Chapter 579
"Cough cough..."

Just when the atmosphere was tense, there was a low coughing sound.

The sudden sound attracted everyone's attention.

The evil kings of all the heavens glanced at Yuan Wuji indifferently, his gaze was slightly dark, because he had seen this young man before during the Confucianism battle.

I just didn't expect him to follow here.

And in just one day, the breath was quite different.

"Young man, get out of here quickly."

Shi Zhi Jialan didn't know him, so he hurriedly spoke.

At this moment, Xipo and Furong Zhuke are also approaching here again. After all, what the evil kings of the heavens need is on them. Even if they leave this place, they will soon be caught up by the evil kings of the heavens.

"It's him!"

"Why is he here?"

At this time, Furong Zhuke also recognized 'Dugu Baitian' who had met once, and raised his brows, revealing a strange look.

"You two, if this fight continues, this world will be completely destroyed, why not stop here?"

Yuan Wuji flicked his sleeves to shake off the yellow sand on his body, and at the same time, his delicate face was full of smiles, looking kind and innocent.

"Little human, you are very courageous, but if you dare to stand in front of Zhao, you are doomed to perish!"

The evil kings of the heavens raised their heads slightly, and spoke indifferently, their words were full of condescension.

"But you can't kill me right now!"

Yuan Wuji laughed, raised his head, and said calmly.


The evil kings of the heavens let out a sigh, and their eyes fell on Yuan Wuji's body. At this moment, they felt that the young man's energy and blood were as strong as a real dragon, and his physique was no worse than that of the previous Liushenzi, and his real energy was also strong, so he was not at this age at all. should have.

"You aroused Zhao's curiosity, but in front of Zhao, no matter what secrets you have, you can't change the ending."

It is difficult to say much about the evil kings of the heavens.

Because he felt a similar aura from Yuan Wuji's body.

Yuan Wuji was walking on the road of gods, and now he has just returned through time and space, and the breath of time and space still remains on his body. The power of time and space can only be touched by the top gods, although the evil kings of the heavens cannot recognize this There was a breath, but he knew that it was the breath transmitted by the power that can only be mastered by gods.

Therefore, he valued Yuan Wuji a little bit, and said so much, otherwise he would have already slapped him.

"That's not necessarily true. I have a piece of news that is definitely of concern to you."

Immediately afterwards, Yuan Wuji used sound transmission to enter secrets.


The evil kings of all the heavens narrowed their eyes slightly, and finally took a look at Furong Zhuke and Xipo before saying: "Then Zhao Jing is waiting for your news, if you let Zhao down, you can't afford the price."

Shi Zhijialan and the others were dazed, they glanced unexpectedly at the young man who appeared suddenly, they didn't know what he said that made the evil kings choose to leave.

But no matter what the reason is, this love has been accepted by the West Huang Buddhist World, "Thank you for the cultivator, I don't know how to call the cultivator."

Shi Zhijialan resumed his slow-talking manner.

No matter what the reason is, it is worthy of Shi Zhijialan's attention to make the evil kings of the heavens leave, so the title is changed from a boy to a cultivator.

"My name is Dugu Baitian. This matter has nothing to do with the West Huang Buddhist Realm. I will deal with it. It is better for the Buddhists to return to the Buddhist Realm to protect the dragon head seal."

"Thank you!"

Seeing that the other party was unwilling to elaborate, Shi Zhi Jialan didn't ask any further questions. After nodding with a smile, he quickly left with a group of disabled people.

After all, the West Yellow Buddhist Realm is full of elites, and the interior is already empty. If someone sneaks into it, the consequences will be disastrous.

"What did you tell him?"

As the people from the Buddhist sect left, Furong Zhuke asked directly.

She had a bold personality, and after she finished speaking, she looked around and asked doubtfully, "Where's the girl with you?"

Xi Po next to Furong Zhuke held back a smile, looking forward to Furong Zhuke's expression when he knew that it was Jie Hongyan.

However, this joke seems to be a bit big.

At that time, I only cared about myself, and didn't think about the result.

Yuan Wuji's upper body was full of drama, his expression remained the same, and there was even a look of sadness in his eyes, "I was separated from Xiaohua on the Defeng Ancient Road before. As for the reason why the evil kings of the heavens retreated before, it's just that I happened to know something about him. news of concern."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Furong Zhuke again, and said solemnly: "The evil kings of the heavens will not let you go in order to get back the emperor of the underworld. Unless you hand over this thing, he will come to you soon. At that time, there will be no people from the Buddhist sect to intervene, and I am afraid that you will not be able to escape."

"Little guy, you actually know about the Underworld Emperor's evil soldiers!"

A look of surprise appeared on Furong Zhuke's face, and he blurted out, but the word 'little guy' made the corners of Yuan Wuji's mouth twitch slightly, and he swore secretly in his heart, "I will let you know how small you are in a few days."

Although he was complaining secretly in his heart, on the surface he was naturally calm, "This is not such a secret matter, so the two of you should decide how to solve this matter as soon as possible. I also need a meeting with the Heavenly Evil Kings, please!"

After speaking, Yuan Wuji turned around and disappeared, leaving the two people looking at each other.

"How should this be."

After everyone left, only Furong Zhuke and Xipo remained.

Furong Zhuke frowned, not knowing how to make a choice.

At this time, Xi Po stretched out his hand to hold Furong Zhuke's hand tightly, and said sincerely: "Don't worry, with me here, even God can't hurt you."

Hearing this, Furong Zhuke gave a blank look, pointed at the blood on the corner of his lips, the meaning was self-evident.

After being slapped in the face, Xipo's face froze, and after a dry cough, he said: "Don't worry, I will join up with this deity and achieve a stronger state. At that time, all the heavens will also fall under my hands."


Furong Zhuke laughed, and looked at Xipo thoughtfully, "I don't want to say that you are really a woman who has been pregnant for three years? The last time you were outside the fairy gate, you were asking about my body. Underworld Emperor's Essence, I suspect that you have other purposes, now it seems that you have collected the other two parts, do you want to synthesize the Ultimate Underworld Emperor by yourself?"

"Oh, Ling'er is so smart!"

Xi Po was not at all embarrassed because he was seen through his mind, instead he smiled, and then he looked solemn again, "I do have such thoughts, but the real purpose is to protect you, the essence of the Emperor of the Underworld is on you One day, one more day of danger, if something happens to you, I will never forgive myself."

"I don't want to lose you, and I don't think you want Yu Xiao to lose her mother when she smiles like that."

Xi Po's face was sincere, even though he knew that Yuan Wuji had lied countless times, it still warmed Furong Zhuke's heart.

"Hmph! No wonder you've lied to so many girls, so you've always been so good at talking."

"No, my sweet words are only for you."

Xipo took Furong Zhuke's hand and pressed it to his heart.

Even Furong Zhuke, who has always been straightforward and bold, felt a little embarrassed by this action, and looked around back and forth, for fear of being seen by others.

"You think I'll believe it?"

Although Furong Zhuke was happy in his heart, he still snorted coldly on the surface, and he must not easily fulfill his wish, otherwise he would be underestimated, thinking that she, Furong Zhuke, was someone who could be taken down with just a few sweet words up.

 Still dizzy, not energetic all day, only 2 updates today!

(End of this chapter)

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