Chapter 559
As Yupo's words fell, Lord Jade Buddha frowned first, and then spurted out a gust of reverse blood, and the viscera in his body seemed to be exhausted.


Jade Buddha staggered back, with a look of astonishment, "How could this be?"

Behind Yupo's hands, the posture is proud, "The power of the floating hand is invincible. How can the wound left by Beiming Fengju compare with the wound of the floating hand? You want to rely on the power of my son to drive away the wolf?" Tiger, I drove away Chen Shang for you, but how did you know that you brought in a real dragon that is more ferocious than tigers and wolves!"

At this moment, Lord Jade Buddha has an ugly face, and the majestic true energy in his body is circulating in his body, suppressing the sudden burst of injury, but there are still strange lights flashing all over his body, like cracks all over his body, even his face has faint cracks, like cracked porcelain .

"What a floating hand, when did you make a move on me?"

Lord Jade Buddha gathered strong energy to suppress the wounded Qi in his body, and the true energy all over his body gushed out, causing the situation to change, and at the same time he asked unwillingly.

"Dark hands?" A disdainful smile appeared on Yupo's face, "Why do you need to use dark hands to deal with you? You are too helpless. Even if you recover your full power, you will not be my opponent."

"Now the wound in your body will gradually corrode your life. In today's world, there is no one who can solve it except this young master. Now you should think about how to ask this young master to forgive you!"

Yupo believes that Jade Buddha looks weak, but still has means, but even if he escapes here, the injury of the floating hand will accompany him for life.

The injury from the floating hand was more serious and difficult than the injury left by Beiming Fengju.

Although the Jade Buddha has investigated many things about Yuan Wuji, he obviously still underestimated Yuan Wuji's ability.

After all, what is spread outside is only on the surface, and only by real contact will one know Yuan Wuji's horror, but those who know these things will not casually tell others.

The atmosphere was tense for a while.

After a long time, Lord Jade Buddha suddenly laughed, "Young Master Yuan was joking, I came here to heal serious injuries in my body, as long as the end result is the same, it doesn't matter who stays behind."

As Jade Buddha spoke, the tense atmosphere on the scene gradually disappeared and became peaceful again.


Yupo let out a faint oh, and looked at Lord Jade Buddha without saying a word.

If the other party is really stubborn, even if he can't kill him this time, Yuan Wuji will start targeting Jade Buddha and spend some time killing him completely.

After this battle, Lord Jade Buddha had a deeper understanding of Yuan Wuji's strength, and naturally he would not be arrogant, after all, the situation is stronger than others.

And Lord Jade Buddha is someone who can see the situation clearly, otherwise he would have died on Sinner's Island that year.

"Since Mr. Yuan wants to know my unique technique, I won't keep it secret, but I hope that Mr. Yuan can help me get rid of someone in the future."

"Don't you continue to talk about the future now?"

The corners of Yupo's mouth turned up slightly, showing a mocking look, but he didn't push too much, and then said: "A set of martial arts just wants me to kill you for you, Lord Jade Buddha, it seems that you still haven't seen the situation clearly!"

Jade Buddha suppressed the anger in his heart, and continued to pretend to be relaxed and said: "Mr. Yuan misunderstood. I will not let Mr. Yuan face it alone. I will have expert help at that time."

"A master?" Yuan Wuji shook his head with a smile, "Jade Buddha, I know who the master you are talking about is, but I want to talk about the future, and the future will be discussed in the future. Now your unique skills are only enough to exchange this son for you. Relieve the injury and let you recover your body."


Hearing these words, Lord Jade Buddha immediately revealed annoyance and clenched his fists in his sleeves. He felt that it was a mistake for him to come looking for Mr. Yuan.

"It was originally to get a strong support, but I didn't expect this person to be so arrogant and powerful. I thought he was quite scheming and knew how to cooperate to benefit both, but I didn't expect him to be an arrogant idiot. Maybe I shouldn't look for him, but go to Look for Le Xunyuan, that junior."

Lord Jade Buddha already had some regrets in his heart. According to Yuan Wuji's past style, he thought that the other party should be the kind of person who likes to cooperate with others to seek common interests, but now he saw that he was wrong.

In fact, if it was in the past, or when Yuan Wuji just crossed over, Yuan Wuji would not mind having one more ally, but now, he has no time to care about the affairs of the Southern Region, so naturally he is too lazy to make false claims with Jade Buddha.

Especially when he took the absolute initiative, he didn't kill the Jade Buddha desperately. It was also because he still needed to go to the ghost prison to ensure that he was in his prime. Maybe there will be a day when it will be used in the future.

The existence of the Jade Buddha is just a chess piece that can be used in his eyes.

Since he is a pawn, how could he care about the pawn's thoughts.

"Jade Buddha, what is your decision?"

Yupo spoke again, and the words were already sharp.

"In that case, please ask Mr. Yuan to heal the wound."

Saying that, Lord Jade Buddha already had an extra cheat book in his hand, "I hope you, Mr. Yuan, will keep your promise and destroy the Forbidden Great Wall in the future."

"Haha! Don't worry, my son's reputation is unmatched in today's difficult situation."

Yupo said proudly.

I didn't feel ashamed at all for what I said.

As Yuan Wuji used the floating hand to absorb the wounding energy of the floating hand in Jade Buddha's body from a distance, after a while, Jade Buddha's aura became more and more powerful.

At this time, Yupo also received the cheat book, opened it at will, and the content has come into view.

"I see!"

As the last wound was relieved, Yupo's palm force was urged, and the move of the seventh-level Buddha also disappeared.

"This trick is really interesting, let's go!"

Knowing the principle of Tathagata's magic seal, he waved his hand indifferently.

Lord Jade Buddha didn't want to wait any longer at this moment, although his physical strength had recovered, he had already clearly understood the unfathomable depth of his opponent, and he had no confidence in winning.

So walk without sloppy.

After returning to his prime, he should be ready to return to the Southern Region.

And as Yupo wrote down the final form of the Tathagata magic seal, the main soul and the earth soul in the Vientiane Heavenly Palace also learned about it, but this is not like the system's unique knowledge that can be directly cultivated successfully, but requires comprehension and self-cultivation, so it is directly handed over. Give the earth soul to integrate into Yuan Wuji's martial arts.

"Master Jade Buddha's unique skill to become famous has already been obtained, and now there is Le Xunyuan's Ming Qi Martial Art, but it may not be easy to get this unique skill from him, maybe I can change the direction."

"I remember that in the previous life drama, Que Chensi took Yu Shu Ling to go to Tibet to live in the dark, and was given the unique knowledge of "Ming Qi Wu Dian" by Xie Tianchang.

If it was him, I just need to find Wang Xiaoran. After all, he was favored by me, but after Wang Xiaoran left the mountain and sea wonders, he disappeared. It seems that I need to find a chance to go to the Sword Sealing Tower.

Sigh and wonder, he must know the whereabouts of his elder brother, and he also receives my favor, so it is easy for him to pass the news on my behalf. "

Thinking in his heart, his eager eyes suddenly turned to the dark forest in the distance, "Princess Guyue, after watching the play for so long, aren't you ready to see it?"

As Yupo's voice fell, in a rustle, the goddess of death in a black gauze skirt appeared like a ghost.

"This time, is it your body?"

During this period of time, Yuan Wuji himself disappeared from the martial arts forest, and now Yupo appeared, which made the goddess of death and silence have such a guess.

The only reason why she is so sure is because the Goddess of Silence knows that Mr. Xi is still in Xiantai.

"Princess Guyue is so eager to see the real master of this young master, could it be that she has really fallen in love with this young master?"

Yupo likes to tease more than Xipo, as soon as she utters it, the goddess of death and silence feels oppressed in her chest, and it is difficult to spit out a mouthful of stagnant energy accumulated in her chest.

"It seems that you are going to go to hell this time."

The Goddess of Death and Silence stopped asking, because he knew that it was difficult to get any important information from Yuan Wuji's mouth, so his voice changed.

"Princess Lonely Moon really won my heart."

Yupo said with a smile on his face.

In the sleeve robe, the Goddess of Death was clenched tightly, her eyes were full of murderous intent, if she didn't know that she was not his opponent, she would have been unable to restrain herself.

"Do it well!"

Not wanting to continue to be teased by Yuan Wuji's words, the goddess of death flicked her skirt, turned around and left.

"Princess Lonely Moon must carefully grasp this period of freedom. Maybe after this son comes out again, you will..., hahaha..."

Yupo didn't say the last words, and the person has turned into a stream of light and charged into the mouth of the swallowing beast.

Only the gloomy goddess of silence was left in place.

[I beg everyone to support the starting point of the genuine version of the book! 】

(End of this chapter)

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