Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 578 Chapter Return【Ask for a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month】

Chapter 578 Return [Ask for a monthly pass at the beginning of the month]

And in another time and space.

After Yuan Wuji and Su Zhenzhen met for a while.

The energy of the yin and yang order is about to be fully charged.

The only meaning of this journey through time and space is experimentation.

Yuan Wuji has already hidden things in some places. If he can find these items in those places after returning to reality, it means, "It can be changed in the future."

"If not, it means that the two are not in the same time and space, but..."

Thinking that this time and space also has himself, Yuan Wuji felt that it was more likely that he would go back to the past.

With the completion of the special space-time energy accumulation in the Yin-Yang Token, the two Tokens merged, directly splitting out the black hole, where thousands of galaxies and fragments of time intermingled, Yuan Wuji had no power to resist, and was directly attracted into it.


At this time, the boundary of Xihuang Buddha.

Although Guanyin and Eternal Tribulation Goddess are women in recent months, they also have firm expressions at this moment.

The Buddha essence in the two people's bodies is unreserved, and the huge wall in front of them is solid, resisting the impact of the destructive force.

Horrific energy swept across, and a huge black hole exploded directly in the sky, and the surrounding time and space seemed to be disordered and unstable.

In the space-time tunnel, Yuan Wuji grasped the Yin-Yang Token tightly, and flew quickly with a vague sense of summoning.

Just when the energy is about to run out.


"The space-time ahead is disordered and easier to break."

Sensing the turbulence in the solid tunnel, Yuan Wuji suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the cracked place in an instant.

As soon as he pierced through the void, a shocking energy suddenly hit him.

"what happened?"

Before he could react, Yuan Wuji was suddenly swept by this force, spouting a mouthful of blood, and fell down.

The energy that travels through time and space mainly comes from the yin and yang order, but it does not mean that Yuan Wuji will have no loss, so even though Yuan Wuji is physically strong, but because most of his strength was consumed and he was defenseless, Yuan Wuji vomited blood in an instant under the sudden energy .

At this moment, Baili Fangyuan was filled with endless terrifying energy, forming a storm of destruction, and there was an extra person out of thin air, which was inconspicuous at this moment.

Of course, Xipo and Liushenzi knew about it.

At the same time, information about another space-time was shared, and Yuan Wuji's main soul also understood the situation.

Different time and space, time and space are separated, so the connection between the soul and body will be severed. This is also expected, because the second soul is lost in another time and space with Ye Xiaochai, and he cannot perceive the second soul. The slightest trace and information.

All the evil kings of the heavens singled out the entire Xihuang Buddhist world, and this battle caused each of the four Chantians to suffer.

Baili Fangyuan was razed to the ground, and its vitality was extinct.

Fortunately, the border of West Yellow Buddha belongs to the frontier land, and the desert occupies most of it. It can be said that the land is sparsely populated, so the number of people killed or injured in the battle is not particularly large. If it is in any town in Shenzhou, hundreds of thousands may die.

The entire battlefield is no longer turned upside down, but the sky is collapsing.

Even though Sichantian and Shizhijialan protected this land with formations, the terrifying power was only blocked within the hundred miles of Fangyuan, and the hundred miles of desert had been completely destroyed, the yellow sand disappeared, and it became A dark pit with a depth of hundreds of feet.

Bursts of yin and cold air pervade the air, and ordinary creatures will be frozen for a moment when they step into it.

If it encounters air currents, it will explode directly, leaving no whole body.

This is similar to the result of the outbreak of death in Lingzhou, Beihai.

It has already shaken the atmosphere of the West Yellow Buddhist World.

At least this hundred miles of land, if there is no other remedy, it will not be restored within a hundred years.

At this moment, Yuan Wuji circulated his body-protecting qi, like a flat boat in the violent sea, being devastated.

The dissipated energy lasted for a long time before it stopped.

Sichantian finally reached the limit, the barrier was shattered, and the four flew away in response, the clothes on their chests had already been soaked in blood, and their auras were weak.

It's not that they are weak.

One is that the evil kings of the heavens are too strong.

Secondly, the four of them could only defend, forming an formation to resist the impact of the power of the two, so as not to spread to a wider area. It can be said that they completely withstood the attack of the vast power of the evil kings of the heavens and the six gods.

At this time, Liushenzi also crashed into the ground, leaving a huge hole in the shape of a human.

A moment later, Liushenzi staggered out of the pit in ragged clothes. At this moment, Liushenzi's skin was like a cast of gold, and golden blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

As the golden skin on his body faded, the blood on Liushenzi's body also turned red.

The incorruptible body of the Buddha's supreme body protection magic power was completely broken.

"The evil kings of the heavens are really powerful."

Liushenzi murmured, and stood up holding his chest. At this moment, his chest collapsed, his bones were broken, and even his heart was cracked.

If it wasn't for his physique being comparable to this deity, he would have died long ago.

But even so, he was also powerless to fight again.

One-on-one against the evil kings of the heavens, even if they were not the evil kings of the heavens in their heyday, this result is enough to be proud of.

After this battle, the relics in the body were completely digested along with the comprehension of Buddhist scriptures during this period of time.

After he recovers from his injuries, the twin souls will also be completed, and he can return to the main body at any time.

"You can be proud of being able to block Zhao Zhao's move!"

The evil kings of the heavens descended slowly from mid-air, and even after fighting to such an extent, it was impossible for him to be unharmed.

In particular, Fang Zai Confucianism had a fight with Emperor Confucianism, and his body was no longer able to support him. Although he had recovered a little on the way to the West Huang Buddhist Realm, this fierce battle with Liushenzi also made his body recover again. Become weak, if you continue to fight, the body of Tianji is likely to become broken and unusable.

"This body is too weak, which seriously affects my strength."

In successive battles, they were unable to kill their opponents because of their physical bodies. This made the evil kings of the heavens have an idea that they couldn't wait to find their bodies.

First there was Jun Fengtian, then there was Ji Xuangu, and after that there was Lin Tianxing. Three opponents appeared in Confucianism that he could face up to.

But now in Buddhism, there are also two masters who can stop them.

Therefore, it is imminent to find the divine body, but at present, the ultimate Underworld Emperor is retrieved. With this divine weapon, his power can also be increased by tens of thousands. Even if he meets these people again, the result will be very different.

"Is it you next?"

The eyes of the evil kings of the heavens fell on Shi Zhijialan's body, and said coldly.

Even though the body is already difficult to support, but on the surface, it is still arrogant.

"Your Excellency wants to slaughter the common people and destroy the Buddhist realm, Shizhi Jialan will fight to the death!"

Shi Zhijialan pinched the Buddha's seal with one hand and erected it on his chest.

In the peaceful voice, it was full of firmness.

Obviously, Shi Zhijialan and others didn't know the real goal of the evil kings of the heavens, they just thought they were here to unseal the dragon head and destroy the Buddhist realm.

But no matter why he came here, Shizhi Jialan will not tolerate the disasters of the eight tribes.

This battle is already doomed.

And the evil kings of the heavens are even more arrogant, and they will not explain anything to a human being. Without extra words, the evil kings of the heavens raised their arms lightly, "So, then let Zhao see that your ability is better than his. how!"

The "he" in the mouth of the evil kings of the heavens is naturally the angry Buddha and the son of Liushen.

After all, being able to block his footsteps is already enough to make the evil kings of the heavens look squarely at it.

 Thank you for the thousands of rewards of 'Suddenly Gap' and 'Bai Shu Yin Hua'; thank you for the 500 rewards of 'Wonderful Words'!
(End of this chapter)

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