Chapter 541 After the War
"Yun Zun!"

Jing Tianhuai and the others also stopped and gathered in front of Yun Huizi.

Yun Huizi nodded slightly, and at the same time said solemnly: "I understand that the dragon head of Qushan has been transferred. Next time, the Eight Parts may directly target Defeng Gudao. I will restore my true energy as soon as possible and completely eliminate the dragon head."

"Don't worry, the ancient way of virtue is here, and the dragon head will never be lost."

Although Jing Tianhuai's voice was always calm, his expression was extremely firm. Although he was not the head of the Defeng Ancient Dao, as the head of Renyu Mingsheng, a descendant of Fang Yuheng, one of the founders of the Defeng Ancient Dao, was also qualified to say this.

"I believe in Confucianism."

Yun Huizi also nodded, but his eyes were looking at the place where Hua Xiao Chaowu and Yuan Wuji and others disappeared, his brows could not help frowning, and he asked in doubt: "Who is that boy and girl?"

Apparently even Yun Huizi didn't recognize Grandma Grandma, especially with just a quick glance.

"This..." Jing Tianhuai was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head, "We don't know them either, but from what they said, it should be that the Eight Tribes destroyed their homes, and now they are looking for revenge, right?"

Hearing these words, Yun Huizi frowned even tighter, "It's been a long time since Baqi evil god made a disaster. Even if someone has experienced it, they shouldn't be so young now, weird!"

After murmuring, Yun Huizi shook his head again, and said in his heart, "I saw Qiushui and Zaoxue know them too. I'll ask these two little guys after a while."

On the other side, Qiu Shui and Zhu Xue also heard a familiar voice.

"It's Yun Zun!"

Zuoxue shouted excitedly, but the two of them just hesitated for a moment and didn't go to meet each other, because they had just left Xianmen not long ago, and the task had not been completed yet, so there was no need to meet at this moment.

"Catch up with Brother Tian and Sister Xiaohua first."

The two discussed it and made a decision.


Inside the Three Realms Pagoda.

Dianbian Jialuo and others returned one by one.

Compared with when I went there, I was full of confidence, but when I came back, I was disheartened.

Not only failed to unseal the dragon head, this action also defeated Yuxie King, which can be described as a huge loss.

"I didn't expect that Yuxie King would be defeated by that young man. What is the origin of that young man?"

Le Xunyuan also spoke solemnly, feeling aggrieved in his heart.

With painstaking calculations, he absorbed the power of his uncle Zhe Tianchang, and was successively promoted by the power of the dark blood of the earth and the power of the evil god, and practiced the unique skills in the treasure book of the profound veins to achieve what he is today.

Le Xunyuan has always felt that he is exceptionally talented, such as Yuan Wuji, Jun Fengtian, Diming, and Renjue, but he has cultivated longer than himself or was born better than himself, but he does not think that he is better than them inferior.

But today, that mysterious boy undoubtedly taught him a lesson.

Although the two hadn't fought each other, the invincible spirit displayed by the other party, as well as An Di's defeat, all showed that the boy was not inferior to himself, or even stronger.

How could this not make Le Xunyuan feel disappointed.

Jealousy breeds in his heart, hatred and resentment corrode Le Xunyuan.

When he was living in hiding, Le Xunyuan kept hiding his strength. He didn't say it publicly, but he actually looked down on his two uncles.

Since then, he thought he could rival his uncle Su Tianchang, and he was complacent for a while.

Although he encountered Ni Shenyang and other masters later, Le Xunyuan always believed that he just lacked enough time to improve, and now, the reality gave him a slap in the face.

However, Le Xunyuan's acting skills have already been perfected, and the thoughts flowed in his mind, but the expression on his face was adjusted in an instant, so that no one could see the difference.

"This person is really not simple." Zonghengzi also said quietly, and then looked at Mibian Jialuo, "Listen to his voice, the other girl beside him should be related to the Fengzhi Clan, does King Moxie have any memory?"

Dian Bian Jia Luo shook his sleeve robe fiercely, his eyes were gloomy and terrifying, "The four descendants of the wind are distributed separately, and they don't usually communicate with each other. However, since they dare to kill An Di, they are enemies of the evil gods, no matter where they come from." descendants, I will get rid of them."

After finishing speaking, Dianbian Jialuo took a deep breath, looked at Zonghengzi, and said lightly: "It seems that what you said is correct, the dragon head of Qushan has already been secretly transferred, and only the Confucianism can do this. And the Confucian School has always been in charge of the Ghost Dragon King, I will personally ask."

"It's Qixie's honor to be able to serve the evil god." Zonghengzi raised the corners of his mouth, bowed slightly, and then suddenly said: "However, it's really a surprise that King Yashaxiao didn't make a move!"


Hearing these words, Dian Bian Jia Luo snorted coldly, ignoring whether Zonghengzi was trying to provoke dissension, "I will tell Yutian Zhe about this, King Yasha Xiaoxiao broke the promise, and he must pay the price."

Although the two parties did not make an agreement a while ago, Mian Bian Jia Luo and the others did not think that Yasha Xiaowang would disobey the order left by the Sky Guardian.

Unexpectedly, Yesha Xiaowang actually missed the appointment.

If King Yasha Xiao was there, An Di would not have fallen because of this, causing such a disastrous defeat today.

Just when Mian Bianjia Luo was angry, a deep voice suddenly came, "King Mo Xie, there is naturally a reason for me not arriving in time."

"Yasha Xiaowang, you finally appeared, what is the reason this time?"

Dian Bian Jia Luo snorted softly, and glanced at Bai Chuan Ling Hua beside King Yaksha Xiao, his eyes full of suspicion.

"Heh..." Yasha Xiaowang sneered, "For the great cause of the evil god, I will never hold back. I was blocked by the people from the Nether Realm before, but I didn't expect you to doubt me."

In fact, this time King Yasha Xiao missed the appointment because Infinite and Jian Langya made a move, and King Yasha Xiao and Bai Chuan Linghua couldn't arrive in time.

Yun Huizi knew about the transfer of the dragon head a long time ago. This time, he wanted to find an opportunity to weaken the Babu people first, and then go to the Confucianism sect to cooperate with the infinite eyes to find the dragon head's flaw and destroy it.

"Huh? Youjie still dare to intervene in this matter?"

Dian Bian Jia Luo narrowed his eyes, thinking of the character of Yasha Xiaowang, he knew that this was definitely not the other party's refusal, but Dian Bian Jia Luo was even more angry, "It seems that it is necessary to destroy the Youjie first, and we will deal with this matter." We will inform the Ghost Dragon King together."

"After the decision is made, you know how to contact me."

King Yesha Xiao flung his battle robe, turned his back, tilted his head slightly, and said in an evil voice, "I hope there will be no next time this kind of suspicion."

As soon as the words fell, King Yasha Xiao and Bai Chuan Linghua left the Tower of the Three Realms directly.

Dianbian Jialuo's eyes flickered for a while, and finally looked at Zonghengzi and Le Xunyuan, "No matter what thoughts you have in mind, don't forget that since you have cooperated with the Babu people and received the gift of the evil god, you have to complete the task. Next time, I don't want anyone to sow discord again."

At the last sentence, "Mianbian", Jialuo glanced at Zonghengzi emphatically.

Zonghengzi smiled slightly, with a calm expression on his face, as if the other party was not referring to him, but under the drooping eyelids, the pupils shrank slightly, revealing a touch of solemnity.

Dian Bian Jia Luo didn't say any more, just one point is enough, if there is another time, he won't show mercy, after all, Zonghengzi has performed impeccably in this operation, even though he failed, he can't blame Zonghengzi on the head.

After all, Zonghengzi had already reminded them that Qushan was probably a bait before the battle, and he did his best.

And now, with the fall of Dark Truth, he couldn't let go of any helpful helper.

As for whether or not Zonghengzi has a different intention, in the end Yutian will recognize it by himself.

 Thank you: All gods, demons, and holy kings have been occupied, Dutianshensha Zhoutian Xingchen and other Taoist friends for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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