Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 562 The Empress Comes Out of the Bath

Chapter 562 The Empress Comes Out of the Bath

Yan Luo Ghost Prison.

The ghostly atmosphere is pervasive, and there are no living beings.

Yupo possesses the Vientiane Phaseless Kungfu Body, which can change the nature of the Kungfu body at will, whether it is Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, or the breath of demons, ghosts, and demons.

Because he is not a real body of flesh and blood, but a special physique based on the Vientiane Orb.

Therefore, it can exert [-] points of power when paired with the Vientiane Phaseless Kungfu.

"Yan Luo Ghost Prison, I'm finally here!"

A mass of colorful air seeped in through the gap under Tun Beast's evil mouth, and finally condensed a figure of noble air.

"You are so expensive that people can't come freely, and the dragon and the phoenix are hard to stop. The house is full of flowers and drunk, and three thousand guests are drunk, and the sword is frosty and cold for fourteen states."

The visitor seemed to be incompatible with the gloomy ghost prison, but his breath blended into the environment of the ghost prison strangely, forming a very special feeling.

At this moment, Yupo suddenly felt a feeling of being topped by a giant dragon, and his gaze shifted accordingly.

"There is no way in the chaotic world, and the king's majesty comes; he falls into black and white, and follows the shadows. Lamenting the impermanence of people and ghosts, the sky defies fate; palming the sun and the moon are boundless, and the emperor orders."

A burly figure that seemed to be fused with the darkness slowly stood up from the boulder, and at the same time, a majestic pressure was pressing down like the might of the sky, as if it was about to force him to surrender.

"Heh... Di Longyin!"

Looking at the face that was exactly the same as Jun Fengtian's, Yupo chuckled lightly, and with one hand behind his back, his robe flew, and the majestic air pressure that threatened him collapsed in an instant, like a cloud of smoke.

Now that he is in the ghost prison, he is already ready to face Di Longyin.

Although Emperor Longyin and the evil kings of the heavens are called the double stars of war and disaster.

But Di Longyin is not close to God after all.

"You know me?"

Di Longyin looked indifferent, repeated bright eyes, stared at Yupo coldly, and continued: "Why do I feel familiar with you? Have we met?"

"Maybe I've seen it, maybe I haven't."

Yupo's words also deserve a beating, his expression is calm, and his momentum is not weaker than Di Longyin's.

The current him can destroy even the destiny of the most human being, so how can he care about the so-called twin stars of war and calamity.

The eyes of the two met, with the same indifference and calmness, but sparks were stirred up, and the atmosphere became tense because of this.

The black horse behind Di Longyin didn't know when to stand up, as if he felt the change in the atmosphere, two streams of white air spewed out from his nostrils, and he looked at Yupo with hostile eyes.

Just as the atmosphere between the two sides was tense, a person suddenly appeared, "Young Emperor, the Empress has affection for you, Young Master."

Hearing the name of the empress, Di Longyin's eyes flickered slightly, he turned around and sat down on the boulder again, like an eternal fossil.

"Sir, please!"

Facing the ferocious ghost general, he said dryly, obviously he didn't like Yuan Wuji, after all, Mr. Xi had killed the Three Great Warlords before, and he couldn't see the difference between Mr. Xi and Yupo. In short, he was alone.

Yupo would not care about the opinions of a demon character, and followed the ghost all the way into the magnificent palace.

"The empress asked you to wait here!"

After the ghost general with a ferocious face finished speaking, he left the palace directly.

The entire huge palace, without a single guard or maid, was terrifyingly deserted.


Yupo sneered, shrugging his shoulders slightly, "Are you trying to show me off? Empress, you shouldn't be like this!"

"Oh? Then what do you think of my sister's bearing?"

At this moment, a charming smile came from outside the hall, and then a graceful figure walked in from outside the hall.

"Oh? So it's Empress Fu Ye!"

Seeing the semi-exposed, fluffy, seductive and charming woman, Yupo narrowed his eyes slightly, looked up and down, and the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously.

Speaking of which, Fu Yeyujiaoniang has the word desire, and Yupo also has the word desire, what a fate!
"Sir, you really know everything. I haven't revealed my real name in a difficult situation. This way, you can know the existence of this seat. I'm really happy!"

Fu Yeyu Jiao Niang let out a coquettish smile, and the pair of whites in front of her trembled slightly, causing ripples.

"Madam Fu Ye is probably not ordered by the Empress to come to see me?"

Yupo glanced at Fu Yeyu Jiaoniang's towering twin peaks, but her expression was extremely calm, without any disturbance.

"Huh? Guyue sent a message that this person is lustful, but now in front of my temptation, he is still not affected in the slightest, and his mood has not fluctuated at all. It seems that it is probably just a flaw he deliberately showed. My heart is really heavy, I must remind Yijie to be careful about this person."

Because the empress is indifferent and has no family affection, Anji told her master Fu Yeyu Jiaoniang about some private matters, and because of this, Fu Yeyujiaoniang came back to test. If there is a chance, she doesn't mind Let out your anger for your disciples.

When Fu Yeyujiao Niang was thinking in her heart, she covered her mouth lightly on the surface, revealing her charm, "How did you find out, my lord?"

"It's not difficult to guess. With the empress' love for Empress Fu Ye, how could she put Empress Fu Ye in danger without knowing it?"

Desperate nonsense.

This remark made Fu Yeyujiao Niang giggle to herself, "Guyue said that you don't understand style, but from Fu Ye's point of view, you are very sweet. I don't know how many girls have been deceived by you." Nah!"

"I don't care if you don't care, the important thing is your body! As long as Fu Ye is willing to follow me, I will naturally know how many people there are."

Yupo said with a smile, but this one word made the smile on Fu Yeyu Jiaoniang's face froze, and it took a while for her to return to normal, and she didn't want to stay any longer, "Young master is indeed unparalleled, and today I am honored to meet the famous lady in the legend. At the peak of Chuan Misery, Fu Ye left first."

Saying that, Fu Yeyu Jiao Niang bowed slightly, and after turning around, the smile on her face had disappeared, replaced by disgust and indifference, after all, they were both women, but the other party's behavior was too insulting to women, which made Fu Ye Yu Jiao Niang Very annoying.

In particular, this person dared to openly tease her, and now she felt that what Anji told her was indeed true.

Fu Yeyujiao Niang now wished she could sew up that annoying mouth with thread, and no longer felt that the other party had a sweet mouth, but a poisonous mouth.

Although the name Fu Ye Yu Jiao Niang and her demeanor are very coquettish and coquettish, and there is a feeling of dissatisfaction with desire, but Fu Ye Yu Jiao Niang is not a casual person.

What she is playing is - heart.

In Yuan Wuji's previous life drama, Fu Yeyu Jiaoniang fell into the "compassion" of the Buddha's sword, and finally turned against the empress. This plastic sisterhood.

Because of this, Empress Fu Ye is also called Empress of Compassion by fellow Taoists.

Yupo didn't have the habit of waiting for others, after taking Fu Yeyujiaoniang away, he walked directly into the depths of the palace, without any intention of treating himself as an outsider, as if he was the owner of this place, without any scruples.

And as Yupo used the gasified body, the whole person seemed invisible, and the maids deep in the palace didn't notice it.

Seeing the ladies of the palace sending all kinds of delicacies into the deep palace, Yupo stepped in after everyone left, as if defenseless.

The huge palace is shrouded in white mist, and the way forward cannot be seen clearly. The fragrance of flowers is permeated in the mist, which is refreshing and makes the mind feel numb.

This is not poisonous, but a unique floral fragrance.


Accompanied by the sound of splashing water, Yupo seemed to know where he had come.

Huanhuang Lake.

The queen's bathing place.

"Who trespassed on the forbidden area?"

At this moment, a icy voice that implied anger came from the pool, and then a wave of water was set off, and a tall figure jumped out of the pool.

Yupo's eyes shone with divine light, as if he could see the figure above the pool clearly through the white mist.

The crystal water drops are still flowing on the crystal skin, and the long brown hair hangs down, a little less majestic, a little more noble and glamorous, as the gorgeous clothes fly up, blocking the peerless scenery for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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