Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 558 Jade Buddha's Calculation

Chapter 558 Jade Buddha's Calculation
"Young Master Yuan, please recruit!"

Jade Buddha put one hand behind his back and the other hand out, revealing his grand master demeanor.

"Jade Buddha, please!"

Since the other party has done enough etiquette, Yupo naturally cannot be rude and lose his identity.

As the momentum of the two climbed, they finally reached the burning point.


The world swayed, and the next moment Jade Buddha's palms moved together, and the two strange palm prints intertwined, "the similarities and differences of the two."

Desiring to try what the Jade Buddha can do and the uniqueness of his unique skills, he is also the world's top palmist, and he is also famous for his unique skills, the thirteen toes.

"Feng Mo Kuanghe!"

Raising both hands slightly, arousing the invisible force to form a violent hurricane, sweeping across the world.


The first palms met, and a big crater was blown out of thin air in the space between the two.

"Yuanhuang Sha!"

After the test is over, the evil spirit in the palm of Yupo condenses, and the evil spirit that wanders between the heaven and the earth condenses far away in the palm, forming an extremely powerful force.

"The sea of ​​magic is boundless!"

Lord Jade Buddha's eyebrows were fixed, and the evil and different Buddha elements came out of his body together, condensing the vast and boundless mighty power, completely covering the soul of desire.

With no gap left, he pierced through the sky with desire and arrogance, turned his palms over, and instantly shook the rain and thunder, shaking the nine heavens, "Qingtian Waterfall!"

Although it is said that Yupo's palm is not as powerful as Yuan Wuji's true self, but it is still not an enemy for ordinary people.

The power of a palm is like a sky river falling down, causing the void to collapse.

After the second clasp, Yupo and Jade Buddha's true energy impacted, Fang Yuan's land seemed to be wiped out by three inches out of thin air, and countless grasses and trees were broken directly, and were swept away for several miles by the powerful airflow.

"Young Master Yuan's foundation is indeed solid!"

Lord Jade Buddha praised, at this moment, he didn't know that Yuan Wuji in front of him was just transformed by Yuan Wuji's soul. Of course, the special skill achieved by relying on the Wanxiang Orb and the integration of Wuxiang Tiangong is not much inferior to Yuan Wuji's real body.

It's just that each has its own focus.

"Master Jade Buddha, although you are injured, even if I win, you will not be able to win by force, but if you dare to challenge me, you must show your ability, otherwise, you will have to stay here forever."

Behind Yupo's hands behind his back, he said indifferently.

"a ha ha ha……"

Lord Jade Buddha looked up to the sky and laughed, "Young Master Yuan, I hope you can do it. If I die in your hands because of this, it means that I am not strong enough."

"Have this realization, Lord Jade Buddha, I respect your move." As soon as the words fell, the eyes of Yupo focused, and at the same time, both palms were raised slightly, "The first floating hand pose. Raise your hands to Qiongtao!"

The invisible gravitational force spreads in all directions centered on the soul, and at the same time condenses the invisible huge waves, directly impacting the viscera, the Jade Buddha sensed something wrong, and it was too late to retreat.

Suddenly a mouthful of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and then he used this force to escape from the gravitational pull.

"What a floating hand move, it really deserves to be the top palm in the world!"

The smile on Jade Buddha's face disappeared, and after wiping off the blood from the corner of his mouth, he said bitterly.

But at the next moment, Lord Jade Buddha's expression was serious, his catalog was ferocious, and he stepped on the ground, and the person flew into the sky, "But this is just the beginning-five lanterns will gather yuan! Drink..."

Amidst the deep shouting, I saw Jade Buddha's palms meeting, as if five golden lamps were lit up all over his body, and then turned into streams of flames, converging on Jade Buddha's chest.


With a single kill, Yuan Wuji condensed Hao Yuan in his palm, carrying unparalleled power against the sky.


Amidst the loud explosion, Fang Yuan collapsed suddenly, and the dead black water on the other side was squeezed out into a huge pit, almost exposing the bottom of the lake.

The aftermath of the battle between the two shook the seal under the mouth of the swallowing beast, and even caused ripples and vibrations at the entrance of the ghost prison below.

At the entrance of the ghost prison, on a huge rock, a burly figure sat alone, as if eternal.

At this time, as the overflowing power passed in, the eyelids of the person in meditation suddenly trembled, and a look of spirit appeared in his dead eyes, and then he looked at the exit of Yan Luo Ghost Prison.

"Night Breeze."

Calling softly, the black horse next to the boulder snorted, and two jets of white air spewed out from its huge nostrils, as if responding.

In the outside world, the battle between Yupo and Jade Buddha has also reached its peak.

"The Tathagata Magic Seal: The Six Delusions Are Completely Abandoned."

Fighting to such an extent, Jade Buddha knew that if he did not show his true strength, he would not be able to make the opponent face up to it. With this realization, Jade Buddha would not keep it anymore.

Of course, this is just the surface, he has another purpose.

"Floating hands--"

Facing Jade Buddha's forceful move, Yuan Wuji clasped his hands on his chest suddenly, and the surrounding rocks swirled into the air under the inexplicable gravitational force. With the spread of the gravitational force, Jade Buddha's body was suspended uncontrollably.

The previous generation of airbenders, Zhetian, could not avoid being affected even if they had a deep understanding of the characteristics of the floating hand, and Jade Buddha, whose understanding of the floating hand was only superficial, was even worse.

"What a strange power!"

Jade Buddha couldn't help admiring in his heart, but at the same time, his heart was full of dignity and vigilance. He knew that the opponent was not only powerful, but also extremely scheming.

Amidst the deep shouts, Lord Jade Buddha insisted on promoting Yuan Gong, wanting to stabilize the center of gravity.

But the next moment Yuan Wuji had already appeared in front of the Jade Buddha with the help of gravity, "The rain will kill you!"

Lord Jade Buddha hastily took over the palm, unable to stabilize his center of gravity, the power of this palm was reduced by [-]%, the whole person was blown away like a broken sack, and at the same time sprinkled a handful of blood in the air.

With a single palm, Jade Buddha was severely injured, and the unique wounding energy of the floating hand entered his body, which then triggered Jade Buddha's old injury, and the two special wounds clashed instantly.

At this moment, Lord Jade Buddha's eyes suddenly lit up, he didn't care about suppressing the injury, instead he used Yuan Wuji's floating hand to guide the injury on the injury left by Beiming Fengju for a moment, and exchanged each other.

The unique injury left by Beiming Fengju was instantly dissipated, and then overflowed along the Jade Buddha's hundred orifices.

"Thank you, Mr. Yuan! Hahaha..."

The Chen injury dissipated in an instant, Jade Buddha felt that the heavy stone on his body was finally thrown away, and his arrogance suddenly spread, and his momentum soared in an instant.

But in the face of Jade Buddha, who seemed to have succeeded in a trick, there was a sneer on his face, "Jade Buddha, do you think I will not know that you are going to use the power of my son to guide the power of Beiming Fengju?"

"Huh?" Hearing these words, the smile on Jade Buddha's face froze, and he asked nervously, "What do you mean?"

At this moment, Lord Jade Buddha felt a bad feeling in his heart, and at the same time, the true energy in his body was circulating, trying to find out something, but he still found nothing.

"Young Master Yuan, don't play tricks on me, I won't be fooled by you!"

Feeling that there is no abnormality in the body, Lord Jade Buddha is determined, and at the same time said with a cold snort.

He is very confident in his own strength, maybe Yuan Wuji is indeed stronger than him, but it is absolutely impossible to leave behind him without him knowing.

"Ha! Pan Yulin, is it so easy to get the benefits of being my son?"

Yupo disdainfully smiled, knowing that the Jade Buddha used the power of Zhanyun Scarf to restore his body, how could he not be wary.

And how could the injury from the floating hand be relieved so easily.

If everything was really so easy, he wouldn't have died of Tianchang back then.

 Sorry, I'm not at home recently, there are some things outside, there may only be 2 updates in the next four or five days!

(End of this chapter)

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