Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 575 The Jealous Ingenuity [The last 6 hours, ask for a monthly pass! 】

Chapter 575 The Jealous Ingenuity [The last 6 hours, ask for a monthly pass! 】

The heavenly evil kings who left the Confucian sect did not go with the other eight tribes, but went west by feeling.

That is the feeling of calling.

It was the ultimate Underworld Emperor who showed his joy again.

And in that direction, he felt most of the parts of the Ultimate Underworld Emperor.

Ultimate Hades is divided into four parts.

They are: Slaughtering Evil Underworld Emperor Shan Feng, Bloodthirsty Sin Underworld Emperor Evil Spear, Betrayal Underworld Emperor Knife and Bow, Resentful Poison Underworld Emperor Essence.

Among them, the Slaughter Underworld Emperor Shanfeng and the bloodthirsty Underworld Emperor Evil Spear have already fallen into Yuan Wuji's hands, and are now on his body; while the most core poison of resentment, Underworld Emperor's Essence, is in Furong Zhuke, and now it is on his body. Furong Zhuke rushed towards the Buddhist boundary of West Huang.

Because Yuan Wuji replied to her message before, he was at the Buddhist boundary of Xihuang. In order to find the whereabouts of his adoptive mother, Furong Zhuke could only turn to Yuan Wuji for help.

Even Yu Xiao couldn't find it, but knowing that Yu Xiao was safe, Hibiscus Zhuke was already at ease.

The last betrayal, the sword and bow of the Underworld Emperor, was on Jie Hongyan's body, but in the previous battle, the evil kings of the heavens had no time to pay attention to it.

Compared with the three parts, the Hades sword and bow was naturally placed at the back.

At this time, Furong Zhuke has come to the Buddhist boundary of West Huang.

"Damn Yuan Wuji, my wife is really wanton and indulgent when she's not here, and she's wandering around in this kind of place."

Seeing Youxiantai in front of him, Furong Zhuke's face darkened, and he said fiercely at the same time.

Then Furong Zhuke walked into Youxiantai with a gloomy face, and was immediately surrounded by the sound of Yingying and Yanyan.

And on the high platform, there are graceful dances and melodious piano sounds.

Seeing this, Furong Zhuke's face became even more ugly, because she thought of some bad memories.

"Yuan Wuji, you deliberately chose this kind of place. Are you disliking my wife for not being able to dance or play the piano?"

At the beginning, she was given to Yuan Wuji by the father of Kua Huan, and imprisoned in Bamian Linglong, and was forced to dance by Yuan Wuji. Before that, she had never received such an insult.

After all, asking her to dance with a blacksmith is more uncomfortable than killing her.

That's why he finally wanted to plot against Yuan Wuji and take revenge, but he didn't expect to include himself in the end.

Later, because of this, she became pregnant with Yuxiao.

From a rotten girl who likes to watch the danmei little emperor uncle, she became a mother.

The change is not that big.

Afterwards Yuan Wuji found her and took her to fight the enemy to the death. Although on the surface, Furong Zhuke still treated Yuan Wuji honestly, but he was still a little moved in his heart.

Otherwise, Yuan Wuji wouldn't let Yuan Wuji play tricks on her in the future.

It's just that we haven't seen her for a while, it's just that Yuan Wuji didn't miss her, and he was still in the gentle village.

It is simply that uncles can bear it and aunts can't bear it.

"Wine, Jinpoluo, Wu Ji's fifteen fine horses. Indigo black thrush red brocade boots, the words are not right and singing. Drunk in the arms of the tortoiseshell banquet, what is the king in the hibiscus tent."

Not long after Furong Zhuke walked in, a chunky figure with heavy makeup greeted him, "Hey, girl, why did you come in, this is not a place for women to play!"

"My wife naturally knows that this is a place for play and women, get out of the way, I want to find someone."

Furong Zhuke snorted coldly and said dissatisfied.

"Oh, the girl has such a big temper. It seems that she must have come to find her husband, but Youxiantai has Youxiantai's rules. Men who enter here are guests. Youxiantai must protect the privacy of guests. You wander around."

Mang Susu stretched out her hand to block the front, and at the same time glanced at Furong Zhuke ambiguously, and said with a low smile: "Girl, with your temper, no wonder your family lord will come here to have fun. If you change your dress and stay with us Learn a few hands, and you will definitely be able to captivate your family's fans."

"Learning what? Do you want to learn to dance? My wife hates people making me dance the most in my life!"

Furong Zhuke clenched his fists, his gaze swept the hall, looking for Yuan Wuji.

"Dancing is just one of them, there are many things to learn, can't go in..."

Before Mang Susu could finish speaking, Furong Zhuke had already rushed in.

"My wife is here, from now on, the rules have changed, let me get out of the way."

Saying that, Furong Zhuke pushed hard and broke in directly.

"Let her come to me."

At this moment, a flat voice came from Mang Susu's ear.

"Yes, boss!"

Hearing Mr. Xi's voice, Mang Susu quickly replied respectfully, she was originally the owner of Youxiantai, but after Mr. Xi came, the place was acquired.

"Girl, the person you're looking for is here, I'll just take you there!"

After receiving the order, Mang Susu hurriedly chased after her and led Furong Zhuke.

She didn't know the relationship between the two, but it was obviously unusual, with a smile on her face, but a sigh in her heart.

As Furong Zhuke entered the largest room upstairs, he saw a figure in a red robe sitting with his back in front of him.

Although I haven't seen the face yet, Furong Zhuke is very familiar with that posture, "You really know how to play, and you actually bought a brothel. Why, what identity did you change this time?"

Furong Zhuke snorted and said.

At this time, Xi Po turned around slowly, with a strange smile on his face, "Why do I hear your voice sound a little weird, why, are you jealous?"

"Who is jealous of you, I am too lazy to take care of your affairs, tell me where is the foster mother?"

"Why is there such a strong sour smell if you're not jealous?"

Xi Po returned to Yuan Wuji's appearance, and found Furong Zhuke's current appearance very interesting.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you." Furong Zhuke turned his head, feeling complicated.

Xi Po shook his head slightly, stretched out his hand to grab Furong Zhuke's hand, and said solemnly: "Don't be jealous, you have to believe that the person I love the most in this life is you!"

"Heh..." Hearing this, Furong Zhuke sneered, and blurted out: "What about Hongchenxue and Manli?"

Obviously, Furong Zhuke doesn't care about it on the surface, but she still values ​​it very much in her heart, after all, she is also a woman.

"So you're eating their jealousy!"

Xi Po was stunned, and then fixed his eyes on Furong Zhuke, "I love all three of you, and you are my favorite among the three. Don't forget, you are the first woman in my life."

"Hmph, your love is really extensive!"

Furong Zhuke snorted coldly, but she knew Yuan Wuji's sentimentality long ago, but Yuan Wuji fought to the death with Yue Jiaozi, Huo Tianwei, and Yi Zhan Mowan behind her back, but it made her unforgettable for a long time, so many times I don't want to think about these issues.

Not thinking about it doesn't mean she agrees, it's just that she can't change it.

Thinking about it, Furong Zhuke felt more and more headache, shook his head and said: "Forget it, I didn't come here to listen to your sweet words, tell me the whereabouts of my stepmother, I still have important things to find my stepmother."

Thinking of Bing Shao's disappearance, if her stepmother knew about it, she would definitely be more anxious.

"To rob the beauty..."

Xi Po pondered slightly, at this moment Furong Zhuke raised her eyebrows, "What? You don't want to say?"

"How could it be!" Xi Po laughed dryly, "You are the love of my life, no matter what your request is, I will satisfy you."

"She's just..."

Just when Xi Po was about to reveal his whereabouts, a majestic pressure suddenly enveloped the entire Western Territory.

 Guaranteed second update!

(End of this chapter)

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