Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 576 All the Heavens Arrive

Chapter 576 All the Heavens Arrive

"The three worlds are bright, and I give life to the best of my life. When one thinks of darkness, the whole world sinks."

The majestic coercion, like the collapse of the sky, covers the vast territory of the entire West Huang Buddha boundary.

At this moment, not only Xipo and the others felt the strong pressure, but also the deeper West Huang Buddhist world, and even the evil words of swallowing beasts caused huge waves.


The power of the evil star is transmitted, and the battle star is also affected.

Above the lonely peak of the ghost prison, the power of the war star in Di Longyin's body surged out involuntarily.

At this moment, above the outer sky, the twin stars of war and calamity appeared together.

"Battle star, disaster star!"

Just after returning to Yunhai Xianmen, Yun Huizi, who had put Huaxiao Chaowu in a coma, suddenly looked up, and saw his eyes piercing endless clouds and thousands of stars, and falling on the double stars representing turmoil.

With the first contact of the war-disaster twin stars, the inexplicable force swept away, and the relics of the Forbidden City in Youjie suddenly opened their eyes, and the dragon energy in their bodies involuntarily rose to the sky, straight into the sky, and the mighty imperial power enveloped the entire Youjie.

Nine babies in the Pregnancy Sanctuary seemed to be carrying a heavy burden, their legs bent, and they almost knelt down, "How could this be?"

A hoarse voice came from under Jiuying's distorted face, and his words were full of horror and unwillingness.

At this time, the golden dragon soared like a celestial pillar reaching straight to the sky. Among the thousands of stars in the universe, the emperor star, which symbolizes the emperor, also lit up together. The divine light covered the stars, like the lord of the stars.

Battle Star, Fortune Star, and Emperor Star all appeared in the sky.

Rarely different phases represent the imminent turmoil.

"The evil god has not yet appeared, but there are already such signs. The situation is not good!"

Yun Huizi looked solemnly at the three stars hanging above the sky, and muttered to himself.

And Yiqingtian, who had already been allowed to enter the hidden sky wall to read the classics, squinted her eyes, but immediately buried her head in searching for what she was looking for.

He vowed to find Shi Yu's blood relatives.



At this time, the evil kings of the heavens also noticed the abnormality, and his eyes fell on the direction of the swallowing beast, "Interesting, Zhao is looking forward to your coming out to fight."

After speaking indifferently, the eyes of the evil kings of the heavens fell on the direction of Youxiantai below.

"This breath is..."

Furong Zhuke's pretty face changed slightly. At this moment, there was an extra dagger in her hand, which was the essence of Emperor Hades.

The dark blue dagger trembled violently, reflecting the aura outside, and finally spat out four words from the vermilion lips, "The disaster of the Underworld Emperor!"

"Yes, it is the evil king of the heavens. Of course, he has other titles, such as: God, Emperor Underworld."

Xi Po's expression was calm, he was not surprised that the evil kings of the heavens found this place, because this was his scheming.

Three-quarters of the ultimate Hades gathered together, and the evil kings of the heavens would naturally feel that, in order to get back their own weapons, he would naturally come.

"Let's go, let's go and see."

Xipo's calm expression seemed to have given Furong Zhuke great confidence, and Furong Zhuke's fear gradually subsided.

"Don't worry, with me in front, no one can hurt you, not even the heavens."

Xi Po turned around, looked at Furong Zhuke and said, although the words were calm, they were sonorous and powerful.


Fu Rong Zhu Ke was led by Xi Po, and sighed secretly, "He is always like this, if he doesn't have other women, he will be more perfect..."

Furong Zhuke's feelings for Yuan Wuji are very complicated. One is that he has a grudge against Yuan Wuji having other women, but every time he faces the powerful Yuan Wuji, he feels emotional.

Especially in the face of danger, he always protects her behind, so that the insecure Furong Zhuke feels at ease.

She lost her parents since she was a child, and her elder brother betrayed her and lost her to the ugly boastful father. The hard hammer handle will make her forget all anxiety.

Until she met the mad knife in troubled times, her burly body, firm heart, and persistent love made her feel a long-lost sense of security again.

It's a pity that Kuang Dao loves Murong Chan, she will never be able to.

Finally she met Yuan Wuji.

At first she hated Yuan Wuji, but it was not until Yuan Wuji fought a powerful enemy behind her back that she suddenly felt the long-lost sense of security in Yuan Wuji.

But Yuan Wuji is also a sentimental person, which keeps Furong Zhuke in a strange contradiction.

Sometimes he would cater to Yuan Wuji's request, and sometimes he couldn't help but lose his temper.

At this moment, Xipo didn't realize that Furong Zhuke would think of such a thing in just a short moment.

When Yuan Wuji appeared with Furong Zhuke, Xi Xueyi, Gusu Huanjian, and Prince Xiaona also appeared.

"What a terrifying breath!"

Gusu Huanjian's face was more solemn than ever, this was a terrifying pressure that he had never felt in his life.

After all, the entire sword clan has never met a near god.

Even the strongest ones back then were only at the level of the four Daoist creators.

The gap between God and man is like a chasm.

Even if it is close to God, it still bears the character of God.

Xi Xueyi has recently been tracking down the murderer who killed his father-in-law, and he has never left. He still does not know that the Confucianism is in danger. Facing the pressure of the near god, the withered crane bone is unsheathed behind his back, arousing the sword energy to resist the pressure .

"Who is he?"

The young master beside Xi Xueyi smiled and spoke with difficulty. At this moment, his face was full of dignity, and he no longer had the indifferent and provocative posture of the past.


At this time, all the evil kings of the heavens in midair spoke calmly, as if telling a fact, "The scorching sun, death and fire, people are not worthy to look directly at."

In just one sentence, it completely distinguishes the difference between oneself and others.

"Hmph! If you are so disdainful of being with other people, then why show yourself in human form!"

Young Master Xiaona's true energy swelled in his body, resisting the pressure of the ocean above his head, he opened his mouth with difficulty, his words were still annoying.

But hearing the young master's words of acceptance, the eyes of all the heavenly evil kings shifted.

Hatred can be said to be full.

It was just a look, but it made the young master laugh and vomit blood directly, which shows how powerful the power of being close to God is.


The same as Confucianism, although the young master Xiaona often ridiculed him, Xi Xueyi never blamed him, and when he saw the young master Xiaona was in danger, he immediately helped him.

"Tie Xueyi, why are you saving him? With his mouth, he will be killed sooner or later because of his bad mouth!"

As he said that, Gusu Huanjian paused, and he stared closely at the evil kings in the sky, "It seems that it won't be sooner or later, it's almost the same now."

Although Gusu Huanjian said solemnly, there was never any expression of fear on his face.

Because he is a swordsman, a swordsman of the sword clan who would rather bend than bend.

No matter what kind of powerful enemy you face, there is only the word "fighting but not fear" in life.

The evil kings of the heavens were too lazy to say much, because the three people present were neither his target nor opponents that he could take a serious look at.

With a wave of his sleeves indifferently, the majestic power is like a galaxy falling down.


The huge roar was like a sky collapse, and countless pavilions on Youxiantai below collapsed.

"The sound of cranes and nine high rises is heard in the sky!"

"The waning moon · strong sigh!"

"The book is broken!"

Facing the vast mighty force, the three of them moved at the same time, their swords running side by side, condensing their sharpness to break through the barrier.

With the power of one sleeve, Tie Xueyi and Gusu Huanjian spurted blood at the same time, and then retreated three steps, while the young master laughed even more unbearably, retreating more than ten steps in a row, soaked in blood, completely relying on a strong will to support himself fall.


The evil kings of the heavens didn't seem to notice the three of them, they spoke indifferently, and at the same time pressed their palms, controlling the entire space.

Tie Xueyi and Gusu Huanjian are in danger.

Just now.

"Climbing the tall buildings brings more worries. Why should I sharpen my Zhanlu sword, and use one wave to determine good and evil, and then swing Jiangshan."

A burst of extreme sword energy cut through the majestic pressure, and then Xipo appeared with Furong Zhuke.

After seeing the face of Furong Zhuke, the evil kings of the heavens appeared in a trance for a moment, and the dusty memory seemed to loosen in their minds, but then they returned to normal, "Hand over the soldiers of the Underworld Emperor, spare your life."

The evil kings of the heavens said indifferently, their posture still arrogant.

However, happy soul is not happy.

Xi Po stepped forward and appeared in front of the evil kings of heaven, "I don't like to look up at others, so it's more comfortable like this."

"Young Master Xi!"

Gusu Huanjian and Xi Xueyi looked at Xipo in surprise, they didn't expect that the strength shown by the person in front of them was just the tip of the iceberg, and it was so easy to face the coercion of the near god.


The evil kings of the heavens snorted coldly, looked between Xipo and Furong Zhuke, and obviously felt the components of the Underworld Emperor's soldiers on them, "Stupid, Zhao will make you pay for your ignorance. "

As soon as the words fell, the evil kings of the heavens raised their palms, and the ordinary palms directly pierced the void, causing shocking power.

In the face of a powerful palm, Xipo's eyebrows shuddered, and he mastered the five urgent thunders to break down the powerful moves in one fell swoop.


Feeling that his palm seemed to be disintegrated, the evil kings of the heavens showed a serious attitude for the first time, "Unfortunately, the majesty of the gods cannot be provoked."

It is not a good thing to interest the evil kings of the sky, because it symbolizes a stronger and more terrifying power to come.

However, Xi Po didn't care.

Although it is said that he can only display legendary combat strength, it is not something that the heavens can kill if they want to.

What's more, this is the West Yellow Buddhist World.

Except for the bald donkey in the West Yellow Buddhist Realm, Yuan Wuji's strongest power is concentrated in this territory.

Young Master Xipo Xi, the lustful Yuan Wuyu in Yan Luo's ghost prison, Liushenzi who is both sad and angry, and the evil Zhan Tianjiao trapped in the ancient micro stone lotus.

Even if Desire and Evil Soul can't catch up temporarily.

But as the strongest sequence among the Seven Souls, the Liushenzi can show up to support at any time.

Gathering the power of the West Huang Buddhist Realm may not be able to kill the evil kings of the heavens, but the evil kings of the heavens will never even think about invading.

"Six Paths of Prohibition!"

At this time, the evil kings of the heavens performed the Jue Shi again, and around the palms, six dark vortexes swirled, releasing an unparalleled terrifying aura.

As the evil kings of the heavens raised their hands and pushed, the six vortexes directly distorted the space and ruthlessly charged towards Xipo.

Along the way, the void collapsed and turned into eternal night.


Feeling the mighty power, Furong Zhuke below couldn't help shouting.

"Don't worry, with me here, no one can hurt you."

Facing the imminent killing move, Xipo still has time to comfort Furong Zhuke.

This made Furong Zhuke couldn't help snorting all over, restraining his worry, but his eyes still showed worry from time to time.

Although she has never seen the evil kings of the heavens, as the maker of the Underworld Emperor's soldiers, she is well aware of the horror of the Underworld Emperor.

 The third update!The last 3 hours!Ask for a monthly pass!Continue to code after eating!
(End of this chapter)

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