Chapter 567
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At this moment, Defeng Gudao is ready.

With Yun Huizi stepping into the core of the Ancient Virtuous Path—Haozheng Wudao.

Finally felt the evil spirit under the majestic imperial majesty.

"Are you sure?"

At this moment, the voice of Emperor Confucianism's supreme majesty resounded in all directions.

"Seventy percent!"

Yun Huizi looked solemn, and the two swords behind his back trembled slightly, already impatient.

And behind him are Infinity and Jian Langya.

Jian Langya is because she lent the sword Yuan Wuji left for her care to Yun Huizi. So appear together.

In addition, the Confucian side is even more serious.

Yu Lijing, Jing Tianhuai, Mo Qingchi, Yun Wanggui, Yu Junheng and others formed a formation and stood behind them to prevent the coming eight tribes.

In the east, Xiaru Wuzong also stood ready to prevent the dragon head from breaking through.

Ji Xuangu didn't show up, because he went through several battles during this period, and his injuries broke out intensively, and he still hasn't recovered, while Feng Ru has already left, apparently already waiting on the battlefield.

In this battle, the elites of Xianmen and Confucianism were all out, just to completely destroy the dragon head of Baqi and weaken the power of Baqi evil god.

When the immortals and Confucians were waiting in line, the eight tribes naturally also assembled.

The fall of the dark truth did not make them lose their momentum, because the eight tribes had a stronger helping hand.

The Ghost Dragon King, Mo Xie King, and Yesha Xiao King are the leaders, and behind them are Bai Chuan Ling Hua, Zong Heng Zi, Le Xun Yuan, and Dian Liu.

But today, the real main force is not them.

"Confucianism, heh... the disaster of destroying the family has come today!"

The ghost unicorn lightly shook the Senluo bone fan, and looked in the direction of the ancient road of Defeng with a sneer.

"All the heavenly evil kings attack, who else among the Confucian sect can stop them?"

Dian Bianjia Luo also sneered again and again, now Jun Fengtian has 'fallen', Ji Xuangu is seriously injured; Master Ming is dead; now the Confucian sect is only left with Emperor Confucianism and Chivalrous Confucianism, but how can they defy the sky?


At this time, Huangru Supreme had already begun to put away his supreme power.

"Then let's get started!"

With Haoyuan waving his hand, the power suppressing the dragon head of the evil god was revoked, and a soaring evil spirit suddenly broke out in Haoran's territory.

In an instant, the thundering dragon's chant resounded through the sky, and the heaven and the earth were instantly affected, the mountains and rivers were turbulent, the evil force was pressing, and the sea of ​​clouds suddenly appeared a sign of disaster.

In the dark purple evil cloud, the magic dragon swirled, and the whole miserable situation shook at the same time.

Yu Lijing and others below formed a mighty sword formation, and the Confucianism's mighty spirit soared to the sky, presenting a battle for the front with the evil clouds in the sky.

For a moment, black and white collided, and China was in turmoil.

"here we go!"

The eyes of Ghost Qizhu and others who had been waiting outside lit up, and then they stepped out and rushed into the ancient road of Defeng.

"Confucian sect, the past and old grievances will be settled together today!"

The wings of the dead bones on the back of Dianbian Jialuo spread out, and the evil wind swept across.

The famous sword behind Mo Qingchi came out again, and the wind of ink swept across, blocking the evil atmosphere.

"Just because you want to stop the eight tribes?"

Dianbian Jialuo held the last evil blade in his hand, with a look of disdain.

The next moment, Dian Bian Jia Luo poured water on Shang Mo.

The father and son, Ghost Qizhu and Yulijing, confronted each other again.

Yecha Xiaowang's eyes fell on Jing Tianhuai, "It seems that my opponent is you!"

"Respect the sky here, and never allow the evil spirits to pass through."

Jing Tianhuai's face was already serious, but at this moment, his expression was solemn, even more serious.

Yasha Xiaowang's face was blocked by a mask, so he couldn't see his expression clearly, but the disdain and coldness in his eyes had fully expressed his thoughts.

The three sects of Mianliu faced Confucian scholars such as Shangyun Wanggui and Yu Junheng.

In front of Le Xunyuan, Zonghengzi, and Bai Chuanlinghua were Linfeng Xuanji, Jianru Suiwuyuan and Fengru Yingshuangqing, who were full of grief and murderous intent.

The melee begins.

And as the earth split open, the dragon's head was completely exposed and displayed in front of everyone.

The pupils of the ferocious dragon's head released a red light, and the astonishing evil spirit permeated unscrupulously, and it was about to break free from the shackles and escape.

The roar of the magic dragon stimulated the mind to split the mind, forming an extreme impact force that came straight to Yun Huizi.

"Let the evil head be punished!"

Yun Huizi's hair was snow-white, and he flicked the floating dust in his hands, and the pure immortal essence turned into a ray of immortal light to split the magic mist.

"Infinite, find his attributes and weaknesses."

The situation was tense, Yun Huizi said without looking back.

In order to gain a firm foothold in the righteous way, and if the evil god of Baqi sweeps across China, it will be harmful to Mo Shi, so Mo Shi will not lie on this point.

After all, helping Yun Huizi is also helping him remove obstacles in the future.

The eye of the universe opened, as if opening another dimension, all the scenery in the eyes changed.

There is no real thing, but turned into light spots of different strengths.

The Eye of the Universe has amazing power and can mobilize the power of the blood and darkness and the five disasters, but now, it is only used to assist the same mysterious and unpredictable.

After all, this is a fusion of the eyes of coming from the ancient prophets and the eyes of martyrdom trained by thousands of lives.

"No, the evil energy is too dense, and the strength is too stable to find his weakness. You must force him to mobilize the evil energy to see the flaws."

Infinity stared wide-eyed, and said loudly at the same time, the strange voice was a little more dignified and anxious.

"Leave this to me!"

Jian Langya opened his mouth suddenly, and the front demon sword Wan Sin Demon Front suddenly appeared in his hand.

Filled with bloodthirsty devilish energy, Jian Langya's blood-thirsty fireflies danced all over his body, forming a bloodthirsty killing environment.

Use demons against demons to disturb the source of evil.

"A lowly demon dares to provoke the supreme demon god, it's beyond his control!"

Dian Bian Jia Luo, who noticed the change in the dragon's head, disdained to ridicule.

But what Jian Langya has to do is not to fight against the dragon head of the evil god, but to mobilize its power so that it cannot form a unit. As long as the devil energy is turbulent, it will show its flaws and create opportunities for Infinite and Yun Huizi.

"Unfortunately, all your efforts today will be in vain."

Chi Luo also spoke suddenly at this time, his deep voice made people shudder.

"My dear son, the evil kings of the heavens are coming, and the Confucianism sect will be broken today. At this time, I still have a chance to return to my father!"

The ghost unicorn master was not in a hurry to act, he lightly shook the white bone fan, and tried to persuade him again.

But Yulijing was unmoved, "Since Yulijing is the master of the Ancient Virtuous Path, you should take on the heavy responsibility, so you don't have to waste your efforts. If you want to cross this line today, you have to step over my corpse first."

Yu Lijing's peaceful face revealed the spirit of seeing death as home.

Yafu disappeared, Confucian swordsman died, Confucian saints were seriously injured, Confucian scholars were also plotted against. Now Confucianism is in an unprecedented crisis. Everyone is working hard for the sake of the common people.

"Looking at you like this, I am both pleased and angry for my father!"

The ghost unicorn looked up to the sky and sighed, "As a father, I already regret that I left you at the beginning, and let Jun Fengtian change your character, so that you and my father and son always have to fight each other, and this family tragedy of father and son killing each other is staged, it is really hateful! "

"If you don't want to, as long as you abandon the darkness and turn to the light at this moment, and kill the Eight Tribes, I will ask for your mercy."

Yuli held Mingfeng in his hand and said solemnly.

Although he knew that this was just an extravagant wish, he still had a hope after all.

Although he does not recognize this father, there are some things that cannot be changed after all.

"a ha ha ha……"

Hearing what Yu Lijing said, the ghost unicorn suddenly laughed, "It seems that ghosts don't have nothing, but it's a pity..."

Speaking of this, Ghost Qizhu's voice froze, "It's a pity you don't understand!"

 Things have been done, resume three shifts; in the last 48 hours, I want ten shifts!
(End of this chapter)

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