Chapter 551
"Hey...their strength is very strong!"

In the dark, Yuan Wuji and Hua Xiao Zhaowu had already arrived, they did not show their faces directly, but watched the battle situation below.

Yuan Wuji would not be surprised by Yi Yu and Yu Xiao's strength, but Hua Xiao Zhao Wu who was beside him was shocked by opening his mouth lightly.

"It's really good, but it's still a lot worse than me!"

Yuan Wuji nodded in agreement, and then said proudly.

This self-satisfied look made Hua Xiao cast a reproachful glance at Zhao Wu.

And at this time.

On the battlefield, the Forbidden City remnant jade frowned, and the sharp spear in his hand seemed to turn into a golden dragon, charging out with unparalleled momentum.

"Emperor's Order!"

This is one of the spear techniques created by Jade from the Forbidden City based on the fusion of Yulianghuang Yuyu Bazijue and the jade seal forbidden seal passed down by her teacher Hongchenxue. It is also the spear technique that best suits her skills. Unleash powerful power.

The dragon circled, like an imperial decree, coming with a mighty force to crush it.

An unparalleled pressure enveloped the ghost unicorn, and the vast imperial energy impacted the world, shaking the heavens and the earth.

"What a domineering power, unfortunately..."

The face of the ghost unicorn changed slightly, and the next moment, the ghost energy in the body exploded, and the boundless black air filled the air, and the eerie howls of ghosts swept all directions, and all the demons and ghosts came out, which shocked people's minds.

However, when countless ghosts approached the Jade of the Forbidden City, they were directly swept away by a wave of golden light. Upon closer inspection, the dragon aura surged up, as if a real dragon wrapped the Jade of the Forbidden City, forming a real dragon that could not break the body.

Although the aura of the real dragon is not as good as the aura of the emperor of the immortal sect, it is equally strong, fierce, strong, and all ghosts and evil spirits cannot get close.

"Eight Mysterious Dance · Prison Demon Alchemy."

The dark and evil blade was stained with blood, moving with the mysterious steps of the ghost unicorn master, and condensed into a huge magic seal, and then countless wild devil souls roared out, killing the jade left in the Forbidden City with an incomparably fierce aura.

The impact of the two extreme forces of rigidity and yin and evil suddenly caused the world to turmoil, and Fang Yuan collapsed for several miles.

Although Relic of the Forbidden City is a daughter, her marksmanship is as sharp and fierce as a man's, and her heroic appearance is no less than Hong Chenxue's back then.

"God Howling Gun!"

Amidst the cold voice, I saw the palms of the Forbidden City's remnant jade suddenly converge on the chest, and the gods in front of him spun rapidly, swirling with energy, gradually forming a huge storm, like a giant dragon wrapped around, sending out bursts of high-pitched dragon chant, shocking the ten directions .


Accompanied by the word 'kill' coldly, the huge swirl is like a dragon leaping, directly piercing through the void.

"The Demon Monarch's Absolute Skill!"

The ghost unicorn narrowed his eyes slightly, and he saw through the essence of the gun at a glance, it was the devil's howling gun.

However, in the hands of the Forbidden City Relict Jade, driven by the majestic dragon energy, another change occurred.

Compared with the sinister and ruthless demon lord, this shot has become more forceful and domineering.

"I didn't expect that one of Yuan Wuji's disciples could push me to such an extent."

Ghost Qizhu silently thought in his heart that this made him even more afraid of Yuan Wuji. Although the two had met each other before, now it seems that what he saw was only the surface.

However, these things just flashed in the mind of the ghost unicorn master. Facing the ultimate move of the Forbidden City Jade, the ghost element in the ghost unicorn's main body poured out, and a terrifying beam of light erupted from the Thousand Devils Dark Evil Blade in his hand, "Baxuanwu·Yan Luoyi brake!"

The majestic ghost element was condensed into one, and the figure of the ghost unicorn master disappeared immediately, and came with a single blow.

But the shot of the Forbidden City's Relic Jade was even more pressing on the space, and Fang Yuan's land fell into a state of stagnation. After the Ghost Qi Lord approached one foot, he could no longer advance an inch.

Faced with such a situation, the ghost unicorn master's expression remained unchanged. In his life, he has gone through countless battles, slashing down with the slender evil blade in his hand, and the powerful energy exploded.

The ghost unicorn immediately spit out a mouthful of blood, and flew out backwards, while the giant dragon condensed outside the body of the jade from the Forbidden City, and then turned into a dragon-scale battle armor to protect the body, but even so, there was a tinge of bright red from the corner of his mouth, which made him look cute.


When the battle between Remaining Jade of the Forbidden City and the Ghost Qi Lord came to an end, Yu Xiao and Mian Bian Jia Luo also reached the extreme.

Yu Xiao's sword attracted thunder, and a sword tore through the void.

Dian Bian Jia Luo is also not inferior, with a romantic knife.

The wind and thunder collided, and the two energies erupted instantly. The dazzling light and the yellow sand covered everything.


But the aftermath hadn't subsided yet, and Bian Jialuo had appeared in front of Yu Xiao at some point, "Evil Saber Xun."

"Jian Liuyun."

Facing the sudden attack of Dian Bian Jia Luo, Yu Xiao then summoned his luck, and the tangible sword energy was extended and softened, like flowing water and clouds, which just made up for the lack of action after the hard work.

The swords clashed and shot cold stars.

The two faced each other, then applauded again, each stepped back a few steps, and opened the distance.

At this moment, besides anger, Mibian Jialuo's heart is more complicated.

In just over a month's time, the little baby who was once arbitrarily grown into a master who can fight with him, how can this not make Mian Bian Jia Luo feel an unspeakable loss.

Of course, that's the only reason, apart from Yu Xiao's real strength improvement, it's also because of the continuous fighting of Dian Bian Jia Luo during this period, which caused a serious loss of evil power in his body. Although he was not injured, he had already lost its full power.

In the whole difficult situation, many masters throughout the ages, most of them appear invincible in the world, and after three episodes, they become invincible to anyone, and finally even die in the hands of ordinary masters.

The reason is that just after being born, the foundation, true energy, and state are all perfect, and as the battle continues, it begins to decline, and then the skills and moves are seen through, and finally reduced to the horn of the demon.

In this world, not everyone has the terrifying recovery power like Yuan Wuji, let alone everyone has a system, with various martial arts, so that people can't find flaws.

Even Yun Huizi is just a "three seconds" real man.

After the 'three seconds' passed, he would wilt directly. If he was targeted, it would be a matter of one move. In the previous life drama, he was easily terminated by Yiqingtian.

After fighting for this period of time, Dian Bian Jia Luo also had a better understanding of the opponent in front of him. He narrowed his eyes at first, and then suddenly spread his wings behind his back. Eight phases, killing."

The saber moves poured out, turning one into eight, blocking Yu Xiao's retreat from all angles.

"Chess evil?"

While watching the battle, Le Xunyuan suddenly took a step forward, vaguely blocking Zonghengzi's path, while looking at Zonghengzi with a smile on his face.

Zonghengzi lowered his eyelids slightly, concealing the murderous intent in his eyes, and at this moment, the situation changed again.

Bafang's ultimate move is on the body, it is not clear at this moment whether it is real or not.

"Yu Xiao be careful!"

On the other side, Remaining Jade of the Forbidden City realized that Yu Xiao was in danger, and couldn't help shouting, but the ghost unicorn blocked the way to rescue at this moment.

"Uncle, it seems that I can only use this trick!"

Yu Xiao's heart sank and she clenched her hands tightly.

At this moment, I have already made a decision in my heart.

Just when Yu Xiao was determined to use her ultimate move, suddenly a huge sword energy from outside the sky broke through the crisis forcefully, phantoms from all directions collapsed at the same time, and the figure of Dian Bian Jia Luo was exposed.

"From one's own knowledge, through the righteousness of all people. Debating the thoughts of the past and the present, and aspiring to the sages and sages."

The awe-inspiring aura soared to the sky, and a person wearing a purple Confucian robe and a purple-gold crown on his head descended from the sky.

"He's a Confucianist again!"

Dianbian Jialuo snorted angrily, "I haven't troubled you yet, so you dare to meddle in your own business!"

On the other side, an invisible killing sound came, ending the battle.

"Before infinity, you can only see pity!"

Dressed in a silver robe, Infinity Spin Kong, holding the magic piano in his arms, landed in front of Jiuying, "Has the Holy Mother been well?"

"Infinity, you are finally back."

At this moment, Jiuying had no intention of blaming her, but just stood up and watched the situation develop.

When the reinforcements arrived, Dianbianjialuo, Guiqizhu and others also joined together.

Gui Qizhu took a deep look at his son Yu Lijing, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, "I didn't expect the Confucianism to cooperate with Youmo, this is not the righteous way!"

 Guaranteed the second update, and the third update as much as possible, there may not be any, it is a bit stuck.Please vote for support...

(End of this chapter)

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