Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 565 Yun Huizi's Suspicion

Chapter 565 Yun Huizi's Suspicion

"It seems that I should have cooperated with Xianzong before."

The world said solemnly.

No one has ever dared to openly tease himself.

Especially in these years when she was in charge of the ghost prison, no man dared to look directly at her, let alone tease her.

"Whether the empress and Xianzhu will cooperate is not about what I say, but who can get more benefits by cooperating with them, isn't it?"

After talking about Yupo, he laughed, and a moment later, when the face of the world became more and more gloomy, he said: "Empress, it's time for you to fulfill your original promise and take me to see the magic pool and regeneration pool."

"Let's go!"

Yao Tianxia flicked the hem of his skirt and said coldly.

At this moment, Yupo doesn't care about the attitude of the world, because he has already made a decision, which is to destroy everything and reshape the order.

Because the ambition and strength of the world are far from comparable to those of Jiuying.


And Xianzong Wuming, the leader of the demons who left Chushanming Palace, also fell into contemplation.

"Jiezhu's attitude is ambiguous. She really is a profit-seeking person. It seems that the relationship between me and her can't make her stand on my side. If that's the case, then I have to make a deal with profit."

"If she wants to complete the big plan, she must use the 'Shen Nong Root'. It seems that she can only trade directly with this item. However, if you pay for the profit, you will lose the profit. I must remain vigilant."

Xian Zong thought to himself, although it is said that Jiezhu can become today's non-reincarnation and the world is also the reason why he planted the seeds of ambition at the beginning, but it is she who has worked hard all the way to grow to where she is today. Killing her husband and seizing power, and integrating the ghost prison are enough proof of her skills.

Therefore, Xianzhu will not underestimate the world.

Although this woman's paranoia has become crazy now, it is because of this that she is even more out of control.

The world is now a powder keg that can explode at any time.

Extreme, cruel, perverted.

Sometimes even Mo Shi felt that this woman was more perverted than himself.

At most, he cut off the heads of beautiful women as collections, and then he also likes to do some small experiments, such as human, demon, ghost, and devil's genetic mixture, or slaughter a state of life to conceive and raise the power of death.

But this woman wants to plant a magic tree, make the whole world a part of the ghost prison, turn the land of China into a desert, and then turn the man into a camel driver to have children.

If Yuan Wuji knew Moshi's thoughts at this moment, he would definitely sneer, the first generation of Yunhai Xianmen had no good people, and they all had one or even several perverted hobbies.

This is the case with Xuanzun Jiutian, this is the case with Mo Shi, and the same is true for the wife of Xuanzun Jiutian, Empress Yan, who is now the world.


the other side.

Not long after Yulijing returned to Confucianism, Infinity, who had fought Yuan Wuji, also returned.

At this moment, Yun Huizi is about to recover all his true energy.

After thinking about it for a while, Unlimited suddenly squinted his eyes, and said, "Yun Huizi, I followed someone before I left Youjie, and I seem to have heard something about Yunhai Xianmen on the way."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Yun Huizi frowned, and looked at Infinity in doubt.

Unlimited had already prepared a draft, and said unhurriedly: "On the way, I seem to have heard the name of Yunhai Xianmen and Jie Hongyan, but I don't know how it is related?"


Hearing Jie Hongyan's name, Yun Huizi's eyes showed joy, and he turned his head to look at Infinity, "This matter is indeed related to Xianmen, Infinite, can you explain in detail?"

"Of course." Unlimited nodded slightly, and said calmly: "I mentioned it to you because it was related to Xianmen, but I was a little confused because I didn't know the reason."

"Ah!" Hearing this, Yun Huizi couldn't help sighing, "Yun Kui is the lord of my Yunhai Immortal Sect Wahuang Immortal Lineage, and I went to Hell and Impermanence to get the Xuanzun's Xuanzun's Xuanzun. Once gone and never returned, even people and belongings disappeared, I had sent my disciples to go out to search, but there was a huge crowd, but I didn’t know where to look for it.”

Yun Huizi's face is heavy. Among the immortal sects, he has the best relationship with Jie Hongyan, because he was brought up by Jie Hongyan when he was an infant. In his heart, Jie Hongyan is not only an elder, but also plays the role of an elder. The role of the mother.

His mother disappeared, how could Yun Huizi not be anxious, but Yunkui, senior brother, and second senior brother all paid such a high price to eliminate the evil disaster of Baqi, so he can only suppress his anxiety at this moment and eliminate the disaster first.

Now that I suddenly heard the news, I was naturally nervous and looking forward to it.

Hearing what Yun Huizi said, Unlimited's heart moved, and he said to himself: "It seems that there is a hole card left by him in the Impermanence of Hell. My good brother, even if he dies, he will not live!"

Although I was thinking this way in my heart, Unlimited continued to say on the surface: "I passed by a battlefield before, and someone mentioned the name of Xianmen and Jie Hongyan, but I followed a person at that time and didn't stop. When I went back, the other person had already not there."

"Where did you meet and who else is around?"

Yun Huizi asked with joy.

Jie Hongyan had been missing for long enough that he was worried that something might happen.

Unlimited actually intends to point out Jie Hongyan's current identity directly, but at that time, I am afraid that his own identity may also be in danger of being exposed.

Thinking of this, Infinity changed his voice, "I walked a hundred miles north of Youjie, and I was in a hurry at that time, so I didn't pay attention. If necessary, I will tell the people in Youjie to pay attention."

"Hmm... Youjie? Why did grandma appear near Youjie? What happened to her? Why did she lose contact? Who would be chasing him?"

"Facing the Eight Tribes before, it seems that they didn't know about it, and apart from us knowing about grandma's going to Hell and Impermanence, only Mr. Yuan who mentioned the secret of 'Xuanmai Baojian' at the beginning."

"And after grandma disappeared, Mr. Yuan also disappeared. Could it be..."

Suddenly, Yun Huizi thought of a possibility. He actually had doubts before, but because of the disappearance of the second senior brother and the Zhongtianxie King who occupied the senior brother, there were too many things and he didn't think about it. It was such a coincidence that Mr. Yuan disappeared at the same time, and it was too much for Yun Huizi not to think about it.

"If this is true, then the news that Mr. Yuan revealed that there is a 'Thunder of Execution God' hidden in the Profound Vein Treasure Mirror is extremely suspicious."

In an instant, Yun Huizi thought of a lot.

In Yuan Wuji's eyes, it was difficult to distinguish between good and evil, but because of Yu Xiao, and because he had indeed helped the senior brother and the second senior brother at the beginning, Yun Huizi didn't think deeply about it at the first time.

But thinking about it now, I'm afraid that at that time, or even further ahead, the other party was planning everything.

"I will definitely find out the whole story."

Yun Huizi clenched his fists suddenly, but he didn't say much about the inside story to Infinity. Although he cooperated with Infinity and believed in Infinity, this is a matter of Xianmen after all.

Unlimited Sword Yun Huizi on the side suddenly fell silent, and changed the subject, his heart sank, "It seems that Yun Huizi really knows something, it seems that I need to find an opportunity to add fire to him, but I have to stagger this time."

 Sorry for being late!

(End of this chapter)

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