Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 573 Fragrant White Lotus Su Huan【Recommend 5.5 plus】

Chapter 573 Fragrant White Lotus Su Huan【Recommend 5.5 plus】

The devastated Defeng Ancient Road is waiting to be rebuilt.

After being silent all the way, Jing Tianhuai suddenly said, "I have decided to go to the place where the ancestors retreated for three days to retreat for three days. At the same time, I will improve my cultivation. At the same time, please use the sword of the ancestors to increase the chances of winning the upcoming death battle."

Jing Tianhuai has a serious face, he is also a Confucianist, he has the responsibility to protect the people of the Confucianism.

And these days of fierce battles, he has already seriously felt his own inadequacies.

In order to protect more people, Jing Tianhuai made such a determination.

Because it is not so easy to pass the test left by the ancestors.

"Respect Master!"

Yu Lijing turned around and wanted to say something, but Jing Tianhuai directly raised his hand to stop him, "Master Yu, you don't have to worry, if you can't even complete the test of ancestors, then I will only fight for you in this battle." Confucianism is shameful."

Knowing Jing Tianhuai's determination, Yu Lijing sighed slightly, and stopped dissuading him, "I believe that the head of Jing Tianhuai can do it."

"Thank you!"

After saying that, Jing Tianhuai tossed off his Confucian robe, turned and left.

There is a feeling of rustling wind and cold water.

After Yu Lijing and others obtained it, they also began to pay close attention to recuperation, and used the most perfect and powerful posture to cope with the next death battle with the Babu people.


And when Yuan Wuji traveled through time and space and came to the past.

The time city that had been closed for a long time was shaken.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, countless rotating clocks showed signs of disorder.


The light of time made Yin Sui push the blue western hat on his head, with a look of confusion in his eyes, "This is?"

"Really, since Su Zhenzhen stepped into Time City, I haven't even had a good night's sleep, what annoyance!"

A dissatisfied sigh came, and then a ball of light shuttled past countless clocks.

"City Master, what happened here?"

Although Yin Sui is the envoy of time and has guarded the time city for countless years, he has never encountered such a situation, let alone heard of it. After all, he is only the envoy and not the master of time city, and many secrets are unknown.

"Since the time has passed, why bother to spy, don't you know that this will cause turmoil in time and space?"

Accompanied by a deep shout, the City Lord of Time forcefully suppressed the disordered clock, "It seems that the plight has undergone new changes during this period of time. It is not easy to become a passer-by of time!"

As he said that, the city lord of time sighed, "I have already expected that I will be busy in the next period of time!"

Time City controls the time of countless living beings, and also maintains the order of time in adversity.

One mistake and the impact can be devastating.



The fairy feet are still the same as in the past, reaching nine heavens, just like the road to heaven, it is difficult to see the whole picture.

The sea of ​​clouds is vast, and the ancient sky is the same color.

The secret arrives.

Xie Fengdi raised his head and looked into the distance, and the voice of the poem also came out of his mouth, "Who can solve Fengdi, there is a destined person in Yundu; don't chase after it, don't ask for it, it turns out that you can have it."

With the disappearance of the folding fan transformed by the two unicorn swords in his hands, Xie Fengdi's black hair turned into snow white, his blue clothes turned yellow and white, and he held three thousand whisks in his hand.

"Half god, half saint, half immortal, all Confucianism and Taoism are all sages, with thousands of books in his mind, and half of the sky in civil and martial arts."

There are so many things in Wulin that are all jokes.

Today, the fragrance of white lotus has finally returned.

As he walked away step by step, the figure full of wisdom disappeared into the vast sea of ​​clouds.

A figure has blocked the front without knowing when.


Su Zhenzhen paused, and said in surprise, "Friend, do you need help standing in front of Su Mou?"

Hearing the sound, Yuan Wuji turned around slowly.


Seeing the young face, Su Zhenzhen was slightly taken aback, apparently he did not expect the person in front of him to be so young, but that face was vaguely familiar, which made Su Zhenzhen even more puzzled.

What's more, Su Zhenzhen felt that what was hidden under the young man's face was not the same mind.

"Has Su Mou seen Your Excellency?"

Su Zhenzhen blinked a few times, and asked directly.

"Is it important to see, or not to see?"

The corners of Yuan Wuji's mouth curled up slightly, with an evil smile, "It's a great honor to see Qingxiang Bailiansu's real 'last' side, I've heard that Su is really intelligent, maybe I can predict Yuan's purpose here?"

"Your Excellency is not trying to kill me!"

Su Huanzhen also smiled, but there was no trace of tension in his expression.

"Hahaha! Sure enough, Suxian speaks quickly."

Yuan Wuji laughed, "Yuan hides so well that you have seen his purpose. Su Zhenzhen is really extraordinary."

"But Su believes that Your Excellency will not kill me."

At this moment, Su really understood clearly that the person in front of him looked like a teenager, but in fact he was probably a senior in disguise, so he must not be ignored just because of his immature face.

"Su Zhenzhen really has great confidence."

Yuan Wuji sighed in admiration, but Su Zhenzhen's expression remained unchanged, he just looked at Yuan Wuji kindly, but he was thinking about Yuan Wuji's identity in his heart.

Even though Su Zhenzhen was almost a demon with wisdom, he couldn't associate the young man in front of him with Yuan Wuji. At the same time, he said with humility as always, "It's just that Su's intuition has always been accurate, but after talking for so long, I still don't know your name."

Su Zhenzhen fixed his eyes on Yuan Wuji, waiting for the answer.

"If we have another chance to meet again, you will naturally know who I am."

Yuan Wuji did not directly say that he appeared here just at the right time.

Now that we have come to the past period, other things are not important, so naturally we have to see Shang Suzhen for the last time.

It is also to pretend to be good in front of Su Zhenzhen.

"It seems that you are sure that we will meet again, so today you want to..."

"It's nothing, I just want to make friends with Su Zhenzhen."

"Oh?" Su Zhenzhen frowned, "Su Mou doesn't know your name yet, isn't it too hasty?"

Su Zhenzhen is not one to be led by the nose.

"You are wrong, we will be friends next time we meet, but in order to ensure that you can recognize me, I need to get something from you that you can trust."

"A token of my trust?"

Su Huanzhen's pupils were deep, and he couldn't see the bottom, and he repeated a sentence in his mouth at the same time.

"That's right, an item that you can recognize not only in the future, but also in the past."


Hearing these two words, Su Zhenzhen's heart moved, and his doubts became heavier, "How could it involve the past, could it be?"

Su Zhenzhen glanced at Yuan Wuji indiscriminately, full of suspicion in his heart, "This matter looks very interesting, maybe after I finish that matter, I should go to Time City again and ask the city lord for advice."

Su Zhenzhen is a decisive person, and she made up her mind, so she stopped hesitating and said with a smile on her face: "Since this is the case, Su is also looking forward to the second meeting with Your Excellency, and hopes that we can become good friends."

As he said that, Su Zhenzhen already had an extra jade pendant in his hand, on which a green lotus was carved, "This is a gadget made by Su Mou before his debut, and it should be able to meet your needs."

Su Zhenzhen was so happy because she was purely curious about what would happen in the future.

"Ha! Thank you Suxian for your trust in Yuan."

Yuan Wuji reached out to take the jade pendant, and after hesitating for a while, a three-inch-long bamboo tube suddenly appeared in his hand, "It's not rude to come and go, this thing may be useful to you in the future."

"Then respect is worse than obedience." Su Zhenzhen took a deep look at Yuan Wuji, then smiled slightly, "Su Sumou still has important things to do, please!"


Yuan Wuji also bowed in return, and the two passed by.

With Su Zhenzhen disappearing, Yuan Wuji also put away the jade pendant that Su Zhenzhen gave, "With this thing, if one day in the future one day goes back to a more distant past, maybe you can use this thing to fool Su Zhenzhen."

"Although Su Zhenzhen itself is synonymous with trouble, the trouble I'm least afraid of is the trouble of automatically coming to the door. The only thing I have to be careful about is whether this jade pendant has other meanings to him."

Yuan Wuji can underestimate anyone in a difficult situation, but he will never underestimate Suzhen.

Su Zhenzhen, who can affect the situation of martial arts with every move, has been at ease since ancient times, how could he be as weak as he appears on the surface.

What's more, he is famous for his wisdom, and his every move may contain countless meanings.

Perhaps this jade pendant represents not only a symbol of 'friendliness', but also 'vigilance'.

However, obtaining this item was just a tactic that Yuan Wuji deliberately left behind, and he didn't know if he would use it in the future.

As for making changes in this time and space.

Yuan Wuji didn't do it on his own, because everything was in his own plan now, and he didn't need to destroy it. If a certain link was destroyed because of this, and some unexpected changes happened, I'm afraid the result is not something he can bear now. .

Similarly, Su Zhenzhen, who walked into the sea of ​​clouds, was also full of curiosity about the people who suddenly appeared.

However, after experiencing countless incidents in the martial arts world and all kinds of anecdotes, Su Zhenzhen did not take this matter seriously because he has experienced too many important things.

"Interesting person, Su Mou also looks forward to your real purpose."

Following Su Huanzhen's flick, his figure was completely covered by clouds and mist.

 Fourth watch, sleep!
(End of this chapter)

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