Chapter 553

All kinds of things fall into the eyes of Infinity, all of which stimulate the demons in the sea of ​​consciousness to split their souls.

At this moment, the killing intent in Moshi's heart was unprecedentedly strong.

Perhaps only worse than the time when Beihai Lingzhou's death plan was destroyed.

Mo Shi didn't recognize Yuan Wuji, because he had never seen Yuan Wuji's previous appearance, and Yuan Wuji was different from Jie Hongyan, he had intentionally changed his aura.

Therefore, even if Yuan Wuji's son, Furong Zhuke, Hongchenxue and the others were present, they would not be able to recognize them based on their appearance and breath alone.

In fact, Yu Xiao and Yuan Zheng are somewhat similar to Yuan Wuji who is now a teenager, but there are too many people who are somewhat similar in the world, especially Yuan Wuji deliberately changed his hair color and made a mess of his hair. The black hair in the shawl is even more wild, completely different from the appearance of the noble sons in the past.

In addition, no one would have thought that Yuan Wuji's appearance this time is no longer a change of face and identity, but a change of time.

"Is it really her?"

Mo Shi thought to himself, glanced at Hua Xiao Zhao Wu from time to time, that slightly immature face gradually merged with the mature appearance in the future.

The unique aura of Gu Huo's descendants all indicated that the young girl was most likely his wife.

"It's just why she became like this, could it be..."

A certain thought flashed through Moshi's mind.

The Yunhai Xianmen was created by his elder brother Jiutian Xuanzun, but in fact he also contributed a lot, but later the two turned against each other, and everything about him was erased by Jiutian Xuanzun.

Therefore, Mo Shi also knows most of the unique skills and secret techniques of Xianmen.


Moshi whispered in his heart, seeing Jie Hongyan's current state, only the forbidden move of Xianmen can do all this.

He didn't know what Jie Hongyan had gone through and why she suddenly became like this, but...

Mo Shi's eyes fell on the young man who was leaning against Jie Hongyan's body, and on the hand that fell on Jie Hongyan's waist.

The scene in front of him made Mo Shi feel extremely dazzling. A kind of jealousy, anger and unspeakable aggrievedness grew in his heart, burning his reason.

However, think about the role you play.

Mo Shi suppressed the boiling killing intent and closed his eyes, so that others could see that his state was not right.

But the scene of Hua Xiao Zhao Wu being ambiguous with people in his mind is still lingering.

"Who is he?"

Mo Shi's thoughts surged, although he had tried his best to suppress the killing intent in his heart, but he couldn't help showing his murderous intent when he glanced at the young man beside Hua Xiao Zhao Wu from time to time, especially the hand that fell on Hua Xiao Zhao Wu's waist moved from time to time, The other demon began to go crazy, and his heart began to roar wildly.

No matter how cruel and ruthless Mo Shi is, seeing other people flirting with his wife in front of him, from a man's point of view, he can't laugh at everything.

He is a pervert who likes to collect the skulls of beauties as decorations for wine glasses; he is a pervert who can imprison his daughter's soul in a man's body;

But he is not perverted enough to laugh to see his wife with another man in front of him...

Now, in order for him to continue cultivating the goodwill of the righteous way, so as to capture the power of blood darkness in the future, Mo Shi had to work hard to suppress it.

But the eyes can't help but look in that direction, and then the more and more intimate scenes will stimulate the soul again.

"No matter who you are, you are dead. I will tear your corpse into pieces! I will use your skull as a chamber pot!" Mo Shi roared wildly in his heart.

Even the Six Soul Demon Gate hidden in the depths of Youjie was shaken.

With such a close distance, the devil's brain naturally sensed everything.

But Yuan Wuji seemed to be fearless, testing Hua Xiao Zhaowu's limit of tolerance little by little, moving his hands down little by little, from his waist to his buttocks.

However, just when Yuan Wuji was about to go further, Hua Xiao Chaowu had already grabbed Yuan Wuji's unruly hand, and lowered his head to stare fiercely at the seemingly innocent Yuan Wuji.

With rosy cheeks and raised eyebrows, she is so cute when she is angry.

"Jie the beauty!"

Mo Shi roared in his heart, although he knew it was due to the factor of 'returning to childhood', but acting like a spoiled child undoubtedly gave Mo Shi another stab in the heart.

Angry men don't look for reasons, they just know that everything happened.

Although he would not hesitate to sacrifice Jie Hongyan in order to accomplish his goal, he did not allow his woman to kiss me with another man.


At this moment, Mo Shi also had murderous intentions towards Jie Hongyan.

Mo Shi tried his best to hide his emotions, but Yuan Wuji, who had been paying attention secretly, saw his changes clearly, and even the intimacy before was deliberately shown to Mo Shi.

"You can bear it like this, Moshi, your endurance is indeed 'stronger' than mine! Yuan must say, 'I'm willing to bow down'."

Yuan Wuji admired in his heart, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up, but the movement of his hands did not seem to stop at all. Since they could not go down, Yuan Wuji's hands began to move up bit by bit.

At this time, the forces of good and evil were equal, and Jia Luo, who was unwilling to cast a glance at the young man transformed by Yuan Wuji, could only announce his withdrawal.

Because with the aid of the righteous way, it is obvious that today's plan to attack Youjie cannot be terminated. Even if Le Xunyuan, Zonghengzi and others are added, but with Yu Lijing and Infinite, their strength is not enough to destroy Youjie.

What's more, Jialuo has already experienced the treachery of the Confucian sect several times, and every time they lost their troops, he suspects that there are still masters of the Confucian sect secretly. If so, they are the ones who are in danger today. Only then can we get out of trouble.

Therefore, Mianbian Jialuo ordered the retreat without hesitation.

Before the ghost unicorn left, he said coldly to Yu Lijing, "My son, my blood is flowing on your body after all, you will not escape my control, as for your mother's hatred, you have to weigh it carefully! Remember, what price your mother paid for you to keep you safe, think about how you can repay the enemy right in front of you!"

"Don't bother!"

Yu Lijing gritted his teeth and said, with his tenacious resistance, the tyrannical breath in his body gradually subsided, and his sanity recovered bit by bit.

Now that the war is over, Zonghengzi feels relieved, takes a deep look at Yu Xiao and prepares to leave, but it just so happens that Yu Xiao's eyes are also projected there.

Immediately, Yu Xiao suddenly took a step forward, and asked coldly, "Do you know my mother?"


Zonghengzi was taken aback for a moment, but Yu Xiao didn't expect Yu Xiao to speak suddenly. At this moment, the eyes of Mian Bianjia Luo and others also fell on Zonghengzi, and Le Xunyuan's face was full of playfulness.

On the other side, Yuan Wuji was also slightly taken aback, not knowing what Yu Xiao wanted to do.

Faced with this situation, Zonghengzi knew it was unavoidable, nodded slightly and said, "That's right!"

"Hmph! It really is you, the bad guy. I will definitely arrest you and bring you to my mother for atonement!"

There was a look of complexity on Yu Xiao's face. After all, this was probably her father, but thinking of her mother's hatred for him in the past, Yu Xiao felt that she had the responsibility to relieve her mother's worries, and the expression on her face became even colder.

Totally didn't notice this, his eyes were a little dazed, and he murmured: "Is she still unable to forgive me after all?"

Although he went to rescue the little sister with Yuan Wuji later, but after all, the little sister never said to forgive him, which made Zonghengzi feel a little uneasy all the time.

After all, at the beginning, I actually played chess with the father of Kua Huan, and I lost my younger sister to the father of Kua Huan in a moment of greed. I really hurt my younger sister too deeply, even if I use my whole life, it is difficult to make up for this hurdle.


Yu Xiao's eyes showed anger, and she shouted coldly: "If you want to forgive, follow me to mother's place!"

"No, now is not the time!" Zonghengzi was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head.

"Then I have no choice but to grab you in front of my mother!"

Yu Xiao's eyes turned cold and her face was determined.

The Forbidden City Relic Yuyu on the side opened her mouth to speak. She felt that Yu Xiao might have misunderstood something, but if she said it, wouldn't she expose her adoptive father, since the foster father didn't recognize him and had his own intentions, she couldn't open her mouth, which made Forbidden City Yi Yu's heart was full of anxiety.

On the other side, Yuan Wuji also frowned uncontrollably, he understood Yu Xiao's intentions, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and he couldn't help snorting coldly, "Stinky boy, it seems that he still deserves a beating, even father can admit his mistake... ..."

 Guaranteed second update!

(End of this chapter)

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