Chapter 580 Deal with Zhongtian
"Then what are you going to do to retrieve the complete Ultimate Hades?"

After withdrawing his hand, Furong Zhuke couldn't help asking.

After all, the ultimate Hades matter is of great importance, and she must treat it with caution.

Because she knew Yuan Wuji's character, since she coveted Emperor Ming, she must have other schemes.

"Yu Linling, you still don't trust her husband enough!"

Xipo pretended to be disappointed, but Furong Zhuke was unmoved. After getting along for so long, how could he not know the other person's personality?

Seeing that Furong Zhuke was unmoved, Xi Po could only truthfully say: "I will use this thing to make a deal with the evil kings of the heavens."

"No!" Furong Zhuke's face changed slightly, and he said directly.

"I knew you would be like this, but can you keep the essence of the Underworld Emperor?"

Xi Po shook his head slightly, and continued: "Don't worry, your business is my business. I can not only make the evil kings stronger, but also have the ability to stop him. Don't you have confidence in my strength?"

"But the disaster of Emperor Hades was initiated by me. If he caused the killing, I..."

Furong Zhukexiu clenched her fists tightly. During this period of time, she made friends with masters. Isn't it for the purpose of preventing the disaster of the Emperor of the Underworld one day in the future? It's a pity...

"You are wrong. Back then, the Realm of the Six Heavens could not kill him, and Xuanzun of the Nine Heavens could only defeat him when he was seriously injured. How can you be qualified to open the disaster of the Underworld Emperor?"

"What else do you know?"

Furong Zhuke looked up at Xipo, curious and worried.

"This is the history of Xianmen. Don't worry, the evil kings of the heavens have their own enemies. At that time, he may not have the heart to understand the affairs of Shenzhou, and naturally he will not cause any trouble."

"And the enemies of the evil kings are also my enemies. If you don't get rid of them, not only you, but even Yu Xiao will be in danger."

"So you want to use the power of the evil kings of the heavens to get rid of this trouble? Who is he?"

When it comes to Yuxiao, Furong Zhuke has to be cautious. She is not a person who can dedicate herself to the common people, but because the matter of Emperor Underworld is too deeply related to her, she cannot ignore it.

But if it endangers her own child, as a mother, she will not care about the impact of the disaster of Emperor Underworld.

She just wants her child to be safe.

"It's a very dangerous guy. It's no good for you to know. Now, are you willing to hand over the Underworld Emperor's Essence to me?"

Xipo solemnly said to Furong Zhuke.

Furong Zhuke frowned and fell into hesitation, because she didn't know which sentence Yuan Wuji said was true and which sentence was false.

But regarding Yu Xiao, she had to make a choice. After a long time, Furong Zhuke said, "Can you guarantee that the evil kings of the heavens will not harm the common people?"

"If he endangers Shenzhou, I will naturally stop him with my own hands."

Xi Po said confidently, not at all frustrated by being repulsed by the evil kings of heaven.

After all, among all the secondary bodies, Xipo's strength can be said to be the last.

The strongest sequence is the soul of heaven, the soul of desire, and the twin souls of sorrow and anger, each of which can burst into near-god combat power for a short time.


Furong Zhuke sighed, "With the strength of the evil kings of the heavens, I really can't keep the evil soldiers of the Underworld Emperor, but you must promise me."

As he said that, Furong Zhuke stared at Xipo closely, and said solemnly: "If something happens, you must stop him, otherwise you and I will never know each other again, and I will let Yuxiao never know who his father is."

"I said that you are the love of my life, and I will definitely do what I promised you."

Xi Po nodded with a sincere face.

"it is good."

Saying that, Furong Zhuke handed the essence of the Underworld Emperor to Xipo, and at the same time asked again: "It's time for you to tell me the whereabouts of my foster mother, I must find her as soon as possible."

Xi Po pretended to count with his fingers, and then said confidently: "Yun Kui has returned to Yunhai Xianmen now, you will see her when you go back."

"Huh? Really?"

Hearing this, Furong Zhuke showed suspicion on his face.

"How could I lie to you about this, after all, she is your foster mother."

Xi Po's face was sincere, and no one could see the slightest flaw.

Furong Zhuke could only nod, "Hmph, if I find out that you are lying to me, I will definitely not let you go."

There was a smile on Xi Po's face, but he was not angry at all.


And on the other side.

Yuan Wuji himself also appeared on a solitary peak. At this moment, a figure on the solitary peak had already stopped for a long time.

"Dugu breaks through the eternal clouds, and whoever refuses to obey his orders. The chaos is boundless with the roar of the sword, and the ups and downs of the universe pay the chessboard.

The reincarnation of the six realms follows the world, and the strategies of the ten directions compete with the heavens.In this life, justice remains, so why bother talking about false names? "

Yuan Wuji fell slowly, and the sound of poetry resounded through the lonely peak.

"Evil Kings of the Heavens, long time no see."

Yuan Wuji's face was immature, but his words were old-fashioned, and in terms of momentum, he was not inferior at all.

"Say the answer, and Zhao will satisfy one of your conditions."

The evil kings of the heavens turned around slowly, their posture still cold and arrogant.

Yuan Wuji knew the character of the other party, so naturally he would not be dissatisfied with it, and said with a slight smile: "You are wrong, what I want is an alliance, not to make conditions with you."


The evil kings of the heavens lowered their eyes, and their eyes fell on Yuan Wuji, with a look of interest on his face, "Human beings, not everyone is qualified to trade with gods, but you, do you have the qualifications?"

At the end of the speech, the evil kings spoke coldly, and at the same time, invisible coercion enveloped Yuan Wuji.


Yuan Wuji grinned, and there was a fighting spirit in his eyes, "Whether you are qualified is not a matter of words. I am also looking forward to whether the evil kings of the heavens are qualified to complete a heaven-defying challenge with me."

"Doubt Zhao?"

The evil kings of the heavens seemed to be amused, "You have aroused Zhao's curiosity. Since you want to try, then Zhao will give you a chance. After you fail, Zhao will not kill you. You just need to tell Zhao what you know. .”

As the sleeves of the evil kings of the heavens fluttered, the surrounding space seemed to freeze.

The invisible pressure is like a heavy burden, the whole space becomes viscous, restricting Yuan Wuji's actions.

But Yuan Wuji seemed to be fearless, he waved his hands casually, the entire condensed space was stirred, and some places even cracked directly, "But I am not interested in defeating a god whose body has already been unsupported. After ten days, when you are in good condition, I will fight you openly and squarely."

Yuan Wuji held his head high, and his posture was equally proud, with no less imposing manner.

Because he now has this confidence.

"Then let's decide in ten days!"

The evil kings of the heavens waved their long sleeves, and they traveled directly through the void between their steps and disappeared in place.

The evil king of the heavens is not a person who will be threatened by others, but now he does consume a lot of power due to physical limitations and continuous battles; moreover, as a god, he can feel the aura of god power in Yuan Wuji, so he just will be placed on an equal footing.

Otherwise, if it was someone else, the evil kings of the heavens would not have such patience.

As for Yuan Wuji, even he himself doesn't know how powerful he is at the moment, after all, even the Heavenly Soul and Yupo can burst out the power of approaching God for a short time, as the master soul of this deity, how can they be weak.

What's more, ten days is enough for many things to happen.

"After I finish a few more things, it's time to return."

Yuan Wuji looked towards the east, which was the direction of Shiliu Island, "Baqi Cthulhu, should you come out too?"

Although the fear has been seen through by Tian Huizong and is restricted, he can still feel some of the state of the Eight Qi evil gods.

 Thanks: Evil Emperor Sacred Venerable, Wenyuan Star Scholars, Don't Care Wo, Du Tian Shen Sha Zhou Tian Xing Chen, God Demon Saint King are all occupied, etc. for the rewards from Taoist friends!And the monthly ticket support of all fellow Taoists.

(End of this chapter)

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