Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 572 Turns out to be...【Chapter 3 adds '2 and a half minutes' to the helmsman】

Chapter 572 It Turned Out to be...【The third one adds 'twenty and a half' to the helmsman】

[A fellow Taoist said that I am short, whether this chapter is long or not]

The deep tunnel, the Milky Way, and the purple light flowing, contain fragments and pictures of the past in the world, full of mysterious and magnificent wonders, which cannot be captured even with Yuan Wuji's eyesight.

Numerous pictures flowed, Yuan Wuji seemed to see many familiar or unfamiliar faces in a trance.

The Yin-Yang Order is like an arrow opening the way, and the accumulated power is being consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Obviously, as long as the accumulated power in the Yin-Yang Order disappears, Yuan Wuji will truly re-enter reality.

With the energy coming to an end, Yuan Wuji stared at the front with both eyes, as if he saw a light spot in front of him, but the light source attracted his soul, and even the system panel in his soul trembled for a moment.

But before he took a closer look and approached, the power in the Yin-Yang Order was completely exhausted, and the long-lost sense of weightlessness came, and Yuan Wuji was in a trance for a moment, as if falling off a cliff.

When he opened his eyes again, he had already appeared on an empty land.

"Huh? Where is this?"

Yuan Wuji stood up slowly, first glanced at the black and white token in his hand.

Now he could see the token start to build up a special power again, as if a battery needed to be recharged.

Even Yuan Wuji knew that when the charging was completed, it was time for him to leave again.

However, compared to the time and power it takes to travel through time and space, the speed of returning to recharge is extremely fast, and it may even be completed in less than twelve hours.

"Traveling through time and space really needs to be experienced and understood personally. It seems that the Yin-Yang Order does not completely let me travel through the past, but has a time limit."

"At the beginning, the Empress sent Shen Chong'er to use "Wonderful Records" to plot against Lie Hongjiao. Although it was a false conspiracy, many rules also inspired me. However, if you can only watch but not do anything here, you can It’s not what I want to travel through.”

"So I can only test it myself, first find out the situation here."

Yuan Wuji thought to himself, he can feel that this place is still in a difficult place, because he is too familiar with the environment and atmosphere of a difficult place, in less than a year, he is more familiar with it than he has been on earth for more than 20 years.

And with his current power, it is good to be able to travel through the timeline, even the time for travel is limited, and he cannot go back and forth arbitrarily.

After all, the realm of the gods that time and space have already involved is not even a power that ordinary gods can touch.

And now he can do it with the help of yin and yang orders with a mortal body, which is really shocking.

"here is?"

After walking for not long, Yuan Wuji frowned, because he was very familiar with this place, even not long ago, he spent the spring night with Jie Hongyan, who had returned to her girlhood, in the inn ahead.

Here is the 'Sulfur Inn'.

The secret forces under Emperor Yuliang were formed to explore the secrets and forces of the world for him.

Later, after killing Emperor Yuliang, he was controlled by him.

"The existence of the 'Sulfur Inn' means that it must have been after Emperor Yuliang established his military capital. What period of time was it?"

Yuan Wuji was a little curious.

As Yuan Wuji approached, he was quickly attracted by a sneaky figure.

"This is... the evil emperor?"

Yuan Wuji was taken aback for a moment, at the scene of deja vu, Yuan Wuji suddenly understood what time it was.

It's just that he didn't expect that this time travel did not travel to the previous time, but to the time after he traveled from the earth and after the battle with Zuo Tianchang.

"Although Emperor Yuliang is despicable, he is not obscene enough. What kind of poison should he use? Aphrodisiacs are our role models."

Accompanied by a sinister laugh, Xie Tianzi backed away carefully, and at the same time said: "It's a pity that I'm not interested in women, so I'm taking advantage of you."

"This is the place where Emperor Yuliang and Xie Tianzi plotted against the life trainees and the Heavenly Weaver Lord of Amber. So, soon Hong Chenxue and 'Wo Guan Kyushu' will come?"

The scene in the past made Yuan Wuji slightly stunned, "So, now the life trainee and the master of weaving have encountered a scheme?"

Thinking of this, Yuan Wuji narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a gleam of coldness. If it was before, he would naturally not care about whether Master Tianzhi lost his dignity, but in the future, he will be the same as Master Tianzhi. In front of him was a life trainee...

What's more, life trainees can be regarded as the reincarnation of some demon kings, and he also has a relationship with Jiuying...

Yuan Wuji shook his head, he didn't have time to think so much, he just ranted and it was over.

In a blink of an eye, Yuan Wuji had already appeared behind Xie Tianzi.

Xie Tianzi suddenly felt cold sweat all over his body, and stabbed back with the spear of Emperor Hades in his hand.

But today's Yuan Wuji, even if he is a young man, is far more powerful than Yuan Wuji in this period of time.

Or it can't be said to be far beyond, but a qualitative gap.

In this period, even if he broke out in Jiuyang, he could barely reach the legendary realm.

But now, he has already stepped through the legend and is stepping towards the realm of gods.

The strength can be described as worlds apart.

And Xie Tianzi is just a top expert in the world.

Even if he didn't make a move, he would be rushed to kill by himself in this period soon.

"Four Tribulations of the Sacred Heart·Heavenly Heart Tribulation!"

With one's own heart leading the enemy's heart, but with Yuan Wuji's current physique, how can it be compared with the evil emperor, and the heart-piercing pain broke out from the evil emperor's heart.

But before the evil emperor could roar, he saw Yuan Wuji's eyes turned cold, and his mind was frightened for a moment.

"Invincible Soul Transformation!"

With three strokes in succession, Yuan Wuji pressed Xie Tianzi's head with one palm, and the enslavement was completed in an instant, and the next moment, he rushed into the inn.

At this moment, the life trainee had already begun to tear the clothes of Tianzhizhu who had turned into amber, his eyes were burning with flames, like a beast in heat.

How could Yuan Wuji tolerate this kind of thing happening.

He has always been the green man, and no one can green him.

Although the timeline is different, but...

"It's really barbaric!"

Yuan Wuji slapped the back of the life trainee's head with his palm, and the powerful force directly made the crazy life trainee unconscious.

He never thought that when he treated Fu Rong Zhu Ke and Man Li back then, he could be more savage than the scene in front of him.

Looking at the Heavenly Weaver Lord who was flipping by himself on the ground, Yuan Wuji was caught in a dilemma.

"If I go to school at this time, is it Yiyu who was born last? If so, wouldn't Yu Xiao and Yiyu be orthopedics?"

Thinking of this, Yuan Wuji suddenly shook his head, he thought it was better not to cheat his son.

Of course, it is impossible for Yuan Wuji to watch things happen as in the past.

After all, he's not that perverted yet.

"Fortunately, I am no longer what I used to be. This little thing can't trouble me. The birth of the relic jade is mainly because of the anode life source. As long as I extract the anode life source and integrate it into the main body of the sky weaving, it can also make the master of the sky weave. effects of pregnancy."

In fact, although this technique is not simple, it is not particularly complicated. The evil seed was implanted in the body of Jie Hongyan who was pregnant at the beginning, which led to the birth of the evil son Unknown.

In addition, in the original Jiuluntian, the second leader of the Blood Clan also injected the blood, flesh, essence, and blood unique to the Blood Clan into the belly of Emperor Haikuo, thus giving birth to the Sinking King.

In a difficult situation, asexual reproduction is not difficult, especially Yuan Wuji is best at using the power of life.

As Yuan Wuji operated the 'Nahai Sacred Heart Curse', the life force of the life trainee was absorbed into the palm of his hand and condensed into a ball.

Absorbing the dissipated power, Yuan Wuji still did not stop. Following the exercise again, the unconscious life trainee's face distorted, showing pain, and with a muffled groan, half of the source of life in his body was cut off.

"Yiyu, the foundation that your father built for you is rare in this world!"

The corners of Yuan Wuji's mouth curled up, and while speaking, the power of the seven-color spiritual spring that had been absorbed into his body and transformed by him gushed out, and then turned into a stream of light and sank into the belly of Master Tianzhi.

But at this moment, a deafening dragon chant suddenly came from outside the inn.

"Looking at the snow pouring down the river, ten miles of dragon waves, alone washing the waves and whistling in the clouds. The scenery is proud, ask how the world is like, the emperor is at ease."

Accompanied by Qing Leng Shihao, a gun suddenly stabbed down from under the sky, pointing directly at the roof of the inn.

"It's Hong Chenxue who has arrived."

With a thought in Yuan Wuji's mind, the unconscious trainee was thrown to the side of Master Tianzhi, and he himself disappeared directly.

After all, at this moment, he is a big realm higher than everyone else, and with his means, if he wants to hide, few people in the world can find him.

"Emperor Xie, what are you doing shameless here again?"

With a cold reprimand, the wind of the gun swept across, and the roof of the inn was lifted directly, revealing the two disheveled clothes inside.


Seeing this scene in astonishment, Hong Chenxue immediately looked shocked.

At this moment, the evil emperor controlled by Yuan Wuji stabbed Hong Chenxue in the shoulder, and the blood immediately soaked his robe.

After all, only by making Hong Chenxue feel the pain, can he now have a chance to warm his heart.

Therefore, Yuan Wuji is not ready to change.

Yuan Wuji watched everything happen coldly, and soon after, with the appearance of Guan Jiuzhou, the seriously injured Hong Chenxue was rescued.

However, before leaving, the former self frowned and glanced around suspiciously.

"Why did I feel a peep just now, is there anyone else here?"

Looking at Kyushu, I am puzzled. Based on the current situation, the three vehicles of heaven, earth and man have not yet appeared. At that time, only Ni Shenyang and Kui Yujiang were at the top.

Thinking this way in my heart, I already had some vigilance in my heart, but the most important thing is to save Hongchenxue at the moment.

"As expected of me, my six senses are really sharp."

After Guan Kyushu left, Yuan Wuji appeared in admiration.

"It's an amazing feeling to boast about yourself."

The corners of Yuan Wuji's mouth curled up slightly, and he murmured, scanning around after a while, "But what will happen if I meet in different time and space?"

Although there is no verification, Yuan Wuji has a bad feeling, obviously that will cause danger.

"Maybe time and space will riot."

Whether it is the experimental requirements of "Wonderful and Unusual Records", or the film and television dramas or novels I watched in my previous life, there is no picture of meeting myself in different time and space.

There was a movie "Cohabitation Beyond Time and Space" in the previous life, and the two-time self wanted to see it, which would cause the collapse of this space-time and life-threatening.

The records in "Wonderful and Strange Records" are also similar, which proves that some taboos really cannot be touched.

"Unless one day I become a god and leave this world completely, with the uniqueness of 'god', maybe I will disappear or merge with the uniqueness at different times, and then this problem will no longer exist."

"It can even prevent a strong person from crossing the river of time and space and killing me who is still weak."

Yuan Wuji has seen similar situations in books such as "Tomb of God" and "Perfect World".

Yuan Wuji faintly felt this way, after all, he had already begun to walk on the path of God from a human being, and he knew more and more about the experience along the way.

At his level, intuition will be more accurate than what his eyes see, because it is the embodiment of divinity.

 Thank you for the thousand rewards of 'twenty and a half'; thanks to: All the gods, gods, gods, stars, gods, demons, and kings are all occupied, the people are haggard, the fruit of discerning good and evil, book friends 2019... 233 and other Taoist friends these days Reward!

(End of this chapter)

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