Chapter 568 The Tsundere Battle
"Don't understand what?"

Yu Lijing asked again, but Gui Qizhu didn't give him this chance, "For my son's life, I have no choice for my father."

The sword clashed instantly, and the battle between father and son began first.

Everyone in the Confucian School knew that Yun Huizi's move today was of great importance, so facing the strong attack of the eight tribes, they would not back down, and they were extremely brave.

Yun Wanggui, Yu Junheng and others faced the three sects of Mianliu, they had already been injured and changed their injuries, and they didn't want the devil to take a step forward.

As for the battle against Yasha Xiaowang, who is the best among all eight tribes, Jing Tianhuai already felt his own inadequacy, but even so, he still did not give in at all.

"Fearless resistance will only cost one life!"

Yasha Xiaowang said indifferently, the evil naginata in his hand was murderous.

All the Confucian heroes were brave and bloody, and the battle situation fell into a tragic state in just a moment.

Because both sides are buying time.

At this time, Huangru's supreme gaze was fixed on the sky.


At this time, Xiaru Wujing's slightly worried voice came.

Huangru Wushang raised his hand to stop it, and said loudly: "Isn't it a little near god soon? Not even a god, don't you believe me?"

"Hey!" Hearing what Huang Ru Wushang said, Xia Ru Wu Ting felt even more worried, because he knew how good-looking his boss was.

At this time, suddenly a powerful coercion came over the sky.

In an instant, the world was miserable, and the territory of Haozheng Confucianism was reduced to the devil's land.

Fortunately, the Confucian sect knew that there was a war breaking out in the past few days, and under the arrangement of Yu Lijing, the Confucian sect disciples were sent to transfer the ordinary people in the territory of Defeng ancient road.

Otherwise it will be another catastrophe.


Huangru Supreme frowned, although he said it lightly, he would not be careless.

This is called despising the enemy strategically and paying attention to the enemy on the battlefield.

"The light of the three realms, I bestow life, and the darkness of one thought will cause the whole world to perish."

The dome of the sky cracked, as if a big hole had been split directly, reflecting the Milky Way and the stars. Among the bright stars, a powerful figure symbolizing the source of the disaster swirled down, holding the scale of the curse god in his hand.

Slightly raised head, white hair scattered in front of the chest, silver gods engraved around the eyes, the posture is arrogant, looking down on all sentient beings.

Seeing the arrogant posture of the evil kings of the heavens hanging in mid-air, Huang Ru Wushang immediately looked unhappy. You know, he is the same arrogant person, how could he be insulted like this.

"Just thought you had a poem number?"

Huangru Wushang complained in his heart, stepped on his feet suddenly, and the majestic imperial aura paved the way, directly spreading to the same height as all the heavenly evil kings, no, it should be said to be a head higher.

Then Huangru Wushang stepped on slowly, and at the same time, the majestic voice of the poem came from his mouth, "Assist Xuanyuan, meet the king of benevolence, protect the guardian of the heavenly palace, and walk the journey of the emperor's heaven."


Seeing this, the evil kings of the heavens suddenly snorted coldly, "There is one evil from the beginning of time, and the gods are the only ones who have defeated all the heavens."

The invisible force crushed the golden steps higher than him in an instant, so that Huangru Wushang could only be level with him. At the same time, all the heavenly evil kings looked at Huangru Wushang, "You, you are considered the best among mortals."

"Come again!" Huangru Wushang snorted softly, and walked to the end of the golden steps, "All directions are respected, dragons bow their heads, and the emperor is supreme."

As the last step fell, thousands of dragon spirits knelt down at the same time, supporting the supreme power of the visitor, "The little king under the command of the Baqi little god also wants to destroy my Confucianism, and I want you to taste the fruit of defeat today."

"The scorching sun, death and fire, no one deserves to look directly at them. Foolish human beings, pay for your stupidity!"

The evil kings of the heavens slowly raised one hand, and the sky and the earth trembled at the same time.

At this moment, Yun Huizi in the distance also saw the evil kings of the heavens, and a complicated look suddenly appeared in his eyes, "Eldest brother, don't worry, I will definitely find a way to get your body back!"

Saying a sentence silently in his heart, Yun Huizi restrained his mind and waited for infinite to give an answer.

And Huangru Wushang and Zhongtian Xiewang, two equally arrogant people, met their eyes and shot intense electric current.

"Xiao Wang, show all your strength and let me be shocked!"

Huangru Wushangtong Ouyang raised his palm, his words did not lose the slightest bit, and his momentum was also tit for tat.

In the previous drama, Emperor Confucian Supreme gave the newly promoted Confucianist Yu Junheng the elixir that has been cultivated for a hundred years with his skill to improve his cultivation; he also used the Guiyuan Lingzhu, which would seriously affect himself, to revive Jun Fengtian.

Afterwards, he singled out the strongest Baqi evil god Wujianchanganhuang, and he was even more smashed. Although he only suffered a little injury to Baqi evil god in the end, it was enough to show that although Huangru Wushang was not a near god, but he was in his heyday. He possesses a combat power comparable to that of a god.

Even though this combat strength may not last long, it is absolutely impossible for ordinary gods to kill him, unless he is forced to retreat like in the previous life, and is willing to sacrifice for the Confucian people behind him, otherwise no one will be able to kill he.

Because the Baqi evil god before he became a calamity, in fact, the combat power he could display was only close to the gods, so he would be commensurate with the brothers of the heavenly evil kings.

And now the evil kings of the heavens are facing the Emperor Confucian Supreme in its heyday.

Because of the appearance of Jixuangu and some changes caused by Yuan Wuji, the Haozheng Wudao only inherited the position of Sword Confucianism for no reason, and the first way was handed over to Jixuangu to guard.

Both the Yunyang Pill and Guiyuan Lingzhu are there, and the foundation of Emperor Confucianism is extremely strong, even in the face of Jinshen, he is not inferior in momentum.

"The end of the emperor's heaven!"

Knowing that the opponent can do anything, Huangru Wushang slapped his palms together, and his hands are the ultimate move of the emperor's way.

Peerless Hao Yuan condensed between his palms and pressed down with one palm.

All the heavenly evil kings on the opposite side raised their hands at the same time, and the six directions of the vortex gathered around them, "Six ways are forbidden!"


With the first palm strike, Xinghe trembled.

The vast force collided between the two, and the overflowing vigor swept across the plains in all directions, and they were completely destroyed in a radius of a hundred miles.

The cracked earth, the shattered sky.

All show the great power between the two.

"Mortal, you made Zhao interested."

The evil kings of all the heavens lowered their heads slightly, looked at Huangru Wushang and continued, "Let Zhao see how much better you are than Jun Fengtian!"

"Ha! It would be too embarrassing if you can't even compare with the juniors." Huangru Wushang laughed, and then his face became serious, "I will never lose face—the ultimate of the emperor, Tianshen Strike!"

Huangru Wushang condensed his palms and clenched his hands suddenly, and then his fists clashed, and a ball of thunder exploded out, Fang Yuan's land was instantly scorched black.

"Ten directions sigh!"

The evil kings of all the heavens concentrated their expressions, and their palms twirled at the same time, absorbing the unparalleled evil power of the heavens and the earth.

Boom boom boom!
Dozens of palm strikes in a row, the speed is less than a moment, Huangru Wushang seems to be running away, gathering strength and speed as one, fiercely attacking the evil kings of the sky.

The Heavenly Evil Kings, who looked weak and looked like girls, also fought back fiercely. Their bodies intertwined, their aura surged, and the strong fought against each other, too fast to catch.

The surging power spread around the two of them.

For a moment, the earth was turned upside down, and the sky was full of dust.

The battle between gods and men is unprecedentedly fierce.

(End of this chapter)

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