Chapter 560
Sulfur inn.

It used to be the power under the Yuliang Emperor, and it was also the place where the evil emperor plotted against the life trainees, and it was also the place where the life trainees did beast things to the heavenly weaver who turned into amber.

Today, the emotional entanglement is reproduced.

At this moment, 'Infinity' has changed its appearance.

"Who is sneaking?"

Not long after returning to the inn, Hua Xiao frowned toward the mist, and shouted towards the door.

Along the way, she always felt uncomfortable, and after returning to the inn, this feeling became even stronger.

At this time, Mo Shi no longer hides.

"Should I call you Jie Hongyan or Huaxiao Zhaowu?"

Mo Shi shrouded in a large black robe, appeared in the room, and spoke gloomyly.

"You know me? Who is Jie Hongyan?"

Hua Xiao showed doubts in the foggy eyes, but when she saw that the visitor didn't show her face, she couldn't help but sneered, "Sneaky, is it shameful?"

"It's really you."

As Mo Shi spoke, the black robe on his body was torn apart, revealing a familiar face, which was none other than Xuanzun Jiutian.

Except for the lack of fancy dress and nine candles, his appearance is extremely similar to that of Jiutian Xuanzun.

After all, Moshi and Jiutian Xuanzun are twin brothers of the same mother.

"Brother Yi!"

Surprised by the appearance of the man in black, Hua Xiao blurted out the word "Brother Yi" at Chaowu, but then her eyes were dazed, and her mind was even more painful, "Who is Brother Yi? Who are you?"

This was just an instinctive reaction, but in fact Hua Xiao Zhao Wu still didn't remember everything.

But Jie Hongyan's instinct is undoubtedly to put a knife in Moshi's heart.

"Brother Yi? Your first reaction would be him!"

Mo Shi's eyes were ferocious, and Hua Xiao Zhao Wu was reverted back to childhood, and even recognized Jiutian Xuanzun at the first reaction, but he couldn't recognize him. How could Mo Shi, her husband, not hate him.

But he never thought that Jie Hongyan's memory about him had already been sealed by him. Compared with Xuanzun Jiutian, he was still separated by a layer of seal, so naturally he would not be the first person to think of.

"What exactly are you talking about?"

Hua Xiao's foggy eyes were full of bewilderment, while she stared at Mo Shi vigilantly, and asked coldly.

Walking at night in black clothes, at first glance, he is not a good person.

"I ask you, what is the relationship between that kid next to you and you?"

Mo Shi ignored Jie Hongyan's doubts and asked directly.

But this made Hua Xiao Chaowu even more dissatisfied, Qingxiu's face didn't hide her emotions, and she snorted, "I don't know you, why should I tell you?"

"If you don't say it, don't blame the widow for being cruel!"

Mo Shi's face became colder and colder, and Jie Hongyan's lack of cooperation, as well as her previous words, completely angered Mo Shi.

"I know that you have evil intentions, and you still want to pretend to be high-sounding."

Hua Xiao gave a cold drink to the mist, already gathering strength in his palm.


The two palms intersected suddenly, the majestic impact overflowed, and the inn collapsed.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the others fled in a hurry.

Escaping is a must-have skill in a place where masters walk everywhere and collapse mountains and seas at any time.

Only those who run fast can live longer.

When Jie Hongyan returned to her girlhood, her skills were also suppressed, and she even forgot many of the martial arts she had practiced later. Although she could win against ordinary masters, she was powerless against Moshi who was most familiar with her. not caught.

Although Mo Shi is only a soul-splitting soul, it occupies an infinite physical body, and its strength is not much inferior to that of the Babu.

The foundation is extremely strong.

After fighting for more than ten moves, Hua Xiao Chao Wu has already lost the wind.

There is the eye of the universe fused into the eye of the future and the eye of martyrdom, which can see through the flaws in the opponent's body, and Hua Xiao Chaowu has a feeling of powerlessness.

"For a wild man, you dare to fight against the widow!"

Moshi's voice was full of anger and shame, and when he thought of the scenes he had seen outside the Youjie before, the nameless fire ignited, "It really hurts everyone!"

"Who are you? What do you know?"

Hua Xiao Chaowu was tightly strangled by the neck, but the expression on her face was still unyielding, with her head held high, her eyes were only fixed on Mo Shi.

"Who am I? I am you..."

As he said that, Mo Shi grinned, and slapped hard, and the moment it landed on Hua Xiao Chaowu's face, a hand suddenly grabbed Mo Shi's wrist tightly.

"Old man, dare to touch my wife!"

At some point, Yuan Wuji had already returned, and at the same time as he spoke, he punched out, making Mo Shi have to let go.

"Little Tian! Ahem..."

Hua Xiao staggered back a few steps toward the mist, holding her neck and shouting.

"Don't worry, Xiaohua, I will protect you well, with me here, no one can hurt you."

Yuan Wuji stared at Mo Shi who was facing him closely, and said with a serious face at the same time.

"Wife? Xiaotian? Xiaohua?"

Hearing such an intimate address, Mo Shi's eyes became even more angry, "The widow will definitely kill you!"

While roaring in a low voice, Mo Shi blasted out with a palm, and boundless magic fire burst out on the ground.

"Hmph, if you dare to hurt my little flower, don't blame me for disrespecting the old and loving the young!"

Yuan Wuji pretended not to recognize Mo Shi, and shouted righteously.

"Chongqi Lei Fu Zhen Thunderbolt!"

Yuan Wuji punched straight, and the majestic punch formed a huge fist mark, which was unstoppable.

Although Mo Shi still didn't know that the young man in front of him was his great enemy Yuan Wuji, he was clearly aware of the astonishing strength of the young man in front of him.

The flipping of both palms is like stirring a river, turning up a huge wave, and the whole earth is in turmoil.


When fists and palms meet for the first time, majestic power overflows, stirring up the wind and clouds.

Accompanied by a loud bang, the two clashed with each other to form a shocking wave that swept across the world, Fang Yuan was devastated for several miles, and his nonsense and vegetation were emptied in an instant.

"What a deep foundation, this is definitely not something you can have at such a young age. Who are you?"

Mo Shi yelled sharply, the anger and killing intent in his heart boiled, but it was only the first time to fight, and the opponent also gave him a great shock.

"Me?" Yuan Wuji was taken aback for a moment, then he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, "Hahaha... If you want to know, I will tell you the young master!"

Accompanied by a loud laugh, Yuan Wuji stepped on the foot, and the person had already spun into the air, as if a god and man from the sky had descended into the world, and the true energy condensed from his body to form a huge halo, radiating divine light around his body.

"Thousands of catastrophes, hundreds of lives are difficult, the eternity is in a hurry, and the fingers are in the snap. Immortal body, immortal soul, shocking the past, shining today, no one can fight! When the yin and yang are in chaos, I will stain the blue sky with my demonic blood!"

The true essence was released with all its strength, forming a huge coercion covering nine heavens and ten places. At the same time, the domineering and heroic poem came out of the mouth, and it rang for nine days, shaking the ten directions.

"I am Dugu Baitian."

"Old man, pay for Xiaohua's injury!"

As soon as the title of the poem fell, Yuan Wuji's body turned upside down and swooped down. The huge palm released a strong light, condensing a huge palm print, as if it could grasp the sky and the earth.

"Dugu Baitian? Huh!" Mo Shi had never heard of this name before, and he snorted angrily, with both palms extremely lucky, "Mowu is the ultimate, disabled god and Xuanhuang!"

One style of remnant god, the mysterious and yellow tool is useless, and the world is in turmoil immediately, and the world is in trouble.

[Thanks to the people of the void for the thousand rewards. 】

 Thanks to all fellow Taoists for their support, because I am away recently and the code words are inconvenient, so it is estimated that there will only be 30 updates before the 2th.

(End of this chapter)

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