Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 542 Liar 【Subscription】

Chapter 542 Liar 【Subscription】

The core of Vientiane Temple.

Where the divine body was conceived, an illusory soul sitting cross-legged is the one of Yuan Wuji's three souls—the earth soul.

As the earth soul suddenly opened its eyes, a series of great truths flashed in the eyes, and then, after the streamer disappeared, only a pair of bottomless eyes remained. In the deepest part of the eyes, various data seemed to flash rapidly.

"After research and investigation, the hostility in the soul body is originally a fusion of the unbearable past negative emotions that come from the soul of Mr. Yuan through time travel."

"It's just that the primordial spirit, which has been suppressed in the deepest part of the soul and can't be influenced at all, but with the separation of the three souls and seven souls, the hostility that has been suppressed for a long time gradually breeds, and with the help of these seven souls, it grows without suppression Under the circumstances, the darkness has grown enough to affect the deity's primordial spirit."

"But this power is attached to my soul, and if I want to destroy it, I must start from the soul. Maybe the separation ability of the Fengli sword can separate it.

But now this hostility is scattered among my three souls and seven souls. If I separate it separately, as long as there is still hostility in one soul or one soul, it will reappear in other souls again. "

"If you want to eradicate it, you must separate it from the body at the same time, and you must find another way to completely destroy it, otherwise it will differentiate into a separate individual, and if it is allowed to escape, it will become an independent individual and become my own evil. On the one hand, it is similar to the relationship between Qingyangzi in the future magic seal and the dragon master swallowing the sun, and it will be even more troublesome at that time."

The earth soul murmured that the earth soul is best at deduction, so he comprehended the Wangqing Tianshu, and thus comprehended the truth of heaven and earth. Therefore, these few days are enough to find the root of the previously unknown hostility.

However, this is not good news.

"According to the current situation, only when the three souls and seven souls are united can they be completely separated into one, and then use special methods to destroy them."

There seemed to be countless runes flashing in the eyes of the earth soul. In just a moment, all the factors were calculated and a conclusion was drawn:

"But now is not the time when the three souls and seven souls are united into one, and it is still uncertain whether destroying this hostile energy will affect the soul.

It seems that now we can only do as we please, release the backlog of hostility, and at the same time cut off the continued growth of hostility, making this hidden danger stronger, so that it cannot affect consciousness and limit its growth. Also easier to remove.

"Do as you please?"

Yuan Wuji raised his brows slightly.

At this time, Hua Xiao Chaowu carefully placed the 'severely injured' Yuan Wuji on the bed in the inn room, while Qiu Shui and Zao Xue behind him watched nervously.

"Brother Tian will be fine!"

"Sister Xiaohua, let's go to the doctor right away."

After the two finished speaking, they left in a hurry. Although they had known each other for a short time, Yuan Wuji's care for the two of them made the two little guys feel warm. Now that Yuan Wuji is in trouble, naturally he is also anxious.


After watching the two leave, Yuan Wuji's mouth overflowed with bright red again, which made Hua Xiao Zhaowu feel even more flustered, "Xiao Tian, ​​you will be fine, I will heal your wounds."

As she spoke, Hua Xiao yelled at the mist, raised her power suddenly, and pressed her plain hand on Yuan Wuji's chest, and the surging true energy melted into Yuan Wuji's body along the palm, forcing out all the blood in Yuan Wuji's body.

With the continuous input of gong yuan, Yuan Wuji's pale face also returned to rosy.

Yuan Wuji was indeed injured, but it was not as serious as he showed.

But thinking of the conclusion drawn by Earth Soul to suppress hostility, Yuan Wuji is ready to try the effect now.

The so-called following the trend is nothing but acting in accordance with nature.

The so-called country is easy to change, but nature is difficult to change.

And Yuan Wuji's nature is——


No, it's acting!
Or self-directed and acted!

"Xiaohua, I, I feel like I'm going to die."

Yuan Wuji opened his mouth with difficulty, and at the same time slowly stretched out his hand, grabbing Hua Xiao Zhaowu's other hand.

Holding the catkins in his hands gave Yuan Wuji a strange feeling, but the expression on Yuan Wuji's face remained unchanged, his eyes were fixed on Huaxiao Zhaowu, "I, I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid that after I die, I will die again. Can't - protect you!"

Yuan Wuji's voice was weak and intermittent, as if he was about to die at any moment.

"No, no, you'll be fine."

Hua Xiao looked at the mist in his eyes, shook his head again and again, and said firmly.

"Xiaohua, ahem..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Yuan Wuji suddenly coughed for a while, and a few more mouthfuls of blood spilled out. It seemed that the injury was getting worse.

Hua Xiao Zhaowu hurriedly took back her true essence, and wiped the corners of Yuan Wuji's lips with a handkerchief, "Stop talking, Qiu Shui and the others have already gone to the doctor, you will be fine."

"If you don't say it again, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to speak again in the future."

Yuan Wuji struggled to get up, raised his head to look at Hua Xiao Zhao Wu and said, "Xiao Hua, in fact, in fact, I..."

There was a blush on Yuan Wuji's face, he seemed a little embarrassed, but he quickly made up his mind, fixed his eyes on Hua Xiao Zhao Wu, and said: "Xiao Hua, actually I like you, you can grant me a wish before I die ?"

Hearing this, Hua Xiao Chaowu's small face instantly turned bright red, like a peach.

Hua Xiao Zhaowu's mouth is very small, like a cherry, at this moment she doesn't feel it open, revealing her baby teeth.


Hua Xiaochaowu hesitated for a while, these days together, she did have some affection for 'Dugu Baitian', but that was only affection, and it did not rise to liking or love.

But seeing the dejected gaze of the person in front of him, Hua Xiao Zhaowu couldn't bear to refuse, nodded and said: "Okay, tell me, I will satisfy you in everything."

"Can... can... kiss me?"

Yuan Wuji said weakly, but there was indeed expectation in his eyes.

My heart is full of complacency: Jie Hongyan, Jie Hongyan, let you ruin my good deeds repeatedly, this time we will see how you deal with it after you recover your memory.

Thinking of the last time outside the fairy gate, he was going to enter the sky with Furong Zhuke, and instantly deceived the essence of the emperor of the underworld, but he didn't expect that the robbed beauty broke in accidentally, ruining the atmosphere.

This time, all the treasures of the profound veins were snatched, but Jie Hongyan clung to her relentlessly, and finally inspired the dark hands left by Xuanzun Jiutian, causing both of them to be affected.

How could Yuan Wuji swallow this breath.

It's just that the way he asks for it is different from others.

Seeing the expectant eyes, Hua Xiao Chaowu was even more entangled. After a while, she noticed that Yuan Wuji's aura was getting weaker and weaker. Finally, she gritted her teeth fiercely, scanned around, closed her eyes, and slowly approached.

The moment she approached Yuan Wuji's forehead, Hua Xiao Zhaowu felt a few strange and familiar pictures suddenly appear in her mind, her figure couldn't help but pause, and pain and struggle appeared on her face.

At this time, Yuan Wuji narrowed his eyes narrowly, and the man has already moved closer, and his lips touched.


Hua Xiao woke up suddenly towards the mist, instinctively, she pressed a palm on Yuan Wuji's chest.


Yuan Wuji spat out another mouthful of blood.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, how are you, Xiaotian?"

Hua Xiaochaowu was even more panicked, and quickly helped him up. At this moment, Yuan Wuji seemed to have no bones, and fell limply into Hua Xiaochaowu's arms, opened his eyes slightly, sighed, and said weakly: "Xiaohua, I, I Don't blame you, remember that after I die, you, you must protect yourself."

While speaking, Yuan Wuji stretched out his bloody palm tremblingly, gently stroking Hua Xiao Zhaowu's cheek.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you."

Jie Hongyan took a deep breath, then suppressed the chaotic thoughts in her mind, and plunged down.

With the sudden action, Yuan Wuji's eyes widened immediately, his lips were already wrapped in warmth, he didn't expect to be able to trick Hua Xiao Chaowu into taking the initiative, this surprised him a bit.

But for some reason, there was still a little joy in my heart.

"Brother Tian, ​​Sister Hua, we have found a doctor."

At the same time as the voices of Qiushui and Yuxue came, the door had already opened. When they saw the scene on the bed, they closed their eyes immediately, took a step back, and closed the door at the same time, "Sorry, we didn't see anything, Brother Tian, ​​Sister Hua You guys continue."

After exiting the room, Qiushui and Yuxue looked at each other and made funny faces at each other, "I didn't expect that Brother Tian's injury would cause them to break through this relationship."

In the room, after being disturbed by Qiushui and Yuxue, Hua Xiao Chaowu straightened up and put Yuan Wuji in place involuntarily, then stood up and tidied up his messy clothes, and shouted calmly: "Qiu Shui, hurry up!" Invite the doctor in."

On the bed, Yuan Wuji had a strange smile on his mouth, squinting at Hua Xiao Zhaowu who was trying to calm himself down, it felt very interesting.

He was even more self-satisfied in his heart, "Ha, Xuanzun Jiutian, you didn't expect that 'returning to a child' didn't count me, but it made your righteous sister or younger brother and sister cheat you, didn't you?"

"Hey, anyway, Mo Shi is my enemy, and you plot against me again, then I will not be polite."

 Ask for tickets and order all kinds of requests!

(End of this chapter)

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