Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 581 The Price of Changing the Past

Chapter 581 The Price of Changing the Past

After the evil kings of the heavens left, they did not continue to follow Furong Zhuke and Mr. Xi, because he needed to recuperate now.

This body, in particular, must take time to repair, otherwise it won't be long before he can only condense his body, but that will consume his strength to maintain his shape, and he will not be able to exert his strength.

And ever since I saw Furong Zhuke, some inexplicable pictures always appeared in my mind, which made the evil kings of the heavens need time to recall the reason.

As for the Underworld Emperor's soldiers, he will come to take them again before the battle with Confucianism.

At this moment, Yuan Wuji has returned to his former appearance.

The exquisite ruins have long since disappeared, because Yuan Zheng reorganized them after he came back. However, Yuan Wuji's purpose of coming here is not for this.

He went straight to the woods near Bashang Linglong, and finally stopped in front of a big tree as thick as a bucket.

"I would like to see if the time and space reversed by the Yin-Yang Order belong to this time and space."

At this moment, Yuan Wuji's eyes showed anticipation, and his eyes were scorching hotter than seeing a peerless beauty.

"Can it really affect the future?"

Yuan Wuji spoke with excitement, which could make him feel excited, which shows how important this matter is to him.

Following Yuan Wuji gently pushing aside the bark, revealing something inside.

Yuan Wuji's pupils constricted immediately.

I saw something quietly placed in the tree hole, which he left on purpose in that time and space before.

"it turns out……"

Yuan Wuji became excited for a moment. If he could really change the future, the value of the timeline traversed by the Yin-Yang Order would be even greater.

At this moment, there was a loud noise from the sky and the earth, and a glaring lightning strike crashed down on Yuan Wuji's body. At the same time, the big tree in front of him was instantly turned into coke, and the things inside also dissipated between the sky and the earth.

Yuan Wuji had already noticed it, but at that moment, it was as if the whole world imprisoned him on the spot, and there was no way to avoid it.

A mouthful of reversed blood spurted out, Yuan Wuji's body flickered, and he knelt down on one knee, the true energy in his body reversed for a moment, hitting the viscera.


After being severely injured, Yuan Wuji was not angry but happy, and laughed loudly, "God's punishment? What can I do?"

"This only shows that the Yin-Yang Order can indeed return to the previous timeline."

"But just an ordinary item can cause such a big backlash. It seems that when I want to make a change, I must also be prepared to bear the price."

After the laughter fell, Yuan Wuji stepped on his feet, his true energy swelled, his scorched clothes returned to normal in an instant, and at the same time his tone was slightly condensed, "It seems that I must become a god soon."


Within the Immortal Gate of the Sea of ​​Clouds.

Jie Hongyan was still in a coma.

At this time, Ru Mengling and others also appeared to look for Yun Huizi.

"Yun Zun, hasn't Yunkui come back yet? Young Master Bing is missing now, what should we do?"

Ru Mengling adjusted his thick-rimmed glasses with an anxious expression on his face.

"I've sent Zaxue and Qiushui to look for it. There should be news."

Yun Huizi went through the previous battle of killing the dragon, his snow-white hair turned into black, his body has not recovered, and he is unable to go out to look for it, so he can only wait for news.

"Hey, now I can only hope that Qiao Tiangong can bring back some good news."

Rumeng sighed.

On the side, Yun Huizi looked at Yunjuan and Yunshu in the distance, with a heavy heart, "Eldest senior brother, second senior brother, I am really under a lot of pressure!"

"Baqi has not yet appeared, but the war, disaster, and three emperors have brought me great pressure, and I don't know what disaster they will bring to Shenzhou."

Yun Huizi was in a low mood, and after the accidents of the first senior brother and the second senior brother, the Yunhai Xianmen died, disappeared, and withered countless times in just half a month, without the atmosphere of the past.

As the head of the sect, how could Yun Huizi not be in a hurry.

But there was nothing he could do. The talents that Xuanzun cultivated back then were dead, those who ascended to immortality, and those who ascended to heaven, now he can only rely on himself.

At this moment, Yun Huizi suddenly saw Infinity's hesitation to speak, and couldn't help asking strangely: "Infinite, do you have anything to say?"


Unlimited pondered for a while, and then said: "I seem to have seen the girl you brought back before."

"Oh? Where?"

Yun Huizi didn't know what infinite wanted to say, but it seemed that it was not simple.

"I have seen her before in Youjie, but now it seems that when I told you to track down an enemy, there seemed to be her aura."

"Huh? What do you mean? Unlimited, tell me in detail."

Now Yun Huizi doesn't let go of any chance to find his grandma. In the current Xianmen, he can't support it alone, especially after using the magic-slaying-recording method, he must be protected by someone.

"I Ruo Ruo Ruo Wu heard something like 'returning to a child' before, but I didn't hear the details clearly, but the girl you brought back should have been there at the time."

Unlimited seemed uncertain.

But now he has to let Yun Huizi place his suspicion on Hua Xiao Chao Wu, otherwise Hua Xiao Chao Wu will follow that person, and sooner or later something will happen.

Although he is not sure what happened between the two of them now, but if he can avoid it, he can avoid it, otherwise he will really have to deal with it ruthlessly.

"Return to childhood?"

Yun Huizi murmured, and then his eyes widened, "This is a forbidden move of the immortal gate. It has long been sealed by Xuanzun, and this move has long been lost. How could anyone mention this move?"

At this moment, Yun Huizi was shocked. She thought of Hua Xiao's appearance in the mist, "It really gave me a sense of familiarity, could it be..."

Thinking of this, Yun Huizi's expression became serious, "Rumengling, go and find out when and where Huaxiao Chaowu first appeared."

After finishing speaking, Yun Huizi looked at Immortal Linjiang again, "Immortal Linjiang, you will go to Emperor Yun Palace to search the books left by grandma for useful information."

Obviously, after endless reminders, Yun Huizi finally noticed Hua Xiao Chaowu's identity.

"I hope it won't be so, but if it is true, then who was the boy who was with her before?"

Yun Huizi felt upset and in a mess.

Aside from achieving his goal infinitely, he lowered his eyes and said nothing, but secretly said in his heart: "Xuanzun, aren't the disciples you recruited not so good? They are still as stupid as Yiqingtian."

Speaking of Yiqingtian, a glint of light flashed across Wuwu's eyes, "My good son-in-law, you are really infatuated, should I be happy that Shi Yu met a lover like you, hehehe... "

Sneering a few times in his heart, Moshi began to think again, how to make good use of Yiqingtian's sharp sword.

"My good son-in-law cooperated with Yuan Wuji before, and now he is looking for Shiyu's blood relatives. It seems that Yuan Wuji has mastered the blood element to create life, but performing this technique consumes a lot of money. Maybe I can find Yuan Wuji's real body from here. .”

When Moshi was thinking about it, Yun Huizi was in a state of confusion, and he didn't have time to think about Infinity's intention of saying these things suddenly, as well as the coincidence of this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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