in the matter of the dragon head, at most he can contribute at a critical moment, and it is enough to get the reward from the system.

"Furthermore, if the method of reincarnation of ghosts in Yan Luo Ghost Prison is researched, in addition to ensuring my life is tenacious, it may also be able to study the secrets about my soul body."

With a decision, Yupo disappeared in a flash.

As for the love debt left before, he didn't bother to pay attention to it.

People have already been released, what do you think about him?
Even if he wants to be responsible, the other party is not willing!

Therefore, Yupo feels that he is not a scumbag, he is a very responsible man, it's just a pity that others don't need him to be responsible.


And Yiqingtian, who was looking for Jun Shiyu's blood relatives, returned to Xianmen after countless years.

But at this time, there was a cruel decision in Xianmen.

A sword pierced Ying Long Wuji's body from behind.

The person holding the sword is Linfeng Xuanji.

Two lines of clear tears flowed down his absent-minded eyes, but his consciousness had already been dusted and controlled, and the evil spirit broke out in his body, which made Ying Long Wuji understand the reason in an instant.

"It's the power of evil dye."

Ying Long Wuji forced Linfeng Xuanji back, the long sword left his body, and a stream of blood also gushed out.

"It turns out that the eight tribes attacked Xianmen with this idea."

Ying Long Wuji turned around with difficulty, at this moment, he seemed to have a clear understanding, "It's all my fault that I didn't investigate this matter properly, so I put you in danger."

Even though he received a sword from his beloved, what Ying Long Wuji thought was still that he failed to protect Hou Linfeng.

"But, I will never let you sink into evil, even if I die, I will call you back!"

Ying Long Wuji shouted in a low voice, his expression extremely firm.


Linfeng Xuanji had no expression on her face, and there was a cold killing sound in her mouth, and the sharp sword came quickly.

"Dragon Walking Sun and Moon!"

Facing the lost love, Ying Long Wuji calmed down, and slammed out his palm, like a dragon pushing the sun and the moon forward.

But he was injured first, and kept his hands behind him. Even if he wanted to do his best to save her, he had already planted the hidden danger of her death.

The fierce battle caused Ying Long Wuji's blood to boil, and the wounds on his body burst again. With the blood dripping, his life also passed away.

"Penglai three-day moon."

Linfeng Xuanji's sword is merciless, evil power and immortality are parallel, and a sword cuts mountains and rivers.

"Heaven turns around!"

Ying Long Wuji urged Hao Yuan to move Hao Yuan, taking in the unrivaled sword energy and moving it to another place.

But at the next moment, Linfeng Xuanji came again, and a sword poured into his body again.

This time, Ying Long Wuji went forward instead of retreating, without the hilt of his sword. Immediately, Ying Long Wuji pressed both palms on Linfeng Xuanji's shoulders.

"Linfeng, I didn't make a decision before, but today, I will make the final decision for you in this life."

Accompanied by a low shout, the true energy in Ying Long Wuji's body actually flowed into Linfeng Xuanji's body, and the true energy and evil power in Linfeng Xuanji's body transferred into Ying Long Wuji's dilapidated body.

Obviously, Ying Long Wuji was determined to sacrifice himself in exchange for Linfeng Xuanji, who was sober and not threatened by evil forces, and used his dying body to dissolve the evil forces.

As the two people complement each other, the majestic power overflows, and they are really transferred to each other.

This method is indeed feasible, but not everyone can cast it.

The first requirement is that the two functions are the same or complement each other, so that the true essence can be exchanged without harming the life of the rescued person.

The second point is that someone must be sacrificed for it.

Third, there is a problem of probability in this method, and it is not guaranteed to be successful after being used.

Therefore, this also restricted Jianru and the former Feng Mo and others from solving hidden dangers.

At this moment, with the mutual transfer of power, the evil energy in Linfeng Xuanji's body gradually weakened, and her mind gradually recovered again.

Although he was blinded by reason before, it didn't mean that he had done anything, it was just out of her control.

"Ying Long..."

Linfeng Xuanji opened her mouth with difficulty, at this moment, she couldn't move after exchanging skills.

But at this moment, Ying Long Wuji just showed a smile, "In this life, after all, I have protected you once."

Ying Long Wuji thought of the past, the two were born in hostile tribes, but they fell in love with each other by chance, and were finally discovered by the two tribes. He was powerless to save her, and finally jumped off the cliff with her.

In the end, he was rescued by Xuanzun Jiutian.

Now, he wants to rescue Linfeng Xuanji and let her live well.

"Linfeng, you must live, live well, and live with my share."

Feeling that death was approaching, Ying Long Wuji held Linfeng Xuanji's shoulders tightly with both arms, and said forcefully that he didn't want Linfeng to have other thoughts because of his own death.

Seeing Ying Long Wuji's staring eyes still begging, Linfeng Xuanji trembled and could only nod with tears in her eyes.

"it is good!"

Receiving the response, Ying Long Wuji showed a smile on his face, and at the same time broke out with all his strength, trying to draw out the remaining evil power from Linfeng Xuanji's body.



Before he succeeded, Ying Long Wuji already spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

"Ying Long!"

Linfeng Xuanji resumed her action, knelt down suddenly and hugged Ying Long Wuji, but at this moment, Ying Long Wuji was out of breath.

 Calvin, I didn't straighten it out later, I don't know how to write it, it may take time to sort it out, you don't have to wait for the third update, sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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