Chapter 564
"Jiezhu, this person is greedy for profit and color, are you sure you can control him?"

Suddenly, Xianzong Wuming looked at the Tianxia who was watching the battle from the sidelines.

Yupo also bowed his head slightly, the attitude of the world will determine today's ending.

Because there is still an Emperor Longyin in the ghost prison, which is enough to change the situation of the battle.

The world squinted slightly. From a sensory point of view, the world hated Yuan Wuji, especially according to the ghost prison spies' report, she knew about Yuan Wuji's love affairs and his attitude towards women.

The kind of person she hates the most.

Because she had personally experienced the feeling of being forgotten by her man at the beginning, which was also one of the reasons that induced the world to become extreme.

In the end, the psychology of the world became more and more distorted, so distorted that he wanted men to have children, and became an extreme feminist.

Therefore, hearing Xianzhu Wuming say this, the expression on the face of the world became funny.

For the change in the attitude of the world, Yupo obviously knows the reason, even at this point, his expression is still calm, "Empress, you must think clearly before making a decision, your decision today will affect your 'status' in the future. "

"Are you threatening me?"

The face of the world suddenly turned cold, no one dared to threaten him for many years, and today, someone dared to speak so boldly.

"The Empress misunderstood, this is not a threat, but a heartfelt advice, it's kind words!"

Yupo said calmly, not taking the anger of the world at all seriously, this is the confidence of being a top powerhouse at that time.

In particular, the "status" in his mouth is not the status understood by the world, but the ones around him...

"Hahaha..." Luo Tianxia obviously didn't hear the teasing and ulterior motives. Facing his arrogance, Luo Tianxia looked up to the sky and laughed for a while, "Young Master Yuan, if you can't show enough sincerity, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave the ghost prison today, even if it's just a soul, if it is lost here, it will definitely have a great impact on you, Mr. Yuan, you have to think clearly!"

In the end, the meaning of the threat is self-evident.

Obviously, if Yuan Wuji couldn't give her a satisfactory answer, then he would join forces with Xianzong Wuming.

In fact, regarding Yuan Wuji, there has always been a contradiction between the world and him, and that is the aspect of women.

As both women, and an extreme feminist, she and Yuan Wuji were born with irreconcilable conflicts, how could they work together.

"Since my son dared to enter the ghost prison, he naturally knows the strength of the ghost prison very well and has the confidence to leave, but you have to understand, empress, that this is a personal grievance between this son and him. All the people in the ghost prison will be lost, and this price is probably not something you are willing to bear, empress."

"On the contrary, if you help me kill this person, I can not only help you unseal the ghost prison, but also help you subvert the Buddhist world of West Huang, and take the first step for the Empress's great cause."

Saying that, Yupo bowed and bowed, looking full of aristocratic demeanor.

"It is indeed very tempting, but there is still no shortage of threats. Do you think I will be threatened?"

The eyes of the world turned cold. The forces in the West Yellow Buddhist Realm have been operating for sixty years, and she really can't give up easily.

Especially in the current Xihuang Buddhist Realm, there are not only Shizhi Jialan, Fawei King Kong and others, but also a Six God Son who should not be underestimated.

With these people, now is not the time to launch the final counterattack.

At this time, Yupo spoke again, "This is not a threat, but a strong alliance. I have already eradicated the power of Xianzong Wuming in the plight, so I am the most suitable partner for the Empress. If the Empress is not at ease, You can let Princess Guyue follow me, and she can report my every move to the empress at any time."

On the other side, Xianzong's nameless and elegant expression has long since disappeared, replaced by an incomparably gloomy expression, "Jiezhu, you and I have known each other for a long time, it depends on whether you believe that I am still an outsider. My purpose is different from yours, but he is very ambitious. .”

"In a difficult situation, his disciple, the Forbidden City Jade, has already occupied Beiyu Martial Capital, the Elven World, and Youjie, and has ascended the throne as the emperor, and he is called the co-lord of the three clans. If you cooperate with him in Jiezhu, I am afraid that the ghost prison will eventually change hands. ah."

The two sides insisted on their own words, and each had their own reasons. The eyes of the world were slightly narrowed, and there was silence for a while.

At this time, Yupo looked at Xianzhu Wuming again, and the eyes met, as if sparks were ignited.

After the previous move, both of them understood that it would be difficult to kill each other, unless there was a complete explosion, but that would also lose their hole cards and put them at a disadvantage.

After all, both of them are in the ghost prison, where the power of the ghost prison is the strongest, even if one of them wins, the ending of the winner may not be much better than that of the loser due to the character of the world.

Although both of them had the confidence to deal with it, it was just not worth the candle.

Therefore, they all want to win over the world to deal with their opponents together.

In this way, not only the strength is enhanced, but the danger is also reduced, and the chance of lore killing the opponent is also increased.

All three are smart people.

The world also guessed the thoughts of the two of them.

As the enchantment dissipated, the three reappeared in Huanhuang Hall.

"It seems that the two of you don't trust me as much as you said. If that's the case, you should leave and discuss the cooperation later."

In fact, today is not specifically to target Yuan Wuji.

It is true that Tianxia had contact with Xianzong Wuming before, but he did not decide to deal with Yuan Wuji.

It's just that Yupo happened to break into the Huanhuang Lake today, and even saw the beauty of the empress bathing, the empress was naturally angry and wanted to express it.

Coincidentally, Xianzong Wuming also heard the news of Yuan Wuji's entry into the ghost prison, so he came here, and happened to hear the words of the previous empress, so the previous situation came into being.

"In that case, the immortal is waiting for you at the old place."

After Xianzong Wuming glanced at Yupo, he immediately said to the world.

It was a place only the two of them knew.

Yupo knew where the fairy tale Wuming was talking about, but he just knew, but didn't know how to get there.


Yao Tianxia nodded slightly, and after Xianzong Wuming left, she looked at Yupo, but she was a little surprised, "Although Xianzong told me before that he would deal with you, I didn't expect the grievance between you to be so deep."

"The grievance between me and him is not only deep, but the hatred is as deep as the sea!"

Yupo smiled lightly, "At the beginning I made a deal with him, but he sent Mr. An to follow me, and sent people to rush into the strange city of mountains and seas, killing my staff, wife and children, and I ruined him and the next step." s future."

Yupo briefly talked about the matter of Beihai Lingzhou, then looked up and down the world, and said: "Since the empress understands the grievances between us, she should also understand that there is no possibility of cooperation between the two of us, the empress You can only choose one."

As he said that, Yupo sighed again, pretending to be sad and said: "Originally, I went to the ghost prison with great sincerity, and I was also full of excitement to see the legendary and magnificent empress, although I did see it before. The appearance of the empress, but I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen next, what the empress did really made me sad!"

Speaking of the word 'body', Yupo's language was ambiguous, and hearing this, the face of the world was gloomy again.

No matter how strong she is, she is a woman after all.

Not just any random woman.

 If it can be finished the day after tomorrow (29), then I will sort out the follow-up plot, speed up the progress, and work hard to stabilize the three shifts at the same time!
(End of this chapter)

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