Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 574 The Trip to the Ghost Prison

Chapter 574 The Trip to the Ghost Prison
Inside Yan Luo Ghost Prison.

Yupo has been staying in the Demon Raising Pool for a long time.

"Mr. Yuan, your thoughts are sometimes very naive. The ability to regenerate ghosts and souls is a unique ability of ghosts, and the pool of raising demons is also a skill that complements ghosts. If you want to have this ability, I am afraid that you have to regenerate it." Reincarnated in a ghost prison, cluck cluck..."

A coquettish laugh like a silver bell came, and Fu Yeyu Jiao Niang's delicate body trembled slightly, overwhelmed with joy.

As the master of Yan Luo Ghost Prison, Yan Tianxia will not always be with Yuan Wuji, but the most important treasure of the ghost prison in Yangmochi, so she is accompanied by her righteous sister Fu Yeyu Jiao Niang.

The two had met before the empress, and they had a bad conversation, so there was no lack of sarcasm in Fu Yeyu Jiaoniang's mouth.

He didn't take Fu Ye Yujiao Niang's sarcasm at all. If he wanted to make him angry, then his tolerance was too small, but naturally he would not lose the wind between his words, and he glanced at Fu Ye ambiguously. Yujiao Niang's abdomen, "Reincarnation? That also requires my place in Fu Ye Niang Niang's abdomen!"


Fu Yeyu Jiao Niang's expression froze, her eyes sullen. During the time she was waiting here, she had been bullied countless times.

However, this woman also remembers eating but not beating, and it won't take long for her to forget how speechless she was before, and then continue to taunt.

In fact, Fu Ye Yu Jiao Niang in the previous life drama had this tendency, otherwise she wouldn't like the Buddha Sword Fenshuo who doesn't understand the style.

Yupo ignored Fu Yeyu Jiaoniang's anger, her pupils shone brightly, and she stared closely at the demon raising pool, as if she wanted to penetrate the water of the pool and see clearly the core principle of the raising demon pool.

"Don't waste your efforts, even if you are blind, you can't crack it."

After a while, Fu Yeyu Jiao Niang couldn't help but speak again.

"What? Is Empress Fu Ye caring for me? This really flatters me!"

Yupo said without turning his head, everything he saw would be analyzed by the earth soul.

This kind of thing that analyzes the mysteries of heaven and earth is what the soul of the earth is best at.

But the only thing that puzzled Yupo was that there was no message from the Earth Soul. It seemed that the Demon Raising Pool was really mysterious, and even the Earth Soul couldn't see through it for a while.

At this moment, he doesn't know that the earth soul has long been isolated in the Vientiane Heavenly Palace, and he can feel all the information of each soul, but cannot transmit the information.

"Hmph, then I expect you to create miracles."

Fu Yeyu Jiao Niang snorted coldly and said.

"Nine Heavens Xuanzun can comprehend the ability of ghost truth from it, and this young master is no less inferior to others, and even wants to create a more perfect secret method."

Yuan Wuji was proud, perhaps this was a common problem of all traversers, even if it wasn't apparent on the surface, there was always a bit of arrogance in his heart.

Although he was able to get to this day, he relied on the power of the system, but the system is just a tool, and everything is ultimately played by people.

Today's Yuan Wuji already has enough confidence.

And up to now, the system has not helped him as much as before. The system is only an aid in the follow-up road, and the real threshold needs to be crossed by himself.

"Ms. Fu Ye, how is the fusion progress of the Three Great Fears?"

At this time, Yupo suddenly asked.

Fu Yeyu Jiao Niang was taken aback for a moment, then her face changed slightly, "How do you know this?"

"Ha! Don't you know that I used to have another name—Countless?"

Yuan Wuji would never tell him that in the original play, the three big tremors were fused into the three-eyed Chi Li by her.

"But I am not the common people you speak of."

Fu Yeyu Jiao Niang replied, but did not continue to pursue, she already knew that this person was mysterious, otherwise her sister would not have valued this person so much.

"Since you want to see it, there's nothing wrong with it, but this matter is not part of the deal between you and your sister. If you want to see it, please!"

The corners of Fu Yeyujiao Niang's lips were slightly raised, revealing a slight pride, appearing proud.

"Please? Huh..."

Yuan Wuji sneered, "My son has never asked for help in his life, and Empress Fu Ye thinks too much of herself."

"Then there is no other way!"

Fu Yeyu Jiao Niang's white and tender fingers ran across the pink and purple hair hanging down her chest, her every move was provocative and full of coquettishness.

"Hey! What is the purpose of Empress Fu Ye, let's just say it."

Yupo feels a slight headache, there are things that cannot be forced, not to mention, there is no need to be violent about such a trivial matter, the most important thing is that Yupo can't do it when he hits a woman!

"I heard that Mr. Yuan is plotting against Gu Yue. Do you know that Gu Yue is my disciple?"

Fu Ye Yujiao Niang walked around Yupo, and then said.

"It turns out that the empress is for Princess Lonely Moon!"

Yupo showed a dazed look, and understood the reason for a moment. Obviously, the goddess of death was afraid that the empress would agree to his excessive demands, so she asked her master to prevent this from happening.

"That's why I hope Mr. Yuan won't take Gu Yue's idea. As long as you agree to this matter, I will show you the rebirth ability of the Demon Raising Pool."

Fu Yeyujiaoniang fixed her beautiful eyes on Yupo, her voice was sonorous and powerful.

Yupo's eyes flickered slightly, "It seems that Princess Guyue invited Empress Fu Ye to make her intercede like this. The empress really regards Princess Guyue as her own child."

"There's no need for you to ask."

Fu Yeyu Jiao Niang said lightly.

The empress is all about power and power, so Gu Yue has been by her side since she was a child. It can be said that she raised her alone, and her feelings are naturally deep.

Therefore, after Gu Yue told Fu Yeyu Jiaoniang about her worries and humiliation, she would go to see Yuan Wuji as soon as she appeared in the Chushan Ming Palace, and wanted to get back the enmity, but she failed .

Now that the opportunity has come again, Fu Yeyu Jiao Niang will never miss it.

"it is good!"

After thinking for a moment, Yupo's eyes flashed, and he continued: "My son can agree, but if the empress insists on deciding something, it's none of my business. At that time, Empress Fu Ye wanted to change, so she had to go to the empress to make peace." Yes, but the empress keeps her word, I'm afraid it will be very difficult for her to change her mind!"

As he said that, he looked at Fu Yeyu Jiaoniang anxiously, "Even if the empress and the empress have a good relationship, I'm afraid it's impossible for the empress to take back her life. If you force it, it will only hurt the relationship between the two of you."

Feeling a little uncomfortable being looked at by Yupo's strange gaze, Fu Yeyu Jiaoniang snorted coldly, and said: "On the side of the empress, I can handle it myself, you just need to take care of yourself."

"Then I will trouble you to show the wonder of life in person."

Yupo raised his arms, making a gesture of please.

Fu Yeyu Jiao Niang walked to the demon raising pool without squinting. Now that she had made a decision, she no longer hesitated, and lightly raised her bare hands, three light balls hiding the soul body suddenly fell into the demon raising pool.

The Demon Raising Pool can condense the endless evil energy of the Heaven and Earth Sword and help the ghosts reshape their bodies.

Following the three soul bodies, they fell into the demon raising pool.

The situation changed in an instant, and Yupo could clearly feel the endless hostility between heaven and earth gathering in the demon raising pool.

At the same time, various mysterious patterns on the four walls of the Demon Raising Pool emit dim light at the same time, and at the bottom of the pool, a burly body gradually solidifies under the impact of infinite hostility.

"Sure enough, it has won the power of heaven and earth."

Seeing the steps to reshape the body and the source of energy in the Yangmanchi, the doubts in Yumo's eyes gradually disappeared.

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(End of this chapter)

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