Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 570 The First Journey of the Yin-Yang Order

Chapter 570 The First Journey of the Yin-Yang Order

"Do I have to live under the pressure of others all my life?"

"Suffering from death!"

"Ni Shen Yang is dead!"

"Yuan Wuji..."

"I'm not reconciled!"

"It is impossible for me to lose in his hands, otherwise I will never be able to raise my head."

Le Xunyuan roared in his heart, his pupils were bloodshot, "Heavenly style, the smoke pours over ten thousand tides!"

Accompanied by Shen He, Le Xunyuan spun his palm, and the clouds in a radius of a hundred miles were drawn and turned into huge waves, which strongly hindered Yuan Wuji's progress.

"Oh? Can it still explode? Then let's explode as much as you want!"

"Traveling the Void and Takong is a peerless miracle!"

The doubts were not over yet, but Yuan Wuji snorted in disdain, and raised his fist to strike again. The simple and unadorned fist and foot twisted the void with one punch, breaking through a thousand waves with force, and stepped down with one step, as if passing through time and space, killing to the blissful distance in an instant before.

When the ultimate move arrived, Le Xunyuan's pupils suddenly constricted, and the back of his body was full of infuriating energy, reproducing the ultimate move of Ming Qi martial arts, "Exhaustion·Chaos rebirth!"

Le Xunyuan let out a deep cry, poured out his Yuan Gong, with the power of a palm, the surrounding world seemed to return to chaos, and the energy of chaos overflowed, smashing all kinds of energy.

"See you in the next life!"

Facing the ferocious killing move, Yuan Wuji punched again, as if Pangu opened the sky, breaking the chaos with his fist, and opening up the wilderness again.

The killing punch pierced through the chaos, shattered the strength of his body, and landed on Le Xunyuan's body with a bang.

A mouthful of vermilion spewed out, and Le Xunyuan flew away in response, Yuan Wuji turned his fist into a claw, and a jade tablet from Le Xunyuan's waist was also taken away without a trace.

Le Xunyuan didn't notice it, even if he thought about it afterwards, he thought he was lost in the battle. At this moment, he was full of anger, "Damn, this person's martial arts are as compact as they are. I have been paying attention with 'spiritual awareness', but I haven't found any signs of his body. flaw."

At the same time, Le Xunyuan's energy transformation in his heart actually weakened and absorbed the external energy in his body, eliminating the subsequent impact of this punch.

Le Xunyuan, who has read the Xuanmai Baojian, especially obtained the mental method that is most suitable for Mingqi Martial Arts, which has greatly improved his combat power. It seems insignificant, but only Le Xunyuan knows the various magical effects.

Therefore, he seemed to be seriously injured, but in fact he retreated with Yuan Wuji's punch.

And at the same time.

The supreme battle between the evil kings of the heavens and the emperor has finally come to the decisive moment.

Huangru Wushang's crown crumbled in an instant, and his white hair fell loose. With a loud shout, the mighty imperial fist shattered the sky, and then showed its supreme power.

"It's not bad, but it's a pity that a foolish person is not worthy of being an enemy of God!" Facing the strong move, the expressions of the evil kings of the heavens did not change at all, with both hands moving together, pressing down with one palm, the ten directions sank together, "The ten directions sigh! "

A melodious sound resounded, and the extreme moves suddenly merged. In an instant, the sky and the earth turned pale and turned into eternal night.

At this moment, it was as if the whole world was blown up, and in the void, endless icy air lingered around the whole body, even though everyone present had deep foundations, they felt the bone-chilling chill.


On the other side, Yuan Wuji suddenly felt strange, and immediately there was a pair of black and white tokens in his hand, which was the Yin-Yang Token. At this moment, the tokens were shining strangely, and they were activated by themselves.

"This is?"

Yuan Wuji held the divine decree in his hand, and instantly understood the reason, his eyes could not help but move slightly, "The battle between the evil kings of the heavens and the supreme Confucianism made this time and space unstable, and opened a gap for the yin and yang order to travel through time and space. It took me to expend my strength to open up the passage."

Thinking of this, Yuan Wuji couldn't help being moved, "Since we have this opportunity, we might as well give it a try."

"Right now Jie Hongyan's memory and body may recover at any time, it is better to take this opportunity to escape, so that even if she seeks revenge, she will not be able to find anyone. When she calms down, or Unknown Weimeng is in danger, I will ask you to help me." See her again."

Yuan Wuji secretly thought in his heart that a typical scumbag man who eats everything will run away.

In fact, Yuan Wuji had already made a decision in his heart when he discovered the reason for the change of the Yin-Yang Token. Although this move was a bit risky, he found other reasons to convince himself.

At this time, the evil kings Zhongtianxie and Huangru Wushang in the center of the battlefield exchanged injuries for injuries, making the space even more unstable.

Although the evil kings of the heavens are close to the gods, the body of the heavenly traces has restricted his display of strength, and the absence of the ultimate emperor of the underworld makes it impossible for him to fully display the power of the gods.

And Huangru's supreme limit exploded, the majestic true energy shook the nine heavens, the two collided with their extreme moves, and the darkness spread to the surrounding area, covering everyone in it in an instant.

"Little flower!"

Yuan Wuji pretended to be worried, and appeared beside Hua Xiao Chao Wu.

At this moment, Infinity's eyes were bleeding and tearing, looking for the flaws in the dragon's head with the eyes of the universe, the evil dye made the eyes feel pressure, but after seeing the intimacy between Hua Xiao Zhaowu and Yuan Wuji, Mo Shi couldn't help feeling ups and downs, and his eyes were bloody and tearful more of them.

Fortunately, the melee was fierce at this time, and the power of destruction filled the surroundings, and no one noticed the infinite abnormality.

Seeing Hua Xiao Chaowu holding hands with the young man, their bodies close together, Mo Shi felt pain and anger in his heart as if bitten by a bug.

Just at this time, a majestic force blasted towards Infinity, Moshi began to use the Eye of the Universe, and instantly diverted the forceful move, and the direction was the pair of dog men and women that made him bored.

"Little flower be careful!"

Sensing the danger, Yuan Wuji stepped forward to block it, and Yuan Wuji's body was instantly blown away by the majestic energy, and the direction was actually the core of the battle between the evil kings of the heavens and the Emperor Confucianism.

Deep and dark, with dense cracks, it seems that the entire void will collapse at any time, forming a tide of destruction and engulfing everything.

"Xiao Tian, ​​don't!"

Hua Xiao Zhao Wu's face changed, and he stretched out his hand to pull, but at this moment, a series of fierce energy spread towards all directions like a downpour, Hua Xiao Zhao Wu not only failed to move forward, but retreated step by step under the endless energy.

Le Xunyuan and Mo Shi who occupied the infinite body were all paying attention to Yuan Wuji's situation. Seeing Yuan Wuji being swept into the center of the battlefield by a force, he was stunned for a moment, a little unbelievable, but in the end he still didn't move, just coldly Watch the situation develop.

Although the two of them were a little strange and confused at this moment, they didn't notice anything. It was just a coincidence and accident. If they knew that the young man was Yuan Wuji, they would definitely understand that this must be the other party's scheme again.

It's a pity that the two haven't seen through the true identity of 'Dugu Baitian' yet.

"Xiao Hua, leave me alone, you have to protect yourself, in the future, I won't be with you anymore."

Yuan Wuji hissed, with a sad expression on his face, and soon stabilized his mood, showing a comforting smile at Hua Xiao Zhaowu.

"No!" Hua Xiaochaowu tried his best to kill Yuan Wuji, but the increasingly terrifying power turned into tides, which made Hua Xiaochaowu have to retreat.

Seeing that the two were so affectionate, Mo Shiben burst out with qi and blood in an instant, spewing out a mouthful of bright red, and he didn't know if it was because of his injury or because of being angry.

At this time, the evil kings of the heavens and Huangru Wushang finally collided.

Fangyuan's tens of miles turned into a black hole vortex under the tyrannical force, and everything around him was swallowed in an instant.

Yuan Wuji was like driftwood, unable to resist being swallowed by the black hole.

But no one saw that when the black hole enveloped everything, the Yin-Yang Token in Yuan Wuji's hand formed a black and white vortex, which enveloped Yuan Wuji in advance.


The huge black hole exploded, and the land of Fangyuan collapsed hundreds of miles away, turning into a huge pit hundreds of feet deep. There was a bottomless hole in the vast territory of Defeng Ancient Road. There were countless collapses, and the once bustling Confucianism center was reduced to ruins.

 Speed ​​up the progress and strive to finish writing this article in mid-November.

(End of this chapter)

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