Chapter 552 Exposure 】

"In the face of the threat of the Eight Qi evil god, whether it is the human race or the Youjie, they will stand on the same front."

Facing the ridicule of the ghost unicorn master, Yu Lijing did not pretend to speak.


Hearing this, Gui Qizhu couldn't help laughing out loud for a while, and after a while, he glanced at Jiuying behind Wuwu, and finally returned to Yulijing again, "Jiuying killed Huanling, you It’s fine if you don’t avenge your mother, but now you are preventing me from taking revenge, Huan Ling really gave birth to a good son!”


Yu Lijing was stunned, and the shocking news made Yu Lijing lose his mind for a moment, and his emotions were intense.

At this moment, the gazes of other people on both sides of the good and the evil also fell on Yu Lijing.

It has to be said that in terms of pit son, the Ghost Qi Master is not necessarily inferior to Yuan Wuji. The only difference is that there is only one Ghost Qi Master, while Yuan Wuji has many.

Le Xunyuan was not surprised by this. Although Jun Fengtian took the responsibility last time, how could Le Xunyuan believe it.

On the contrary, although Zonghengzi and Dianbian Jialuo had heard about it, they had never been proved, and they just got it from the mouth of Ghost Qizhu today.

"It turns out that Yulijing is the son of that bitch Huanling."

Jiuying's eyes also fell on Yu Lijing's body, with complex eyes, but an inexplicable killing intent in his heart, "It really looks like that bitch!"

But at this moment, under the influence of Ghost Qi Lord's words, Yu Lijing lost his mind, and at the same time, a tyrannical emotion suddenly appeared in his body.

The long-lost manipulation.

The ghost unicorn influences Yulijing with his blood, and at the moment when Yulijing's mind is lost, he uses magic to arouse the tyranny and murder in Yulijing's heart.

"Ghost Qizhu is really ruthless, and even the parents and children will not be spared."

Le Xunyuan admired him.

However, the Jade Lijing is not the original Jade Lijing. After the baptism of Jun Fengtian's divine emperor's spirit, the resistance to this state is stronger, so it is stalemate for a while, and it is not confused by it.

"Not good!"

Remaining Jade from the Forbidden City frowned, and said in a deep voice, "He must be stopped!"

Yu Xiao and Yu Yu from the Forbidden City are not good at spells, especially the spells that affect the brain like Master Gui Qi, which can only be broken with strength.

But before there was Jialuo blocking the way, Le Xunyuan also said to Zonghengzi: "Qixie, what are you waiting for? If you don't use all your strength this time, I'm afraid no one will be able to protect you from the evil god."

In the dark, besides Yuan Wuji and Hua Xiao Zhao Wu, Lord Shen Hui was also waiting.

Naturally, she also saw the Jade from the Forbidden City, so this made her even more convinced that the Jade from the Forbidden City must have been ordered to suddenly leave the Elf World and appear in the Nether Realm, and therefore she was even more sure that maybe that person was hiding behind the scenes.

Therefore, Shen Hui waited patiently and watched the situation develop.

And Yuan Wuji's gaze has been staring at infinity, wanting to find clues from it.

"The camouflage is really subtle, and even I didn't notice any changes."

Yuan Wuji narrowed his eyes and said in his heart.

"However, since I am a mortal enemy, in order to target my foresight, you will definitely not give up the infinite future eye, so I still don't quite believe that you will do nothing."

Yuan Wuji silently thought in his heart that as long as Yi Moshi hated him, as long as he didn't die, he would retaliate against him at any time, but with his prudence, he would definitely not reveal his flaws before everything was launched.

This can be seen from the performance in previous dramas.

In the end, Moshi was plotted against by the earth, and it was also because of the sudden increase in power that made him relax his vigilance. But now, Moshi has not recovered, and he has ruined the plan, so he will naturally be more careful.

At this time, Yuan Wuji suddenly looked at Hua Xiao Chaowu beside him, narrowed his eyes, and made up his mind.

"Others can't recognize the former Hua Xiao Zhao Wu, but as Hua Xiao Zhao Wu's husband, Mo Shi will definitely be able to recognize it."

"Hua Xiao Chao Wu was originally Jie Hongyan's appearance when she was young. Although Hua Xiao Chao Wu may be younger than when she met Mo Shi now, there are still some similarities in appearance, and the breath is also the same."

"In this case, then I will test you again, and let you see the intimacy between me and Hua Xiao Zhao Wu with your own eyes, and see how long you can bear it?"

"I don't believe that you can bear it without showing your flaws."

Mo Shi is ruthless and perverted, and he can indeed kill his wife and daughter, but that is when it is the last resort. In fact, as long as there are other ways, Mo Shi will not really kill his wife.

Therefore, a sudden change will definitely have an impact on Mo Shi, and even the film king will show his true colors at this moment.

I'm afraid most men in the world can't tolerate it.

At least, Yuan Wuji couldn't bear it.

Now, both good and evil are in a stalemate, Yuan Wuji rolled his eyes and said to Hua Xiao Zhaowu: "Xiao Hua, let's go out and have a look."


Hua Xiao looked worried towards the foggy eyes, "I'm afraid it will be dangerous to go out in your current state!"

"Don't worry, the two sides are at a stalemate now, and they are powerless to deal with me."

Saying that, Yuan Wuji took Hua Xiao Zhaowu's hand, and said with a face of trust, "What's more, you are protecting me."

"Okay, then you must not be brave, you must stand behind me and don't move around."

Faced with Yuan Wuji's determination, Hua Xiao Zhaowu could only agree, but he still gave a warning.

Yuan Wuji pretended to be weak, half leaning on Hua Xiao Chao Wu's body, and the two appeared together.

Although Hua Xiaochaowu felt that Yuan Wuji must have intentional elements, but Yuan Wuji was thick-skinned enough to rub back and forth, so that Hua Xiaochaowu couldn't make up his mind to push him away.

After all, it was because of her that Yuan Wuji suffered such a serious injury before.

The boy and girl who suddenly appeared broke the stalemate.

"It's you!"

Seeing the young man transformed by Yuan Wuji, Dian Bian Jia Luo immediately burst into anger, "Pay for the dark truth!"

Although it was said that it was Yun Huizi who killed Andi in the end, if it hadn't been for the battle with the young man in front of him, which caused serious wear and tear, Andi would have fallen so easily.

The relationship between the eight tribes may not be completely friendly, but the relationship between Mianbianjialuo and Andi has been cooperated for many years, and the relationship between the two is naturally extraordinary.

In the previous life drama, if Andi insisted on killing Mibianjialuo's son, the two would not have turned against each other.

But in this life, Mianbianjialuo didn't know that he had a son.

The relationship between nature and hidden truth remains strong.

On the other side, Unlimited also turned his head to look, and when his eyes fell on Hua Xiao Chaowu, he first showed doubts, then his pupils constricted suddenly, and his killing intent was not revealed.

Although Yuan Wuji didn't stare at Infinity, the corners of his eyes kept paying attention to Infinity's emotions.

It is naturally impossible to hide such a big change from Yuan Wuji.

"Ha! Moshi, it really is you!"

At the same time with a sneer in his heart, Yuan Wuji's arms around Hua Xiao Chaowu's waist became tighter, making the two of them look even more ambiguous.

 Thanks: Gundam Throne, Du Tian Shen Sha Zhou Tian Xing Chen and other Taoist friends for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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