Chapter 563
He revealed his whereabouts, and no longer concealed his desire, showing his figure generously, without any shame for his voyeurism.

In other words, he didn't think it was peeping, but admiring a beautiful view.

People's minds can't be so dirty, the nature of enjoying the scenery is different from that of peeping.

"Young Master Yuan, you are so courageous!"

Seeing Yupo, Yao Tianxia frowned and shouted in a cold voice.

"I said why I couldn't wait for the empress to come. It turned out that the empress was taking a bath and changing clothes in order to see me. Do I want to thank the empress for taking care of me?"

Yupo didn't seem to feel the anger of the world, but instead smiled and spoke ambiguously.


Yao Tianxia snorted coldly, blinked his eyes a few times, and said, "Young Master Yuan is really rude, but I am the Emperor of Ghost Prison, and you, Young Master Yuan, are a subject. If you dare to break into Huanhuang Lake without respecting orders, what should you do?" crime?"

Facing the majestic coercion, Yupo laughed, "This matter is indeed my fault, but I haven't seen the empress for a long time outside, and I had to trespass because I was worried about the empress' safety. Since the empress wants to punish, why not let me I change clothes for the empress."

"What a well-known Mr. Yuan."

The world snorted coldly, "Today I can see that the name is really well-deserved, but this is Yama's ghost prison, not the Central Plains of misery, and you can't tolerate your presumptuousness. Come here, let me take down this rebellious person!"

As Duo Tianxia flicked his sleeve robe violently, there were already dense footsteps outside the hall.

"Empress, don't be kidding me. If I want to leave, how many people in Yan Luo Ghost Prison can stop me?"

Yupo said calmly, he dared to break into the ghost prison alone, he had the confidence.

And doing so is not good for the ghost prison, as long as he is willing to destroy it, the forces outside the ghost prison will suffer a devastating blow, and it will be even more difficult to break the seal and come back.

"Then add me?"

At this moment, a stream of pure immortal energy appeared in the gloomy ghost prison.

"Immortals are not immortals, swords are not swords, do not look up to mountains and high fish and dragons; demons are not demons, Tao is not Tao, life and death are equal."

A fairy-like poem came, and I saw an extraordinary young man with a jade crown on his head and a jade stag in his hand, walking in from the outside.

Seeing this person, Yupo's pupils constricted immediately, "Who am I, so it's you—Xianzhu Wuming, maybe, I should call you Moshi!"

"I didn't expect you to choose to join forces with the world."

At this moment, Yupo understood everything, this time he came here, obviously he was tricked by others.

"All calculations must keep up with the development of the situation. Since I have been exposed in front of you, I have to deal with it myself."

The head of Mo Shi's mass transformation is equivalent to the existence of Yuan Wuji's main soul, and the maliciousness in his eyes is undisguised.

After all, the two can be said to have a deep hatred like the sea, with me without you.

"It seems that the empress has also decided to join forces with him?" She said, looking at the world with eager eyes.

"That depends on your choice, Mr. Yuan."

The robes on Luo Tianxia's body have been replaced with new ones. The black tight skirt outlines an enchanting figure, and half of his face is wearing a golden visor engraved with patterns, which looks evil and domineering.

Regarding the grievances between Xianzong Wuming and Mr. Yuan, Yao Tianxia withdrew at this moment and stood on the side of the outsider, "If any of you can win, it will be the ghost prison master."

"It's such a shameless world, but it's a good plan. It's scheming enough. It's worthy of killing your husband and seizing power. It's a pity that you didn't kill Xuanzun Jiutian back then, otherwise your status would be even higher today."

Yupo exclaimed, with his current strength, no matter what kind of difficulties he faces, he is confident to solve them. Even if he is defeated by the bad god, the bad god will never want to kill him, let alone a Yama ghost prison.

Hearing the name of Xuanzun Jiutian, the face of the world became gloomy for a moment. For the ghost prison, she married Jiutian Xuanzun to exchange life for the ghost prison. To her, it was a lifelong shame.

When she was weak, she married the ghost tyrant Xiao and gave birth to a daughter. She didn't get much care when she married Xiao, the tyrant of heaven, and gave birth to a son. She also didn't get much care when she married Xuanzun Jiutian and gave birth to a son. Yes, the ghost returned to the ghost prison and was reborn with the help of the devil raising pond. She had already died under the hands of the Nine Heavens Xuanzun.

Because of this, the already sinister and vicious world is becoming more and more extreme, and it is even more necessary to rebel against yin and yang, let men have children, and experience the pain of women.

With a stern face under the sky, and when he secretly hated, Yupo and Xianzong Wuming looked at each other.

When enemies meet, it can be said that they are extremely jealous.

"Yuan Wuji, today your soul will stay in the ghost prison forever!"

Xian Zong's Wuming's voice was cold, if the person in front of him hadn't ruined his plan, he would be able to achieve the state of being close to God in the near future, why should everything go wrong and linger on his last breath like now.

Yupo also has a strong killing intent towards Xianzong Wuming, and the demon will always remain a hidden danger.

Now, he has all known Moshi soul fragments under his control, so if he can get rid of Xianzong Wuming, he can also deal with other soul fragments.

At that time, he will catch all of them.

"very good!"

The two people faced each other, and then the space transformed, and the two were already in a dark void, and beside them, Yao Tianxia stepped on the golden high heels, slowly sitting on the throne, watching the performance of the two.

Xianzong Wuming used to be the pinnacle in her eyes, but now the world has already surpassed it consciously, and now, she wants to see how high the pinnacle in her eyes was.

And Yuan Wuji is a very good touchstone, no matter who wins or loses between the two, she will be harmless to her.

Because they all have the ability to help unblock the ghost prison, it makes no difference to the world who they cooperate with.

"I'm helpless!"

"I didn't expect to enter the ghost prison. I didn't get the glory, wealth, beautiful wife and concubines. Instead, I had to fight life and death."

Yupo sighed, and then raised his palm high, absorbing the power of the nine heavens, covering the sky with his breath.

The whole body condenses infinite sword energy, forming a storm of sword energy around the body.

On the opposite side, Xianzong Wuming also had a cold look in his eyes, and the gentleman's biography behind him unsheathed coldly, shining brightly.

"Moths die in open flames, so if there are strange wise men, there must be strange disasters."

"Yuan Wuji, your greed has planted today's ending for you."

Xianzong Wuming slashed out with a sword, and the angry dragon took off immediately, and the void was unable to bear the mighty power and collapsed.

"Immortal Dragon and Heavenly Sword One Style Fury Dragon Teng!"

The hundred-foot-tall dragon came crashing down from the sky, showing off its magic power as a fairy.

The majestic dragon head, the wrathful dragon's face will show every detail, just like a real dragon descending into the world, the dark and empty space will become more and more dizzy.

"Really? Human beings only progress because of desire, and desire is endless, so my son's power is also endless."

Yupo sneered, raised his vertical palm and turned it into a sword finger, the sword energy around his body moved even though the sword finger moved, stirring up the wind and clouds.

"The Sword of Guizong!"

With the condensing of the sword fingers, thousands of sword qi collapsed and merged, forming a lone sword hanging in front of Yupo.

The next moment, the lone sword disappeared and turned into a brilliant light, and the dragon's head separated instantly.

"We were supposed to be allies, but it's a pity that you insisted on forcing me to make this happen."

After a sword strike, Xian Zong Wuming didn't continue to strike. The fairy sword in his hand was put into the scabbard, and he spoke again.

"Heh... that's true, I just want to make a fair deal with you, but your Excellency insists on secretly assassinating and destroying my wonders of mountains and seas. If I don't kill you, wouldn't I be a joke."

Yupo said coldly with his hands behind his back.

He is very similar to Moshi in some aspects, so he is destined not to live in peace.

(End of this chapter)

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