Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 537 Farewell to Qushan [September Monthly Ticket 9]

Chapter 537 Farewell to Qushan [September Monthly Ticket 9]

"Since you are willing to exchange conditions, then you have to complete one thing for me. Before the task is completed, I will also give you some that you can track down."

Lord Guiqi clapped his hands lightly, staring at Lord Shenhui with piercing eyes.


Master Shenhui frowned and said directly.

Now that you are here, you are ready to pay the price, and you will use force to solve it if you have no choice. After all, the strength of the ghost unicorn master is not weak, and force may not be able to get the answer, so force is the last way.

"I want you to bring the Holy Mother and Nine Infants of the Nether Realm to me at the right time."

The ghost lord's eyes flickered slightly, and he walked around Lord Shenhui, and finally fought in front of Lord Shenhui, took a deep breath and said: "Ghost believer, with the current relationship between elves and Youjie, you have many ways to get rid of it." facilitated this."

The strange and playful words fell into his ears, causing Lord Shenhui to frown, but in order to find the culprit behind all this, Lord Shenhui had to suppress his discomfort, "Okay, let's talk."


The ghost lord clapped his hands and smiled, "The ghost believes that Lord Shenhui is a trustworthy person, so the ghost will not hide it."

Lord Ghost Qi took two steps back, and there was a hint of amusement in his lowered eyes. It was not aimed at Lord Shenhui, but Blood Shadow Wutrace Yinqiu Kuang, or Yuan Wuji.

"I've already paid off your favor, so what happens next is none of my business."

Lord Guiqi thought silently, the weird smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more popular, he always remembered that Yuan Wuji turned around and he removed Jiuying's blocking stone, which would bring him trouble, he was so happy.

In the past, it was because he was helped by Yuan Wuji in his rebirth, so he had to pay back the favor, but now that the two are cleared, there is nothing to worry about.

It's just that before Lord Shenhui completes the task he entrusted, he will only speak half of it.

How can a game end easily.

Wouldn't that be boring.

"The person you are looking for is called Xue Ying Wu Ting Yin Qiu Kuang. He claims to be from the blood world. As for why he plotted against you and Xia Ru Wu Ting, the ghost doesn't know the reason, but..."

Speaking of this, the Ghost Qi Lord suddenly paused.

Master Shenhui frowned, and said in a concentrated voice, "But what?"

"Ha!" Ghost Qizhu chuckled, "This person's appearance is somewhat similar to Yin Xiaoshen's appearance. Of course, there are too many ways to change his appearance in this world. I can only tell you what I saw. As for how to distinguish, you can only rely on yourself.”

"No trace of blood? No trace of chivalry?"

"Yin Qiu Kuang? Yin Xiaoshen?"

"Hmm..." Master Shenhui's eyes flickered, and thoughts in his mind surged. After a while, he calmed down and asked again: "Where can I find him?"

"His whereabouts are extremely mysterious, he has always been looking for me, not me looking for him, so the ghost can't give you the answer to this question.

But what is certain is that this person likes to be lively, you may try to go to the place where the big excitement takes place, and you may be able to find his traces, of course, you can also ask Xiaru Wujing about his relationship with this person, ghost Those who say so much. "

Lord Shenhui took a deep look at Lord Guiqi, she knew that the other party must have something to hide, but so far, I'm afraid that's all I can ask.

"I'll verify it myself."

Master Shenhui left a cold sentence, and the person disappeared.

Seeing Lord Shenhui leave, the corner of Lord Guiqi's mouth turned up slightly, looking towards the ancient road of Defeng in the distance, and murmured: "The chess pieces have been laid, Yuan Wuji, how will you break the game?"


Corpse Mount.

Bai Chuan Linghua stood under the dead tree, silent.

With a gust of cold wind blowing in, Chi Luo finally returned.

"There is no injury, it seems that this task is very easy."

Bai Chuan Linghua said without turning her head, as the body of a flower demon, the Bianhua flowers all over the corpse mountain are her eyes and ears.

This state of Bai Chuan Linghua is somewhat similar to that of Bu Xiangchen, except that Bu Xiangchen uses Qingman flowers as the carrier, and cultivates eight-level magical powers, allowing her to communicate with any flower spirit. As long as there are flowers and plants, they can find them for her. All kinds of secrets, this is far beyond what Bai Chuan Linghua can compare.

"Do you want me to get hurt?"

Chi Luo laughed lightly, the meaning was unclear, and then said: "The real mission is coming, let's go together."


Bai Chuan Linghua turned around slowly, took a deep look at Chi Luo, and said, "It seems that the evil god Baqi is about to return, and even you are going to join hands with others."

"Whether they will join forces is still unknown, but some things must be done after all."

"Yes, some choices have to be decided after all."

Bai Chuan Linghua looked into the distance, there was another meaning in the words, Chi Luo also seemed to understand a bit, but did not answer.


Qushan Blind Road Forest.

Jiujue Blind Sword still sits upright in the nine directions and sticks to it.

Even though the seal of the nine of them was unsealed by Jun Fengtian, the seal had already appeared flawed, but they still did not leave.

This is the task entrusted to them by Xuanzun Jiutian.

And they can do so well, it is also bestowed by Xuanzun Nine Heavens.

Not only for repayment, but also for the common people to prevent evil.

But today, it is clear that there will be another beacon here.

"Hundreds of demons follow me and become smoky, beacon fires follow me and start a prairie fire, the three worlds are lifeless, and they descend into the killing world."

The demonic aura descended from the sky, the flames of war pierced the sky, An Di appeared with majestic demonic aura, and the whole Qushan was in turmoil.

Immediately afterwards, a gust of wind swept over, "In the age of the Dharma-ending era, evil wings swept across the world and the sea of ​​hell. The world is mournful, and the flames of war start a prairie fire and the dragon disaster."

The King of Yuxie and the King of Moxie appeared together.

Behind him are Zonghengzi, Le Xunyuan, and Mianliu, who are all accompanied by the best of the best.

"A bunch of old, weak, and disabled people. Get out now. They still have a chance to survive. If they continue to resist, they will have to become sacrifices to welcome the return of the evil god."

Andi's hoarse voice came, it seemed low, but it spread throughout Qushan.

"Hmph, if you want to unseal the dragon head, you have to pass the level of the Nine Absolute Blind Sword first."

The leader of the Jiujue Blind Sword snorted coldly, although his eyes were blind, his heart was clear.


Andi sneered, and the evil and murderous aura condensed all over his body, like a huge monster baring its teeth and claws behind its back.

Just now.

"Fang Lue hangs down, but the work is accomplished, but the prose is returned. Idle and drunk, playing with the piano emblem, why not have nowhere to do it."

The awe-inspiring spirit appeared, sweeping away the demon atmosphere.

Jing Tianhuai and other Confucianists came hand in hand.

"Talk to Jiuchen, wave your sleeves and the wind and clouds will be exhausted, and the mountains and rivers will sink; follow Yixing, hold the hands of the universe, and the pale yellow will be light."

Mo Qingchi appeared on the other side, blocking the retreat of the eight tribes. His white hair danced in the wind, like an indestructible iron wall, blocking the retreat of the eight tribes.

"Sure enough, there are people from the Confucianism Sect. It seems that the dragon head is still here."

Dianbian Jialuo spoke suddenly, his words were excited.

However, Zonghengzi squinted his eyes slightly, and after scanning the Confucian people, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if he had seen through something, but he didn't continue to explain.

And Le Xunyuan also glanced around, with doubts in his eyes, "Is it because the Confucianists think that they can block the Eight Tribes only by relying on these people and the Jiujue Blind Sword, or is it because, as Zonghengzi said, the dragon's head has already been secretly transferred?" ?”

 Third more.

(End of this chapter)

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