Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 577 6 Gods Against the Heavens, 4 Zen Protecting the Buddha Realm [6 pushes]

Chapter 577 The Six Gods Confront the Heavens, The Four Chans Protect the Buddha Realm

"Five Thunders!"

"Five furious thunder!"

Xipo let out a deep drink, and the power of the five elements circulated in his body, condensing the anger and thunder of the five elements.

For a moment, thunder rolled in the sky.

The original elements of heaven and earth, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, appeared together, forming a huge five-color palm print.

On the palm print, the blazing current flows.

As the giant palm passed by, the energy between heaven and earth was instantly disintegrated.

The six vortexes and the palm prints of the five elements merged abruptly.

The powerful force did not produce the slightest terrifying power.


The power of the five elements is melting and disintegrating the absolute energy of the evil kings of the heavens.

The Nahai Sacred Heart Mantra is the power to assimilate the enemy, and finally deal a huge blow to the enemy from the inside out.

The Five Thunder Transformation Extreme Hand uses the original power of the five elements between the heaven and the earth to form the most extreme power of thunder and lightning to melt and decompose all the energy between the heaven and the earth.

Naturally, it also includes the enemy's internal energy.

Therefore, Xipo's palm silently dispelled an ultimate move, giving people a very strange feeling.

"In the face of absolute power, tricks are meaningless."

All the evil kings of the heavens opened their mouths indifferently, and then raised their palms high. Suddenly, the nine heavens were thundered, and the majestic power seemed to crush the eternity and shatter the heavens.

"Journey of the Misfortune Star, the world is broken!"

The nine heavens were turbulent with one palm, and the whole land of China trembled with the same feeling. The palm that was slashed with force, seemed to open the sky and split the chaos.

The terrifying force was condensed as one, but it blocked all Xipo's escape routes, as if Xipo was about to strike with force.


Feeling the power of the gods, Xipo let out a muffled snort, and made his first ultimate move, "Five qi return to the original, return to chaos!"

At this moment, Xipo's body and mind are emptied, heart and mind are in harmony, mind and qi are in harmony, qi and strength are in harmony.

The three phases are united into one, and the five qi return to the original.

The fusion of the five most original forces between heaven and earth reproduces the omen of chaos.

In this palm, Yuan Wuji combined the concept of returning three points to the vitality and the power of five thunders to form the ultimate palm.

And the palm of the evil kings of the heavens also broke the heaven and the earth, and then split the chaos.

Two of the most extreme forces collide.

In an instant.

A hundred miles around collapsed, the air of chaos overflowed, and countless creatures within a hundred miles died under the terrifying force.

Before Youxiantai, Xi Xueyi, Gusu Huanjian, and Furong Zhuke tried their best to block the innocent people behind them, and all of them vomited blood immediately.

The terrifying power continued to impact like a tidal wave, and seeing countless creatures dying behind him, at this moment, a vast Buddha voice came.

"For a hundred years, the world has shared sorrow, and the morning bell and evening drum are endless."

With the sound of the honest and honest poem, at the same time, a huge Buddha seal resisted in front of everyone, blocking all the aftermath of the double-anti-jue style.

"It's the master!"

Xi Xueyi spoke in a low voice, looking at the monk who suddenly appeared in front of him.

The attire that looks like an ascetic monk is extremely great at this moment.

"Thank you Master for saving your life!"

"Thank you Master for saving your life!"

The person who was protected by Xi Xueyi and others who escaped from the sky quickly knelt down and kowtowed in thanks.

Muguchenzhong Liushenzi, who was standing with his back facing him, waved his hand and said solemnly, "Everyone leave first."

"Yes Yes!"

Naturally, these people did not dare to stay where they were, and hurriedly got up and fled outside after hearing these words.

"You protect them to leave first, I am here."

Liushenzi spoke again, this time to Xi Xueyi and Gusu Huanjian.

Xi Xueyi and Gusu Huanjian understood the priorities, and they couldn't help if they stayed here, so they nodded and agreed, "Please trouble Master."

at this time.

Xipo spewed a mouthful of blood in mid-air, and landed in front of Furong Zhuke, with a look of pity on his face, "Sorry, I still hurt you."

"It's good to know, and you said to protect me, you are half disabled."

Furong Zhuke snorted, and placed one hand on Xipo's vest, feeling relieved that the other party's life was not in danger, and then said: "Your aura is different, where is your real deity?"

Yuan Wuji's countless incarnations are no secret to Furong Zhuke, so she is not surprised that she failed to stop the evil kings of the heavens, but she is a little curious about the whereabouts of Yuan Wuji's true deity.

"My true self..." Xi Po chuckled lightly, and said quietly, "He is not in this time and space right now."


Furong Zhuke patted Xipo hard, and said dissatisfied: "If you don't want to tell me, you can just say it directly. There is no need to prevaricate me with such words. I am not a child."

Obviously, Xipo's previous actions softened Furong Zhuke's heart again.

Xi Po just shook his head, feeling helpless, "Oh, I've told too many lies, it's rare that no one will believe a single truth, helpless!"

At this moment, Liu Shenzi changed every step of the golden lotus step by step.

When he was on the same level as the evil kings of heaven, his clothes and attire had undergone drastic changes, with five Buddha crowns on his head and a golden-red cassock on his body. He was very rich and honored. , all dharmas have no self, Nirvana is silent.”

The six god sons of the angry Buddha reappeared, and the Buddha's essence was burning like a flame of anger, and the void became illusory and unstable under this majestic force.

"Giant Buddha descends demons!"

No nonsense, a stack of handprints were printed, and above Liushenzi's head, a hundred-foot-long golden Buddha condensed and pressed down hard.

"How can the little Buddha show off his might in front of Zhao!"

The evil kings of the heavens stomped suddenly, and waves of light spread from under their feet. Then the evil kings of the heavens raised their fingers, and the huge golden Buddha exploded like a balloon that had been punctured.

When one trick was broken, Liushenzi was not discouraged, "Evil God, no treachery is allowed in front of the angry Buddha."

As soon as the words fell, Liu Shenzi put his hands together in front of his chest, and thousands of golden Buddha lights suddenly burst out in his palms, "Tathagata God's Palm Buddha Moves Mountains and Rivers!"

As Liushenzi clenched his hands tightly and punched down, the mountains and rivers were turbulent, and the vast power of Buddha spread to the entire desert. For a while, the sky was filled with sand and dust, covering the sky and the sun, like the end of the world.

There are no buildings or living things in Fangyuan Baili, only yellow sand and scars are left on the ground.

As the turmoil subsides, the two at the center of the battlefield are revealed.

The evil kings of the heavens retreated, but there was no sign of injury on the surface.

And Liushenzi's clothes were torn, and there was an extra fist mark on his chest, but at this moment his whole body was like a cast of gold, and the dented fist mark was recovering bit by bit.

It can be seen that Liushenzi is physically strong.

After two moves in succession, the contempt disappeared from the faces of the evil kings, "I didn't expect that there are masters in Buddhism. You amazed Zhao. But..."

"Ten directions sigh!"

The eyes of the evil kings of the heavens turned cold. Since they were born, they have encountered powerful enemies frequently. This made the evil kings of the heavens feel angry, so the divine power burst out from their bodies, and they performed the most extreme move.

"In front of my Buddha, even if it is a god, it cannot be surpassed!"

Liu Shenzi suddenly gave a low cry, praised the Buddha again, spread his arms, and clenched his fists, the vast Buddha energy in his body flowed through his limbs and bones in an instant. It seems to be spinning.

"Tathagata God's Palm Buddha Asks Garan!"

Liushenzi finally used his final killer move, which was the last of the three Tathagata palm moves he had mastered, and it was also one of his strongest trump cards so far.

Pushing the palm flat, the '卍' Buddha seal on the palm becomes bigger, and the '卍' on the eyebrows is also spinning at a high speed, as if absorbing incomparable power, the '卍' Buddha seal on the back protects the body, and the '卍' character is added Buddha India blessing.

In an instant, Liushenzi's whole body seemed to have turned into a golden Buddha seal with the word '卍'.

At the same time, bursts of chanting came from the huge golden light group.

It seems that there is a Buddha questioning.


The Buddha's seal entered the ears, and the expressions of the evil kings of the heavens changed for the first time, with a look of pain on their faces, "Damn Buddha, you have angered Zhao!"

In my mind, there seemed to be a pair of images that had long been awakened by dust, disturbing the consciousness of the evil kings of the sky, but this was not enough to change the evil kings of the sky, "Woe to the sky!"

Accompanied by the roar, a dark vortex condensed on the chest of the evil kings of the heavens.

Although it hasn't erupted yet, the aura released has caused the void to turmoil and destroy everything.

Ordinary people can instantly destroy their minds just by taking a look at it.

At this moment, the evil kings of the heavens condensed the power of the evil star and their own divine power to form a destructive move.

"Not good!"

With a soft cry, Xipo pulled Furong Zhuke back again.

At the same time, Shi Zhijialan suddenly appeared, "Bodhi is born without a hair, the Buddha's way is sought without seeking, the wonderful practice is practiced without practice, and true wisdom is created without practice."

Along with it came the Four Zen Heavens of the West Huang Buddhist Realm, which had been divided into four directions, encircling the evil kings of the heavens and the six god sons in the center.

"Stop them, otherwise this trick will explode completely, and the entire territory of the West Huang Buddhist Realm will be turned into ruins, and no one will survive within thousands of miles."

Shi Zhijialan's calm face showed anxiety for the first time.

The four Fawei King Kong understood the seriousness of the matter and nodded at the same time, "Don't worry, Shengheng."

As soon as the words fell, the four of them practiced at the same time.

"Holding the Dharma Vajra of Fear and Fear."

The eight time wheels behind Fawei King Kong suddenly rotated extremely fast, blocking in front of him, and at the same time, the dark gold Buddha elements scattered, together with the other two sides.

"Qingyun follows the Buddha one step at a time."

The smiling Qing Sui Fozi also became serious at the moment, suddenly threw up the blue field jade bowl in his hand, and put it upside down in front of him, the blue Buddha elements spread to both sides.

"Shuiyue Tower is close to Guanyin."

The benevolent Avalokitesvara Guanyin raised the weeping willow lightly in her hands, spreading a little bit of green light in all directions.

"Apocalypse Eternal Goddess."

The last person in the Four Zen Heavens, the Eternal Tribulation Goddess wearing a white veil, flicked her snow-white whisk and connected to the last party.

"Four Noble Truths and Eight Seals Three Refuge Heavenly Formation!"

The four of them yelled in unison, pinched the Buddha seal in their hands together, and the four colors of gold, blue, green, and white gathered to form the west wall, covering hundreds of miles in an instant.


"My Buddha's seal, the eight phases appear!"

At this time, Shi Zhijialan stepped on the foot, and actually appeared directly in the center of the formation of four people, and pressed down with one palm, separating the upper and lower sides with the Buddha element.

The magnificent formation formed a domain enchantment, as if separating the land of hundreds of miles from China.

At this time, the evil kings of the heavens and the six god sons had already collided head-on.

The two came with the power to destroy the world.

The palms that condensed the supreme power suddenly collided.


In an instant, the energy exploded, covering everything directly, and the land of hundreds of miles could not see the slightest shape.

The destructive power overflowed, and the four-dimensional enchantment erupted with huge turbulence, and cracks appeared.

Si Chantian, who was guarding the square formation, sprayed blood at the same time, retreating dozens of steps in a row, but the four of them still did not retreat. After a heavy shout, they gathered strength again to stabilize the flickering barrier again.

"We can't retreat. If we retreat, there will be no living beings within a thousand miles of the entire West Yellow Buddha Realm."

Fawei King Kong roared, and the speed of the eight time wheels in front of him became faster and faster.

At this moment, even Qing Suifozi, the spy of the ghost prison, had to use all his strength to maintain the formation.

Because once the formation is broken, not only thousands of miles of people will be destroyed, but the four of them will also bear the brunt of it.

Qing Sui Fozi didn't have the confidence to block this force.

So he must do his best to maintain the formation.

 I really tried my best, 48 updates in 9 hours, more than 2 words; three chapters of which are more than 3 words.Fingers hurt, head hurts, fear of sudden death, sleep...

(End of this chapter)

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