Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 540 Purifying Evil Souls [September Monthly Ticket 9]

Chapter 540 Purifying Evil Souls [September Monthly Ticket 9]

The Wind Clan all belong to the arrangement of Ozi, the ancient prophet of the Longevity Tree, and are divided into four generations.

They are the descendants of Guhuo Yu, which is also the lineage where Jie Hongyan was born.

Secondly, there are the descendants of the wind-riding eagle born in the desert goshawk, and the descendants of the ancient wind descendant born in Bianjialuo.

As for the last drama, it was not mentioned, but some Taoists on the Internet said that the last one was called Undead Owl, but it is not known whether it is true or not.

Therefore, after hearing the Wind Clan, Dianbian Jialuo's mind will fluctuate.

However, since he joined the Baqi evil god and persecuted the Yuyihu of the Guhuo Yu descendant clan, he has also confronted his former benefactor, the patriarch of the Fengying Ying descendant clan, the father of the desert goshawk, and one of the eight dragon-slaying swordsmen. Afterwards, he had already broken with the Feng Clan, even if he faced the former clansmen, he would not show mercy.

The powerful blows collided with each other, the space was shattered in an instant, and the dark world was broken from the inside to the outside. The entire Qushan collapsed under the strong blow, and the winding stone road also collapsed and destroyed.

At the place of the seal, the Nine Absolute Blind Sword forms a formation that seals the sky, blocking the terrifying impact, but they all shake, showing the terrifying power.

And Yuan Wuji and Andi also retreated dozens of steps, and the corners of their mouths were also bright red.

But, this is just the beginning.

In order to avenge the "genocide", Yuan Wuji was ruthless.

"This punch is for all the dead people of the islands!"

Yuan Wuji raised his fist again and slammed it down, causing the universe to be in turmoil again.

"You forced me!"

An Di let out an angry roar, and changed his form again. He broke out with all his strength and turned into a huge and terrifying monster again——Hundred Demon Rakshasa.

With a dark red body and a demonic aura, the dark truth at this moment has completely transformed into a demon, without human nature. With a push of his palms, the swirl of dark blood rushes towards him, as if to swallow up all life.

"This punch is for my Dugu branch!"

After the forceful move, Yuan Wuji made up another sentence and punched again.


The Yaozhang Baquan clashed again, and the sky and the earth thundered immediately.

Both sides spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Xiao Tian!"

Hua Xiao shouted nervously at Chaowu, but Yuan Wuji raised his fist again as if he had never heard it, and his energy and spirit were unified. The terrifying power affected the entire space, making Yuan Wuji seem to be in another time and space, "The last punch , for Xiao Hua!"

With firm eyes, sonorous words and blood on his body, the young man at this moment has become extremely stalwart.

At least in Hua Xiaochao's eyes, her beautiful eyes softened even more at this moment.

She worshiped heroes when she was a girl, even the girl Jie was no exception when she was young.

Perhaps Moshi was also the incarnation of a hero when he was young, which made Jie Hongyan fall in love with him when he was young.

But now Yuan Wuji's face is immature, but full of vigor.

Fan Tian 36 Lu Qi's martial art was originally created by Li Chenzhou.

And Li Chenzhou is that kind of person full of courage.

Boxing is power.

To make a fist is to hold power.

Powerful punches are power.

Men cannot be powerless for a day.

I only trust my punches.

Li Chenzhou does not use weapons. His weapons are his pair of fists. Using fists as weapons requires the determination to win and the courage to die. Only with such courage to support the fists can they be invincible and invincible.

This way creates the most extreme courage and domineering.

This kind of charm not only attracts women, but also makes people admire more easily.

And Yuan Wuji, who also used the 36 Lu Qi, seemed to be infected with this momentum at this moment, and he also understood the core of this unique skill more deeply.

At this moment, no matter good or bad, they were all shaken by that young man's unparalleled spirit.

The bravery of Nishenyang, the righteousness of the king and the heaven, the sageness of Jixuangu.

Today's Dugu defeats the sky's tyrant.

They all have the same awe-inspiring spirit.

"See you in the next life!"

Concentrate energy and spirit into one, and follow the punch, this punch seems to surpass the world, has the ability to change the world, the punch is extremely condensed, the breath is not public, it seems that all the power is condensed in the fist , just wait for the moment of eruption to destroy the power of heaven and earth.

"King Yuxie, be careful!"

Dianbian Jialuo couldn't help reminding.

Although the power of this punch is not obvious to the outside world, everyone present is a master, and no one dares to underestimate the power of this punch.

The secret of being at the heart of the battlefield is deeper than that of Dianbian Jialuo. At this moment, the Qi mechanism is completely locked, and he can't even dodge, so he can only fight with all his strength.

"How could I be defeated by the hands of children!"

An Di was unwilling to roar, his hoarse voice seemed to tear the sky, and the monster aura blazed all over his huge monster shape, as if it was raging into the sky with anger.

Unwilling, unyielding.

Dark Truth will never allow himself to continue to fail, and burn all his strength in the same way.

"Eight Desolation Empty Bags, Destroying Gods!"

Accompanied by an angry roar, the Hundred Demon Rakshasa transformed by Dark Truth absorbs the unparalleled evil power in the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, the Eight Desolation and the Six Heights, and gathers the fire of the Eight Demons and Evils in front of him. A huge fire mass condensed into one.

The dark red evil fire burns like it has no temperature, but it can completely burn people's primordial spirit and true energy, and even the space becomes illusory at this moment, as if melting.


The killing intent boiled between the two, both of them were firm-willed and fearless of death.

"I will not lose!"

An Di roared in his heart, his huge palm pushed suddenly, and his whole body swooped down from above, the space in front of him shattered like tiles.

And Yuan Wuji punched at this moment, also giving up life and death.

The fusion of powerful belief and power erupted with earth-shattering power.

The fists collided suddenly.

At this moment, the world is silent.

The space around the two seems to be split, and they are in the void.

Power is lost in nothingness.

But the tyrannical force poured into the body, and the huge Rakshasa transformed by Andi suddenly twitched. After a moment of stalemate, blood spurted from all the orifices of Andi's body, as if a huge balloon had been pierced with countless holes, and it collapsed for a moment.

The original form of the dark truth reappeared, the person was half kneeling on the ground, and the high head was also hanging down at this moment.

After all, Dark Truth was no longer at its peak, and what he was facing was Yuan Wuji himself, who was already stronger than him. Although his body was young, his strength had not weakened much.

And on the opposite side.

Yuan Wuji also fell from the sky, but when Yuan Wuji fell, Hua Xiaochao rode in the dark night to kill, distracted by Yuan Wuji's battle with Andi, and appeared under Yuan Wuji's body in an instant, holding him in his arms middle.

"Xiao Tian! Wake up..."

Hua Xiao shook Yuan Wuji, who was covered in blood and limp, towards the fog.

In the violent shaking, Yuan Wuji seemed to wake up a little bit, slowly opened his eyes, slowly stretched out his hand to touch Hua Xiao Zhaowu's cheek, then grinned, with an ugly smile on his face, "Little Hua, I avenged you."

"I don't want you to avenge me like this."

A mist appeared in Hua Xiaochao's eyes. Women are emotional, and Jie Hongyan is no exception. After all, he is not an empress, so he can be ruthless, not to mention that Jie Hongyan is still in her teenage years.

"You'll be fine, I'll take you to heal."

There was a hint of crying in Hua Xiao Chaowu's voice, as she said, she picked up Yuan Wuji and left directly.

No one can stop this moment, and there is no power to stop it.

Right after the two disappeared, Qiu Shui and Zao Xue also hurriedly caught up, but just as they left, a vast holy sword suddenly slashed down.

"Slaying Demons Chapter 1 Qiche Minghui!"

Yun Huizi's cold voice came from outside the sky, and before the words fell, the sword energy shrouded the dying dark truth like a ray of light for a moment.

The heaven and earth holy sword combined with the magic-slaying mind method, the unprecedented sword-slaying sword appeared in the world, even the head of the dragon of the evil god must be purified, let alone the dark truth of dying.

"King Yuxie!"

Dian Bian Jia Luo's face suddenly changed, and then the sonorous poem spread all over the place, "Lift up the waves, turbid dust tassels, clear and steep, forget Qingming. Yi Yun flies to the sky, Lingyun Han, the road of chivalry is difficult, and the road to Shu."

Holding the two holy swords of Ziweiyuan and Taiweiyuan, Yun Huizi descended, sweeping the entire world in an instant, "Baqi's deployment, starting today, Yun Huizi will be killed one by one!"

At this moment, after being repeatedly attacked by strong moves, the seal protected by Jiujue Blind Sword was completely broken, and a dark purple evil energy shot out, but the dragon's head had long since disappeared without a trace.

"It's been tricked! Let's go!"

Realizing the loss of the dragon's head, Dian Bian Jia Luo's face became even more ugly, and then he stopped fighting. Le Xunyuan and the others also made a strong move and retreated.

Yun Huizi didn't chase anymore, and completely purified the evil soul of Dark Truth with one move, which made him miserable for a while, and it was difficult to activate the Molu mental method.

However, as the holy aura in Andi's body gradually disappeared, the evil aura also completely disappeared, and the shadow appearance reappeared.

This shows that even if the dark truth evil soul does not die, it cannot continue to occupy the shadow body.

 The third is completed.

(End of this chapter)

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