Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 539 Overturning the Sky 36 Strange Roads

Chapter 539 Overturning the Sky 36 Strange Roads

"The strange wind protrudes and shakes thousands of troops."

With one punch, he swept away thousands of troops with unparalleled strength.

The face of the vast mighty spirit Andi changed, obviously he didn't expect the boy who was only fourteen or fifteen years old to have such a foundation, "How can you have such strength at such a young age? Who are you?"

Andi's hoarse voice sounded, and he also raised his fist and slammed.


The two fists collided, the majestic force intersected, and the overflowing force impacted all directions, and the towering stone pillars around the two collapsed.

Huge boulders fell like rain, but they turned into dust when they were within three feet of the two of them, and were swept away by an invisible force.

"It's you who have lived in vain for so many years."

Yuan Wuji snorted coldly, perfectly interpreting the tsundere boy, the disdain on his face seemed to come from the heart.

"Since you don't say it, I'll kill you. I want to see who is behind you?"

An Di snorted angrily, he naturally wouldn't think of Yuan Wuji, he only thought that the young man in front of him might have some expert help behind him.

"Dark nightmare!"

With a swirl of An Di's palm, a dark purple whirlpool appeared in the palm, spreading with the power to confuse the mind.

Yuan Wuji only felt a huge vortex appeared in front of him, and his mind seemed to be drawn into the bottomless vortex.

But the existence of this feeling disappears in an instant.

Because he is not a real young man, and his research on the soul is far beyond the dark truth. If you want to disturb his mind, let alone the dark truth, even the bad god may not be able to do it.

Perhaps only he himself, such as the hostility born in the soul body, would have a huge impact on him.

"Chongqi Lei Fu Zhen Thunderbolt!"

When Yuan Wuji turned over, he slammed down another punch, simple and rough, but powerful like thunder, the huge roar shook the heavens.

On the other side, Hua Xiaochaowu was blocked by the black-clothed and masked Heiye Mingsha who blocked Yuan Wuji's way to help Yuan Wuji.

Jie Hongyan's state is different from Yuan Wuji's. Not only her body and memory have returned to her teenage years, but her skills have also been weakened too much.

Therefore, in the face of the night's screaming and blocking, it was impossible to break through for a while.

The appearance of Yuan Wuji and Hua Xiao Chaowu was naturally noticed by both good and evil.

Zonghengzi glanced at Yuan Wuji, who had turned into a teenager, with doubts in his eyes, "It's surprising that he has such a foundation at such a young age."

Different faces, different ages, different auras, obviously, even Zonghengzi couldn't tell that it was his brother-in-law.

And Le Xunyuan, who was fighting against Xiwu, also frowned. Although the distance was quite far, he felt a strange aura from the boy, which he didn't like.

However, even Le Xunyuan, who hated Yuan Wuji the most, couldn't see that the boy was the person he was most wary of.

Although Yuan Wuji was dueling with Andi, his strength was enough to distract him, and everyone's expressions caught his eyes, making him nod secretly.

Although it would be embarrassing if he met his son or wife with this current appearance, the current disguise really made everyone unexpected.

And he has a system, and he has learned many different martial arts, many of which have never been used outside. Therefore, no one can associate him with Yuan Wuji in terms of martial arts and martial arts.

"Little baby, since your adults don't want to show up, prepare to pay the price!"

Andi was holding a deep breath in his heart. As one of the majestic eight tribes, Yuxie King, who once indulged monsters and beasts to wash the sea market with blood, and even set up a hundred infant sacrifices in the abyss of evil nests, now he can't win a single one. Baby, this is more than embarrassing, it also means that he has insulted the king's name.

"Mie Shen·Dark Storm!"

An Di took a deep breath, and then a majestic monster energy gushed out from between his palms, condensing into a huge storm and sweeping towards him.

Wherever the storm passed, the rocks were turned into powder, the sand was lifted up, and Fang Yuan was completely destroyed for several miles.

"The Qi Gang and Qi Qi belong to one sect!"

Yuan Wuji used Fantian's 36 strange moves, and every move and style of his whole body turned into the ultimate killer move.

Fantian 36 Lu Qi is an internal method that is completely different from ancient and modern times.

Qi is the god, the meaning is the body, the form is the function, and it contains 36 changes.

Although there are no moves or styles, as long as one is successful in cultivation, any martial arts from various weapons to fists, palms, claws and legs can be seamlessly integrated to exert a shocking and powerful power.

The most important thing is that this martial art develops the potential of the body, condensing his essence, qi, and spirit into one, without any flaws.

This kind of kung fu is different from the martial arts that Yuan Wuji practiced before, because the martial arts that he studied before are either cultivating the soul, or cultivating true energy, or cultivating the body, they are all separate, even if they are connected, they are just additions. Rather than a fusion of spirit and spirit.

However, Fan Tian 36 Lu Qi integrated the three. After performing this skill, if he wanted to hurt his soul, he would have to face the counterattack of his body and true energy, and his use of true energy contained strength and the power of the primordial spirit blessing.

The name of miraculous work is well-deserved.

It is worthy of being a peerless art alongside "Book of Forgetfulness" and "Congenital Breaking Body and Invisible Sword Qi".

You must know that 'Innate Breaking Body and Invisible Sword Qi' is now the basic martial arts of the body of Vientiane. With the ultimate ultimate move, even the top swordsmen such as Jian Zong Chang Ri Kun Bian or Feng Mo Jian Shang Que are difficult to win.

The "Wangqing Tianshu" is all-encompassing, expounding the principles of the heaven and the earth, and now it is enlightened by the soul of the earth who has been retreating in the Vientiane Heavenly Palace all year round.

As for the 'Fantasy 36 Luqi' which can stand shoulder to shoulder with these two unique skills, it can be seen that it also has amazing potential.

He can turn Yuan Wuji's whole body into a humanoid weapon, with killer moves everywhere, and no move including destruction.

this moment,
One set off a huge storm of destruction; the other condensed one blow.

The two forced another attack, and immediately destroyed the world with anger, and Fang Yuan melted into the plain for several miles.

An Di's anger is getting deeper and deeper, he will never allow himself to be defeated by a child, especially if he is defeated by this child, he will lose his face even more.

Praise the move again, secretly ignoring the physical injury, mobilize the evil power of the whole body, and then turn into a hundred monsters, the appearance becomes extremely ferocious in an instant, "Baby, you have angered me!"

An Di hissed, and the power of the evil surged in an instant, "The first form of the six forbidden ways—"

As An Di used all his strength, the evil spirit became extremely violent in an instant, causing ripples in the surrounding space.

"Xiao Tian, ​​be careful!"

Hua Xiao sent a powerful palm to Chaowu to force back the night scream, and at the same time shouted at Yuan Wuji with concern.

"Don't worry, Xiao Hua, let's see how I will avenge you today!"

Yuan Wuji smiled at Huaxiao Zhaowu, and then faced Andi, his face turned ice-cold again, and said righteously: "Your persecution of the overseas islands and the descendants of Guhuoyu, today is done I'll get it back."


An Di frowned first, then sneered, and hissed: "So it's the remnants of the overseas islands, so you deserve to die!"

In the indifferent words, when the murderous intent is strong.

On the opposite side, Yuan Wuji also had a serious expression on his face, his eyes were full of fighting spirit, after using the 36 magic tricks, his whole body seemed to be transformed into a humanoid weapon, his heart was full of fighting spirit, which he had never had before.

"Traveling the Void and Takong is a peerless miracle!"

Yuan Wuji took a step in the air, shattered the space in an instant, and appeared in front of Andi.

At this moment, in the eyes of Andi, a huge fist has already been reflected, and it is smashed down with majestic power, as if it wants to smash the void and recreate the universe.

"Evil Burial Sun and Moon!"

An Di's palms suddenly pushed forward, majestic and evil, as if to bury the sun and the moon.

At this moment, the space seemed to freeze.

Even Jing Tianhuai, Mian Bian Jia Luo and others were attracted by their accidental insertion into the First World War.

With the young age of this boy, it is even more shocking.

"This level of strength is actually stronger than Xieshao Fengdu who has been promoted by the evil god!"

Dian Bianjia Luo was secretly shocked, and at the same time heard the word 'Gu Huo Feather', there was a trace of doubt in his eyes, "Are they also from the Wind Clan?"

 At present, it seems that only "stable update" can be said, and we can only use stable update to ask for everyone's votes!cry……

(End of this chapter)

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