Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 544 Jade Faced Buddha is 9 Years Old

Chapter 544 Jade Face Buddha Nine Thousand Years Old

"who are you?"

Duan Tiantu looked past the golden boy and jade girl, and his eyes fell on the ghost sedan chair behind the two of them.

"The person who killed me doesn't know who I am? Haha..."

There were two sneers in the sedan chair.

These words made Duan Tiantu even more puzzled. After raising his brows, he snorted coldly and said, "I don't know how many people have died under my hands. The nameless people are not worthy for me to write down their names."

Since the comer was not kind, there was no need for Duantiantu to be kind, and the words showed their sharpness.

"Oh! It's really arrogant."

As soon as the words fell, the curtain hanging down on the ghost sedan chair suddenly trembled violently, and then a gloomy and treacherous palm rushed towards his face.

"Three Poison Cotton Palms."

The feminine and soft palm strength that contains the temperament came through the air, Duan Tiantu Haoyuan was lifted together, and the palm blasted out, the fire dragon circled out, and went straight to the ghost sedan chair of the underworld.

"The fire dragon pierces the mountain."

With a sound of shock, a fast-moving figure rushed out of the ghost sedan chair, and arrived in front of Duan Tiantu in the blink of an eye.

The astonishing speed made Duan Tiantu's pupils constrict, and he immediately understood that the person in front of him was not just pretending, but truly possessed tyrannical strength.

When the two palms clashed for the first time, Duan Tiantu only felt a sinister and devilish energy invading his body, and the majestic fire energy in his body was hard to resist, so he immediately retreated three steps.

"It's not bad to be able to catch my palm!"

After one slap, before Duan Tiantu saw the person clearly, the opponent had already returned to the ghost sedan chair of the Underworld, and a soft voice came out.

In fact, Jade Buddha also felt Duan Tiantu's ability in just the moment of palming each other.

Although the opponent is injured and is no longer in full glory, Jade Buddha also has old troubles. It is not so easy to win Duan Tiantu, so Jade Buddha chose to stop the battle.

Duan Tiantu didn't make a move either, he also felt that the opponent's foundation was deep, if we say that in his heyday, with the increase of the Fenji Sword, he had nothing to fear, but now, he is also not sure of defeating his opponent.

Therefore, Duan Tiantu snorted, and said directly: "If you are looking for revenge, Duanmou will accompany you to the end, if you have other purposes, just say it, Duanmou has no intention of chatting with you."

"Are you anxious to accompany the little girl inside?"

Jade Buddha gave a sly smile, the meaning was unclear.

"Huh?" Duan Tiantu's eyes turned cold, and murderous intent emerged in his eyes. Obviously, the Jade Buddha's words poked Duan Tiantu's Ni Lin.

"It seems that the little girl inside is indeed very important to you." Inside the ghost sedan chair, Jade Buddha took a sip from his teacup and said calmly, "Don't worry. I have other things to do today, and I won't deal with you."

Duan Tiantu didn't speak, his coldness remained the same.

"I want to talk to Mr. Yuan about a deal, trust him, it's not your turn to decide."

"Looking for Master?"

Duan Tiantu's expression moved slightly, and then he narrowed his eyes slightly. Thinking of what Master said when he said goodbye to Master, Duan Tiantu snorted lightly, and said indifferently: "Then you can go to the West Huang Buddha boundary to look for it."

At the beginning, Yuan Wuji had left messages for Duantiantu, Forbidden City Remains and even Yuan Zheng, but if anyone was looking for him, he could ask them to go to the West Huang Buddhist Realm to find someone.

Although Duan Tiantu didn't know Jade Buddha, he still obeyed Master's instructions.

Moreover, he has enough confidence in Master.

"West Huang Buddha boundary?"

Inside the ghost sedan chair of the underworld, a strange thing appeared in the eyes of the Jade Buddha, and then he slowly put down the teacup in his hand. With a gust of wind, the ghost sedan chair and the golden boy and jade girl disappeared, and the trees that had been pushed away by the mysterious force before also returned to their original state.

With the disappearance of ghosts in the underworld, if not for the paper money scattered on the ground, people would think that everything is an illusion.

"It seems that what he can do is still beyond my expectations."

The disappearance of Jade Buddha did not make Duan Tiantu feel relaxed, "It seems that I also need to recover as soon as possible, so that I can help Master again in the future."

Whispering to himself for a while, Duan Tiantu used a secret method to convey the message to Yuan Wuji. At this moment, Bi Xueyan in the valley didn't notice anything unusual, because the appearance of Jade Buddha earlier isolated this space.


When Master Shenhui arrived at Qushan, the fighting here had already subsided.

The mission of Jiujue Blind Sword is completed, and he is also packing his bags and preparing to leave.


Master Shenhui raised his eyebrows and asked what happened here.

Although Jiu Jue Blind's sword eyes were blind, his heart was not blind, and he didn't feel any malice from Lord Shenhui, so he simply told him.

In order to pursue the blood shadow hidden in Qiu Kuang's mouth, Lord Shenhui had no choice but to leave again and go to Defeng Ancient Road.

And on the other side.

Yuan Wuji, who had turned into a teenager, had already been diagnosed and treated by a doctor. Of course, what the other party could diagnose was what Yuan Wuji let him know, so he was arranged to rest.

Hua Xiaochaowu was decocting medicine outside, Qiu Shui and Zaoxue also went to the elf world to find Yu Xiao, and wanted to ask Yu Xiao for help.

In the past few days, Yuan Wuji taught the Jianghu experience, which was enough for the two of them to deal with most things, so that the embarrassing thing that happened last time would not happen.

And now he is the only one in the room.

"Jade Faced Buddha is nine thousand years old!"

Yuan Wuji was stunned when he received a message from Duan Tiantu using a secret method, "I never thought he would appear in this world at this time, but the matter of the Central Plains has nothing to do with him, so what is the purpose of looking for me?"

"Could it be that you want to join hands with me to conspire with the Southern Territory?"

Yuan Wuji's eyes flickered for a while, the plot had already changed, and he couldn't guess what Jade Buddha's intentions were, but anyway, he was not an enemy.

Although it is said that he killed Jueyan, one of the nine evil fangs of the Jade Buddha, but the life of a deployment is obviously not worth the Jade Buddha personally going out to offend him.

Jade Buddha is also a person with a gloomy mind and will not do things that are not sure.

Therefore, Yuan Wuji put this matter behind him in an instant, and what he can pay attention to now is at least being close to God.

"There are still three random chances to draw Xianwu, and it's time to use it."

As the mind sank into the system, the huge roulette reappeared.

"Extract it directly."

Yuan Wuji can't dominate the random selection, but at his current level, the items drawn by the system will most likely be biased towards what he needs.

Soon, the results have appeared.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Twelve Capitals Heavenly Secret Demon Divine Voice."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining——Yu Linglong."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining—Sword 23."

"Sword 23, I finally got this sword technique."

Yuan Wuji's eyes showed a look of joy, but the system can only help him with the sword master's sword that killed Xiongba. If he wants to be stronger, he must comprehend it himself.

However, the sword master back then came out of his body, frozen in time and space, and created a lore sword.

But the weakness is too obvious, Yuan Wuji will naturally continue to deduce and improve it to make it more suitable for him.

As for the Divine Voice of the Twelve Capitals, it is similar to Qingyangzi's divine voice that breaks the brain for thousands of miles. Ordinary creatures can only hear it within a hundred miles. If they hear it, they will die. A strange attack method was introduced, but it did not increase much strength.

Yu Linglong is a spar with pure energy for a moment, which naturally becomes the fuel to build the body.

In order to build a strong body, Yuan Wuji has used many treasures that contain life energy or energy, such as Longyuan. In addition to the treasures obtained in the system, there are also various treasures that Yuan Wuji sent his men to search for in a difficult situation. Long Yuan is inferior.

If it is impossible to get to the strongest divine body, Yuan Wuji will have no choice.

After using up all the drawing opportunities, Yuan Wuji slowly closed his eyes and began to calculate the next thing.

"After Yupo steps into the ghost prison and reaches an agreement with the empress, maybe we can find a chance to talk to the evil kings of the heavens."

"Moshi is not just my enemy!"

"I believe that the evil kings of the heavens will be happy to get rid of Moshi in order to recover their bodies and avenge their original calculations."

Thinking about it, Yuan Wuji had a strange feeling that he was secretly hooking up with Mo Shi's wife, but he was thinking about how to kill Mo Shi.


Three seconds of silence for Moshi.

 Thank you: Fellow Daoists in Xialongsu, Sirenlanggao, etc. for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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