Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 535 Re-chapter Immortal Gate

Chapter 535 Returning to the Immortal Gate
"Why is that?"

"It was I who killed you!"

"I killed you with my own hands!"

Linfeng Xuanji roared with grief on her face.

The love for each other that had been suppressed in the heart broke out at this moment, but it came a bit late, and it was already an irreversible situation.

Due to Linfeng Xuanji's emotions, the remaining evil energy surged up in her body again, gradually affecting her consciousness.

Just now.

"The world's affairs are in vain, leaning on the sword to ask the heaven."

A sword from Tianwai was poured into the body suddenly, and the cold sword energy instantly suppressed the evil spirit in Linfeng Xuanji's body due to emotional agitation.

"The power of evil, how can you be affected by this power?"

Yiqingtian frowned, and was no stranger to the power of evil dye. During her time in the lonely castle of Dihai, under the secret guidance of Yuan Wuji, she had many conflicts with the evil sword department.

And the people of the Xiejian Division are good at manipulating the power of evil, and the sword carries evil, even he must be careful to prevent himself from being infected.

Therefore, facing the power of evil stains, even Yiqingtian's strength is difficult.

"Fortunately, he has absorbed most of the evil power for you. I can temporarily seal the sword energy in one place for you, but after that, you need to find other ways to completely eradicate it."

While Yiqingtian was speaking, she tapped her sword fingers on Linfeng Xuanji's chest, and then appeared behind Linfeng Xuanji in a flash. The pure sword energy was poured into her body from the vest, and finally compressed the evil energy in her body into her left arm.

And there was also the place where Linfeng Xuanji was injured by Hei Ye Ming Sha Xie Dao.

"Your left arm will not be able to move until the evil power is completely released. You need to be careful during this time."

After doing all this, Yiqingtian appeared in front of Linfeng Xuanji.

"Who are you? How did you cross the Jiuxuan Lingxiao Step and the Heavenly King's Sin and Punishment Formation to step into the Immortal Gate?"

Linfeng Xuanji woke up from the frenzy, but when she saw Ying Long Wuji who had no vital signs in front of her, her vision went dark, but thinking of her responsibility, she suppressed her grief and asked.

Obviously she doesn't know Yiqingtian.

But he also knew that the other party was not malicious, otherwise he would have died before.

Yiqingtian is a sinner of the immortal sect. According to the ranking, he is the real great disciple of the immortal sect. At that time, Tianji might not have been born, and even Jun Fengtian's mother might still be in the harem of the tyrant Xiao at that time.

Moshi and Xuanzun Jiutian haven't turned against each other yet, or there are only signs of it.

Because at that time, Moshi was sending his daughter Jun Shiyu to seduce Yiqingtian, apparently to prepare for dealing with Xuanzun Jiutian.

As for the Guardians and Sages, they did not accept it until many years after Xuanzun Jiutian put down Moshi.

In the entire fairy sect, only the dead Jiutian Xuanzun had really seen Yiqingtian, and Di Ming, Yun Huizi and others only knew a thing or two from some secret histories left by Jiutian Xuanzun, but they didn't know about it. Not detailed.

Because the traces of Yiqingtian's existence have long been erased by Xuanzun Jiutian, this name is even listed as a taboo and cannot be mentioned.

Yi Qingtian was not surprised that the people of Xianmen didn't know him, but after all, he couldn't help but feel sad. However, Yiqingtian quickly adjusted his emotions and asked directly: "The current Yunhai Xianmen Where is the Lord?"

Yiqingtian knew that Moshi and Xuanzun had a deep relationship, so she wanted to find records about Moshi in Yunhai Xianmen, and wanted to find Jun Shiyu's blood relatives.

At this moment, he also doesn't know that Yunkui Jie, the lord of Emperor Wa's lineage, is Jun Shiyu's biological mother.

After all, even Jie Hongyan's memory was sealed, and she didn't know that she once had a daughter.

Xuanzun Jiutian and Mo Shi are brothers who are worthy of the same mother and compatriots. They like to cover up everything they do, and many secrets are concealed like this.

"Yun Zun has already gone to Qushan Blind Road Forest."

Regarding Yiqingtian's question, Linfeng Xuanji thought for a while and said, "If you want to go, I can guide you."

Speaking of this, a cold light appeared in Linfeng Xuanji's eyes, "Babu people, I must kill you to avenge Yinglong."

Yiqingtian could see Linfeng Xuanji's current state at a glance, "If you don't clear the evil power in your body, not only will you not be able to take revenge, but you may also fall into the control of evil spirits, so it will be a waste of him to die for your life and peace original intention."

"Ying Long is dead, and I don't want to live."

Linfeng Xuanji looks slender and gentle from the outside, but she is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, with a firm will, and she only does what she thinks is right, and doesn't care about the world's eyes.

But Yinglong died in her hands, which dealt a fatal blow to her.

If it weren't for the enemies behind the scenes, Linfeng Xuanji would have been no different from death at this moment, and she is now relying entirely on the power of hatred to persevere.

"But I think he would want you to live well." Yiqingtian sighed and persuaded again.

"You don't understand." Linfeng Xuanji shook her head.

But Yiqingtian who heard this was suddenly stunned, and his mind was in a trance. After a long time, he suddenly smiled bitterly, and said to himself, "Yiqingtian, Yiqingtian, how can you say such things?"

Yiqingtian is also an infatuated person.

Everything he does now is to save the love of his life.

The irony now is that he has come to persuade others to live well, not to mourn.

Wanting to understand this point, Yiqingtian didn't insist anymore, but said solemnly: "I understand you, but unnecessary death will not change everything, even if you want revenge, you must heal your injuries and strengthen your strength to have a chance. "

"If you fail to kill the enemy, and you die because of it, the enemy is still free, are you willing?"

'Are you willing? '

The word "calm" echoed in her mind, but it was deafening, and gradually calmed down Linfeng Xuanji's extreme thoughts.

After a long time, Linfeng Xuanji collected Ying Long Wuji's body and said calmly: "I will take you to Qushan later, I have my own considerations on how to do it."

"It's good that you can understand, please forgive me!"

Yiqingtian nodded slightly, he had already seen Linfeng Xuanji's psychological changes, at least before avenging her big revenge, she would not seek death needlessly.

Yiqingtian is not a person who talks a lot, but Linfeng Xuanji is a person of the immortal sect.

Although he was kicked out of the Immortal Sect and bears the name of a sinner, Yiqingtian has always been grateful to the Immortal Sect and Xuanzun who cultivated him, so he gave admonishment.

If it's someone else, Yiqingtian doesn't care about it.

Seeing Linfeng Xuanji disappear with Yinglong Wuji's body, and Yiqingtian looking at Yunjuanyunshu in the distance, feelings inevitably arose in her heart, and she said to herself, "Master, the sunny day is back, will you blame me? "

"But for the sake of Shi Yu, Qing Tian can only set foot on the fairy gate to find information about him. I hope, Master, you didn't destroy everything."

Yunhaixianmen is the only hope for Yiqingtian to find the news of Moshi now.

As for Yuan Wuji, he probably knew a lot, but Yi Qingtian couldn't trust him.

Moreover, he has targeted Yuan Wuji several times. I am afraid that the other party will never tell the secret about this matter, so he can only investigate by himself.

Of course, Yi Qingtian also guessed, maybe this is Yuan Wuji's purpose, let him participate in this matter, and it can be regarded as sharing his pressure on Mo Shi.

But now, Yiqingtian has no choice.

 Thanks: Thank you for not having a nickname, Siren Haggard, Du Tian Shen Sha Zhou Tian Xing Chen and other fellow Taoists for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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