Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 569 Facing Le Xunyuan Again

Chapter 569 Facing Le Xunyuan Again

"Xuanhao Promise Breakthrough Heavenly Evil!"

With the re-condensation of Xiongyuan, Huangru's supreme blow broke the evil atmosphere, and the evil kings of the heavens came.

"Stupid, today Zhao will let you understand the gap between man and god!"

"The journey of the misfortune star will destroy the world!"

All the heavenly evil kings swung their arms, and then gathered them in front of their chests, and then suddenly tore them apart, and the world was torn apart like paper.

The extreme conflict broke out again, and the world was in turmoil.

At this moment, Wu Wu's eyes suddenly brightened, "I found it..."

With infinitely pointing out the key point, Yun Huizi, who had already been ready to go, did not hesitate, and the two fronts of heaven and earth came out together, using the holy energy of the universe to use it, and shattered the vastness with one blow. Sky strike!"

The two swords are paralleled as one, tempered to produce the ultimate holy light, and then blessed with the magic-slaying mentality aimed at the power of evil gods, the light of the immortal way is like a punishment from heaven, covering everything.

In an instant, fairy light filled the air, dispelling evil spirits and wrapping the huge dragon head in infinite fairy light.

"Did it ruin it?"

Both good and evil had a meal at the same time, Yu Lijing and the others thought silently.

Soon after, as the celestial light began to dissipate, the dragon's head below was like charred charcoal, cracked inch by inch.


Seeing that the dragon's head was gradually turning into ashes, the Confucian people finally burst into cheers.

But at this time.

With the transmission of a shocking force, the huge dragon head suddenly shattered into ashes, and then a wave of evil energy shot out, heading east.

The hearts of the Confucianists tightened again.

"Hmph, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

The chivalrous Confucian Ru Wuzong who guarded the East's eyes lit up, so he didn't intervene when the Confucian sect was in danger, and he was waiting for this opportunity.

After all, the breaking of the evil dragon's head has happened many times.

They naturally also know the rules.

"Traveling without a trace · Breaking through thousands of miles!"

Xiaru Wuzong held the chivalrous way in his hand, and then showed his mighty, extremely fast sword, like a stream of light piercing the sky, suddenly bombarding the evil spirit that burst out.

The evil energy that had been condensed into a stream burst into pieces.

Without the dragon head, the evil energy weakened a lot, and Xia Ri's sword shattered.

However, the scattered evil energy has no power to return, and instead attacks in all directions.

Xiaru Wujing was the first to bear the brunt of the attack, and with a careless move, several evil spirits entered his body.

Seeing this, the Confucianists on the other side knew that this evil spirit must not be a good thing, so they gathered Haoyuan to resist.

On the contrary, the evil spirit merged into the bodies of the eight tribes, but it made the evil power stronger, and once again attacked fiercely, the decline of Confucianism became more serious.

"Dare to destroy the dragon head, Confucianism must pay the price!"

Dianbian Jialuo roared, and the end evil blade in his hand danced faster.

Mo Qingchi merged with a gentleman's style, and his sword moves were fierce. Although it was difficult, he resisted tenaciously.

On the other side, anger rose in the hearts of the heavenly evil kings who were fighting against Huangru Supreme.

It was the first time to carry out a mission, to unseal the dragon head, but it turned out to be like this.

As a god, he couldn't afford to lose face.

"Human, you did your best!"

Thinking of this, the evil kings of the heavens raised their palms in anger. For a moment, thousands of thunderbolts flashed wildly above the sky, as if they had turned into streams of light and condensed in the evil kings' palms.

Sensing that the gods of the evil kings of the heavens are overwhelming, the emperor's Confucianism is unsurpassed and unsurpassed, "The emperor's heaven is one and there is no limit!"

Absolutely moving, the vast real energy in Huangru Supreme's body exploded completely, flowing from his arms into his palms, the majestic aura shocked the nine heavens, and the vast imperial power overwhelmed all living beings.

With the outbreak of martial arts, Huangru Supreme's headgear was instantly shattered, and his white hair fluttered in the majestic air, like a madman.


Seeing Huangru Wushang's appearance in shock, Xiaru Wuzong's expression changed, and he couldn't help but shouted anxiously, wanting to help, but felt powerless.

Destroying the evil god's dragon energy before had already caused him to consume part of his true energy and affected the injuries in his body. Most importantly, with the accompanying evil energy of the dragon's head entering his body, the suppressed evil power in Xiaru Wuzong's body was also aroused.

In order to suppress this force and not be controlled like a swordsman, Xiaru Wujing can only support it hard.

However, the power this time is more terrifying than the evil energy infiltrated by trauma.

Because this is the most quintessential dragon energy of the evil god dragon head Xieyuan, the power it affects is far beyond what it could match before.

At this moment, Xiaru Wuzong's mind still reverberated with the roar of the dragon from time to time, which aroused the murderous thoughts in Xiaru Wuzong's heart, making him powerless.

A confrontation between good and evil.

Naturally, Yuan Wuji is indispensable.

After that night, the relationship between Yuan Wuji and Hua Xiao Zhaowu became closer, and the two appeared outside the battlefield hand in hand.

No one dared to underestimate these two people, or the Dugu Baitian transformed by Yuan Wuji.

The mighty force that defeated An Di head-on at the beginning was still close at hand.

"Babu people, you hateful monsters, you don't want to die today."

Yuan Wuji gave a domineering drink and directly joined the battlefield, aiming at Le Xunyuan.

Seeing the young man who defeated Andi coming straight towards him, Le Xunyuan's face changed first, then became gloomy, and said with a cold snort, "Are you treating me like a persimmon?"

Although the opponent is amazing at such a young age, Le Xunyuan is unconvinced.

He was already depressed, and now he was being provoked again, so he would not back down.

Although Le Xunyuan is a film king, he likes to use tricks and do things by any means, but after all, he still has a bit of youthful spirit and is unwilling to be seconded.

"Since this is the case, let me let you understand the power of the 'Ming Qi Martial Code'!"

Le Xunyuan made up his mind to take control of the situation and startled the dust, "Shocking Hong·qi permeates the long day!"

Le Xunyuan dodged a blow, and in an instant he was in front of Yuan Wuji as if startled.

"White-faced traitor, good job!"

Yuan Wuji yelled, and punched out suddenly.


The fists and palms met, and the ground cracked, and the dust on the ground was swept away under the overflowing power.

"Hahaha! White-faced traitor, haven't you been breastfeeding yet? The young master just drank milk, you need to work harder!"

Yuan Wuji laughed, raised his fist and struck again.

On the other side, Hua Xiao Zhaowu's cheeks turned red when he heard these words suddenly, with a look of embarrassment, obviously thinking about what happened last night.

"Little baby, you will pay the price for your madness!"

Hearing the word 'white-faced traitor', Le Xunyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes became even more murderous. No one had ever dared to call him that in person, and then his palms turned over again, and the vitality around him seemed to be pulled away in an instant, "Xuanhua ·It’s all about harvesting.”

It absorbs the surrounding gas, compresses it into one, and blasts the earth with a bang.

"It's as clever as it is clumsy, and it's hidden in the middle."

Pu Shi punched out again, without cumbersome changes, simple and clear, but the majesty of Zhongzheng was also powerful and unstoppable.

With one punch, Le Xunyuan actually took a step back, with a solemn expression on his face.

"Sure enough, the foundation is deep, no wonder Andi will be defeated by you."

Le Xunyuan opened his mouth in shock, then took a deep breath, and murderous intent burst out in his eyes, "Such a character should not be left behind—Heavenly Style·Extreme Qi Xuanhuang!"

Speaking of this, Le Xunyuan stopped probing, stretched out his arms, took advantage of the wind and cloud for a hundred miles, and achieved the power of Xuanhuang. Pressing down with one palm, the void exploded, and Fang Yuan sank for dozens of miles.

"What a white-faced traitor, I didn't expect to have such a fierce killer move, it seems that the young master has to be serious..."

Yuan Wuji took a deep breath, and his whole body's energy and spirit suddenly merged into one, as if his whole body had turned into a humanoid weapon, "Shuang Qi went out to dominate the north and the south."

The pair of fists came out one after another, like the overlord reborn, ruling the roost, invincible with iron fists, bombarding the waves of air in front of him, as he stepped forward, he actually approached Le Xunyuan step by step.

"So strong!"

Le Xunyuan's heart trembled, and a nameless anger rose, but then, a strange feeling of terror suddenly emerged in his heart.

His whole body was even colder, as if being stared at by a giant dragon.

This is the most annoying feeling Le Xunyuan has ever felt in his life.

Because this represents a deadly threat.

In the past, my uncle suffered from Tianchang, and later on Ni Shenyang and others, but the most serious one was on Yuan Wuji.

Now, similar terrifying pressure came again, and it actually came from a young man who looked younger than him.

Le Xunyuan felt astonishment, jealousy and anger at the same time.

 The third update!sleep!
(End of this chapter)

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