Chapter 536

In the Three Realms Pagoda, King Yesha Xiao has already left.

No one knows whether he will make a move this time.

However, Andi and Mianbianjialuo seem to be full of confidence.

Maybe he didn't have confidence in himself or Yasha Xiaowang, but in the order of Yutianzhe.

"Zonghengzi, do you have any other opinions?"

Andi turned around and looked at Zonghengzi, he didn't directly question Zonghengzi's yin and yang in the first battle in the West Yellow Buddha Realm, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

Faced with the question, Zonghengzi had already prepared a draft, stepped forward, and said: "Qixie thinks that the Confucianism School will not leave such a big opening for such a big target in Qushan, let alone be unprepared."

"It is inevitable that the Confucian sect will be guarded there." An Di said lightly.

"King Yuxie, what I mean is whether the dragon head of Qushan is still in place or not." Zonghengzi smiled slightly, pointing out the important point.

As soon as this remark came out, it really attracted everyone's attention.

"Huh?" Andi frowned, his eyes showed doubts, "Do you have evidence?"

"That's impossible. Xunyuan has been sending people to keep an eye on Qushan, but he hasn't noticed any changes."

Le Xunyuan was also slightly surprised, glanced at the calm Zonghengzi, and interrupted with some intention.

Andi and Mianbianjialuo didn't speak, and some of them also watched the movement of the dragon head of Qushan, and indeed no one responded to the problematic statement.

The two looked at Zonghengzi, waiting for his statement.

Facing everyone's staring eyes, Zonghengzi didn't seem to feel the slightest pressure, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, "This is just Qixie's personal speculation. Although there is no evidence, Qixie can be sure that the dragon head of Qushan is long gone."


Dianbian Jialuo couldn't help snorting coldly, and asked: "Without evidence, then everything is speculation, Zonghengzi, you didn't use all your strength in the battle of West Yellow Buddha World before, and now you suddenly said before the battle What's the point of saying this?"

Facing the cold questioning of Dian Bian Jia Luo, Zonghengzi's expression remained unchanged, but he just faced everyone, "The reason why Qi Xie didn't use all his strength in the West Yellow Buddhist Realm was because Mo Xie Wang and others were strong enough to unblock them, and I also Need to be wary of unknown opponents, and in fact, as I expected, everything went well."

"The only reason to say this now is to ensure that the dragon head can be unsealed, not for other selfish reasons."

"No selfishness? I don't think so?"

Dianbian Jialuo sneered, he didn't have much affection for Zonghengzi, because no one in the room really trusted Zonghengzi's relationship with Yuan Wuji.

"King Mo Xie, if Zonghengzi really has two minds, Yu Tianzhe and even the evil god will notice it, and even if Zonghengzi really has other ideas, what kind of waves can I cause if you are both King Yuxie and King Mo Xie? Please believe me Zonghengzi is not that unwise."

"Hmph, sorry you don't dare to play with your little thoughts in front of us."

After pondering for a moment, Bian Jialuo snorted. He just didn't trust Zonghengzi, but he didn't think Zonghengzi dared to do anything against Babu people among so many people.

A wise man takes care of himself and protects himself.

"Let's go, regardless of whether the Confucian sect is prepared or not, after today, there will be no more Qushan."

With a flick of Andi's robe, a hoarse voice sounded. Although his physical strength has not recovered, he can also form combat power. This is the advantage of the eight tribes. They can quickly recover and even be reborn with the help of the power of evil gods.

Of course, it will also be held hostage, unless the original self is restored, which also means losing the ability to be reborn.

Seeing that Andi and the others had already made a decision, Zonghengzi didn't say any more, he had already said what should be said, even if he lost this time, he couldn't be blamed, and he would even gain more trust because of it.

"It's just that Yutianzhe disappeared recently. Is he planning something behind the scenes or is he not in Shenzhou?"

Zonghengzi was suspicious in his heart, but on the surface he remained calm.


Outside the ancient German road.

Above the peak, the wind is cold and cold.

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Lord Guiqi looked at the towering and continuous Confucian halls in the distance, his eyes flickered from time to time, not knowing what was going on in his mind.

After a long time, an unfathomable smile appeared on the face of the ghost unicorn, and at the same time he shook the Senluo bone fan in his hand, and said to himself: "Only some troops were dispatched, and Xiaru and others did not appear. It seems Qushan Dragon Head may not still be there!"

"However, what does this have to do with me, hehe..."

As he said that, the ghost unicorn chuckled, and he was also very happy to see other people suffer. Anyway, according to the power of Confucianism, it will not bring any danger to others. , Just a little hurt.

If they don't let them suffer, how can they highlight the importance of him as a wise man.

How can he give him the opportunity to get in touch with his son more!
At this moment, a ray of divine light suddenly projected down, and then heard the voice of a cold poem, "The bright feathers dye the bright moon, and the Qixi Festival is agile. The divine light protects the clouds, and the world returns to dust."

Lord Shenhui, with blue hair and wearing a white and blue robe, descended from the sky and landed a few feet behind Lord Guiqi.

"Huh? Didn't expect you to be able to chase here?"

Gui Qi said without looking back, seemingly surprised, but his eyes were calm, without any fluctuation, as if everything was expected.

"Ghost Qi Lord, tell me why you plot against the elves?"

Lord Shenhui's voice was cold, and there was a murderous intent in his indifference.

You know, her reputation was almost ruined because of this.

She is bound to find the culprit behind the scenes and seek justice.

"Do you need a reason to calculate the enemy?"

Lord Guiqi chuckled lightly and said disapprovingly.


Lord Shenhui's eyes turned cold, "Keeping secrets for others is not a virtue of demons."

"Oh?" Ghost Qizhu turned around slowly, with a look of curiosity on his face, "How did Shenhui Lord know that it wasn't a ghost who plotted against you?"

"You have no grievances or enmities with me, let alone any interest relationship. I can't think of any reason why you need to spend so much time and effort calculating things that are not of any benefit to you."

Lord Shenhui has been the lord of the elf world for countless years, so his mind is naturally not simple.

The reason why she acted impetuously and aggressively at the beginning was also because she was dazzled by anger, especially because the culprit behind the scenes even used her thoughts and feelings for her brother-in-law to plot against her.

This made Master Shenhui extremely hateful.

But under the pursuit of these days, she has already calmed down.

She will avenge her brother-in-law's revenge and those who plot against her.

But not blindly, we must find the real culprit.

She doesn't know who else is behind it, but the ghost unicorn master must know a lot of secrets.

Therefore, after she took Bi Xueyan away from Corpse Mountain, she settled Bi Xueyan and kept tracking the whereabouts of the Ghost Qi Lord.

Today, finally found it.

"So that's the case. It seems that Master Shenhui is smarter than Ghost Zhe imagined, and he found out the clue so quickly."

Lord Guiqi gently shook the Senluo bone fan, looked at Lord Shenhui up and down, and asked strangely: "But what the ghost wants to say is, why did the ghost tell you this? You know, the ghost was born in the Netherworld, You and the elves are mortal enemies!"

"The authority of Youjie has long been controlled by the jade left in the Forbidden City, but you have never returned to Youjie, which is enough to prove that your relationship with Youjie has long been broken."

After finishing speaking, Lord Shenhui said again: "You and I should not test each other, just tell your request directly, otherwise, I will have to force you to speak!"

At the end of the speech, Lord Shenhui's words were sharp.

"Hmm..." After pondering for a long time, Lord Guiqi suddenly laughed and nodded slightly, "Okay!"

 If you are not full, continue to eat something, the third watch will probably be very late!

(End of this chapter)

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