Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 543 The Lord of the Immortal Gate Meets the Sin of the Immortal Gate for the First Time [Sep

Chapter 543 The Lord of the Immortal Gate Meets the Sin of the Immortal Gate for the First Time [September Monthly Ticket 9]

At the same time, Yiqingtian and Linfeng Xuanji flew into the air and turned on the ancient path of morality.

But Yuan Wuji's soul has come to the boundary of West Huang Buddha.

The Ghost Prison is now accessible.

But only people with ghost clan can enter.

Xipo's skills are not suitable, so Yupo needs to step in with the body of Vientiane to imitate the breath of ghosts.

At this moment, Yuan Wuji's four souls of joy, desire, sadness, and anger had already gathered near the West Yellow Buddha Realm, and there were even sealed evil spirits in the mountains not far from the West Yellow Buddha Realm.

It can be said that there are many people.

However, Yupo has long since disappeared, and his arrival has not attracted anyone's attention.

At this moment, in Youxiantai.

Gusu Huanjian, Xixueyi, and Young Master Xiaona also lived in.

"People of the Confucian school are really romantic."

Mr. Xi walked out from behind the scenes, watched Xi Xueyi, Mr. Xiaona and others clap their hands gently, the smile on his face was not sure whether it was irony or admiration.

"Huh?" Xi Xueyi's eyes fell on Young Master Xi, and he bowed slightly, "Young Master Xi's demeanor is more descriptive."

"Ha! In terms of demeanor, how can the rumored Bacai Confucian Crane be inferior to others." Mr. Xi smiled silently, then glanced at Gusu to return the sword, and said quietly: "And I don't believe that you will return from Gusu. What good words come out of the mouth of the sword."

"Master Xi, what do you mean by that? Am I the kind of person who likes to chew people's tongue behind their backs?"

Gusu Huanjian was dissatisfied and opened his mouth, but he was not angry.

"It seems that Mr. Xi is treating the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain."

Mr. Xi laughed, with a face of shame.

"It's good that you know." Gusu Huanjian agreed carefreely, looking at Mr. Xi's back from time to time, and finally couldn't hold back after a while, "Mr. Xi, where is Miss Ningxiang?"

As he said that, Gusu Huanjian looked at Mr. Xi suspiciously, and continued: "You won't bully Miss Ningxiang during my absence, will you?"


Within the Defeng Ancient Road, not long after Yun Huizi arrived, he received a letter from Linfeng Xuanji.

In an instant, Yun Huizi's face changed drastically, and he appeared outside the Defeng Ancient Road.

After seeing Linfeng Xuanji, Yun Huizi's eyes were sad, "I underestimated the methods of the eight tribes, which caused Brother Yinglong to..."

Yun Huizi clenched his fists tightly with a look of remorse on his face. He was careless for a moment, but he didn't expect such a tragedy to happen. At this moment, Yun Huizi suddenly understood the feelings of the senior brother and the second senior brother after the Battle of Blood River.

"It's me." Said Yinglong Wuji, Linfeng Xuanjixiu clenched his fists tightly, his head drooped unconsciously, suppressing his hatred for the Eight Tribes and the evil gods in his heart, "It's me who is useless to be controlled, and actually corresponds to Long He... ...".

"Senior Sister Linfeng, I can't blame you for this matter. Everything is the fault of Baqi evil god and Babu people. Don't worry, Yun Huizi will not let any evil spirits go. After I eliminate the dragon head, I will not let go of any of the other eight tribes."

Yun Huizi's words were sonorous, and his expression was extremely firm.

As the second head of the Yunhai Xianmen, protecting the whole family is what the head should do.

However, during his tenure, he was plotted against by members of the Eight Tribes, resulting in the loss of one of the Dharma Guardians. This is an unforgivable mistake.

Yinglong Wuji and Linfeng Xuanji are called Dharma Protectors, but they have been by Xuanzun's side since he was young, and they treat him like brothers and sisters, so this Qiu Yunhuizi can't let go.

After saying this, Yun Huizi looked at Yiqingtian who was silent, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and his eyes showed doubts.

"You are?" Yun Huizi narrowed his eyes slightly, and hesitated for a moment before asking.

"I want to read Xuanzun's Handbook and the Secret History of Xianmen."

Yiqingtian said what she wanted directly.

"Huh? Who are you?" Yun Huizi looked solemn, and asked again, how could he let a stranger read the secrets of the fairy gate.


There was a touch of complexity in Yiqing Tianmu, he understood that if he did not reveal his identity, the person in front of him would never agree, "Yiqingtian."

Yun Huizi frowned at the three characters plain, with a look of doubt on his face, "I seem to have seen this name before?"

After thinking for a while, Yun Huizi suddenly raised his head to look at Yiqingtian, and said in astonishment, "It turned out to be you!"

Yun Huizi thought of where he had seen it, it was recorded in an unknown secret of Xianmen.

Jianfeng Yiqingtian, once Xuanzun's proud disciple, at that time, the senior senior brother had not yet entered the sect, and even the second senior brother had not yet been born. For some reason, this person was expelled by Xuanzun and became a sinner of the immortal sect .

From the description in Xuanzun's records at that time, Yun Huizi could feel the complexity and regret of Xuanzun's mood at that time.

And it would be easy for Xuanzun to accept him as a disciple.

"Yes, it's me."

Yiqingtian nodded and admitted, "I just want to find a person's information from the secrets recorded by Xuanzun, and it will not endanger the immortal sect."

After knowing the identity of the visitor, Yun Huizi took a deep breath and said in thought: "I can't just agree to this."

After finishing speaking, Yun Huizi hesitated for a moment, and added, "I need time to think about it, and I need to know exactly what you are looking for."

Although I don't know what happened at the beginning, it can be seen that although Xuanzun defined him as a sinner of the immortal sect, he did not describe him as a sinner of the immortal sect. Now, the body of the elder brother is occupied by the evil kings of the heavens. Yunkui and Yunkui disappeared one after another, and the fairy gate is empty. It would be a good thing if they could get some help.

"Hmm..." Yiqingtian was silent for a while, then nodded slightly, "Give me the answer as soon as possible, I'm nearby."

After finishing speaking, Yiqingtian stepped on the sky and disappeared in front of the two of them.

Seeing Yi Qingtian disappear at ease, Yun Huizi's complexion remained the same, "I didn't expect him to reappear, and I don't know what he is for? A person? Who is so important?"

Yun Huizi murmured to himself for a while, and finally shook his head. Only Yi Qingtian could give this answer, but judging from the other party's appearance, it was obvious that he didn't want to talk more.

But the most important thing at the moment is the matter of the dragon head and the eight tribes.

Everything else has to go to the back row.

Infinity and Jian Langya were also waiting nearby, waiting for the true energy in his body to return to full strength, waiting for a one-hit kill, and completely destroying the dragon head of Baqi.


the other side.

Under Master Shenhui's instruction, Bi Xueyan understood that revenge with her current strength was hopeless, and the master also suspected that there was another black hand behind her father's death, so Bi Xueyan began to practice in seclusion in the canyon.

Want to fully control the elven artifact - Beidou Tiangong.

Even because of this, there is a certain alienation from Duan Tiantu.

However, Tiantu is not someone who will back down.

He had made great progress with the Fenji Sword before, and he also suffered a lot of injuries after the battle with Chi Luo. He used this as a reason to guard outside the canyon, not only to protect Bi Xueyan but also to recover from her injuries.

However, tonight, the cloudiness suddenly became heavy.

A strange sound came from all directions, and the entire forest was rendered in a bright green color, as if there were evil spirits traveling, and the mournful and low-pitched ghost howls came intermittently, and this place seemed to have turned into a ghost.

"Who is sneaking?"

Duan Tiantu also sensed that the atmosphere was not right, opened his eyes, two beams of fire spurted out, and Fang Yuan was emptied a few feet away in an instant.

The fiery red robes fluttered in the wind, as if raging flames were rising, making the dark night into fiery red.

At this time, the yellow ghost paper was flying all over the sky, and the dense forest moved to the two sides, seeming to branch out into a gloomy ghost road, just like the road to the underworld.

And in the middle of the road, a golden boy and jade girl with weird and heavy makeup on her face opened the way, and behind her was a golden ghost sedan chair fluttering in the flying ghost paper.

"The golden boy leads the way to Yinsi, and the jade girl walks away from Hentian."

The whispered and treacherous smile came from the mouth of the golden boy and jade girl who led the way, which made people shudder.

The money to buy the road in the underworld is floating around, and the unexpected person suddenly appears, what is he going to do to Duan Tiantu?
 The third one!

(End of this chapter)

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