Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 582 The Fairy Trail and the Queen's Tryst

Chapter 582 The Fairy Trail and the Queen's Tryst
On the other side, after Yuan Wuji confirmed it, he was about to leave.

Three people suddenly walked out in front of them.

"Oh? It's you."

Yuan Wuji recognized the three of them at a glance, they were the Three Demons of Ice and Fire Heart in the Impermanence Heaven of Hell, "It's really surprising that you dare to come to see me."

"We have no enmity with the young master, why dare not?"

The gloomy voice of the heart demon sounded, due to his personality, his voice was full of treacherous atmosphere, "And I asked myself that the three of us are strong, so we should be able to do something for the young master."

"Oh? Are you coming to join me? Interesting..."

Yuan Wuji's eyes flashed, and he didn't know if the Three Demons took refuge in his own idea or if he got a hint from Wen Naihe. After all, the Three Demons belonged to the Heaven of Hell and Impermanence, and the Heaven of Hell and Impermanence was one of the bases of Wen Naihe.

However, it doesn’t matter whether it’s your own reasons or asking Naihe’s gesture, because there is no grievance between the two parties, and there is no conflict of interest. "Since you are willing, I will accept you, but you must also show your own value."

"We see the Lord!"

The Three Demons knelt down on one knee with respectful expressions.

The three of them already knew what Yuan Wuji could do, and because of this, they didn't hesitate.

In fact, the strength of the three demons is only ordinary, but they are of different origins and have special abilities, especially the inner demons, which can induce fear in the hearts of the people. , can be dealt with easily.

In a difficult situation, as long as there are famous masters, all of them are strong-willed people, and they can only deal with ordinary monsters.

But in the end, it also increased manpower. Even if it is incapable of fighting the enemy, it is still more than enough to do some sneaky activities.

"Okay, since you have taken refuge with me, I will not treat you badly, and now I will help you to make progress, so that I can accomplish some things for me."

As he said that, Yuan Wuji let out a deep drink, flicked his fingers, and three black tribulation qi suddenly poured into the body of the three demons.

Since the three demons have taken refuge, they have been prepared for a long time.

Soon the tribulation energy was integrated, and at the same time, the true energy in the body increased by another [-]%.

"The heart demon goes to the fairy gate, and if there is any abnormality, report it in time; the two demons of ice and fire, you two, go to the Tower of the Three Realms to watch the eight tribes."

"I will finish the task."

After handing over the task to the three of them, Yuan Wuji flicked his sleeves lightly, and the three of them also disappeared in place.

The surrender of the three did not cause Yuan Wuji's mood to fluctuate, because it was not a big deal to him.


Inside Yan Luo Ghost Prison.

The nameless tryst of the fairy trail, the empress of the world.

"Xianzhu, with your strength, you actually came to find me in private now. It seems that Mr. Yuan has indeed brought you a great threat."

There was a look of surprise on the face of the world, but his attitude was still arrogant.

Obviously, staying on the throne for a long time has made the world accustomed to overlooking the world, and he is so desperate that even the original "Brother Xianzong" can only bow down in front of him.

This is not the first time the two have met each other, so Xianzong Wuming didn't say much, but persuaded with a worried look on his face: "Jie Zhu, you should understand that I am more worried about his threat to me. you."

"Oh? The wizard will care about me?"

Xiao Tianxia snorted softly, with a playful look on her face, she was indeed fond of the person in front of her at the beginning, but she was still ruthlessly abandoned after all.

That's why she thought about climbing up, all the way to the top of Xianzhu Wuming's head, overlooking the people she once needed to look up to.

From marrying Tiangui, in order to become a queen in order to become a queen, she plotted against her own sister, let her cheat, and then told Tiangui to take the throne, and then killed Tiangui after the battle between Tiangui and Changri Kunyi, and won the ghost prison Great power, the plight of soldiers.

After the defeat, in order to keep the ghost prison and her own strength, she chose to marry Jiutian Xuanzun, in order to kill Xuanzun in the future and overthrow the fairy sect.

All she has done is to stand on the highest peak in the world and tell everyone, 'If a man can do it, so can a woman; if a woman can do it, so should a man. '

In order to do this, she practiced "Forging Ghost Wuque Clothes" among the six soul-refining techniques.

For this reason, she severed family, friendship, and love to achieve the three extremes.

As long as the 'Forging Ghost Wuque Clothes' is perfect, as long as she doesn't feel emotional, this magic art of body protection will have no flaws, and even the magic weapon can't bring her a fatal blow or serious injury.

This is also the strength of the world. With this magical body protection, neither Xianzong Wuming nor Yuan Wuji can defeat her, let alone kill her.

Moreover, her foundation is also not inferior to the pinnacle of the world.

Speaking of which, the Buddha sword in the previous life is also said to have retrieved the other half of the power in another time and space, and by virtue of the power of the Buddha plate and the family affection of the world, the flaws in "Dian Gui Wu Que Yi" can be severely damaged. world.

But after this battle, the Buddhist sword was also severely damaged, and it was only recovered with the help of Jing Liuli, Feng Seng, Yuan Fozi, Sin Buddha and others.

"Jie Zhu, if I'm not mistaken, Di Longyin should bear the fate of the battle star, right?"

Xianzhu Wuming spoke again, as if pointing something.

"Huh?" Mao Tianxia frowned, and said indifferently: "Not bad."

"Then you must understand what the battle star represents and what kind of power it possesses, but do you know that in today's world, apart from the twin war stars, there is also the emperor star?"

Xian Zong's nameless face was solemn, these words made the pupils of the world shrank slightly, his red lips parted slightly, and a cold voice sounded, "What does Xian Zong mean by this?"

"You should understand the meaning of the Emperor Star, Jiezhu, and the person who bears the fate of the Emperor Star is the disciple of Yuan Wuji, a relic of the Forbidden City."

Xianzong's nameless words were sonorous and directly pointed out.

Because the world is also ambitious, and it is the one who wants to rule the plight and become the only empress.

Now, the Emperor Star fate is not on her body, but on a little girl.

Even though the Empress disdained the so-called destiny, she planted a thorn in her heart after all.

Just like the very gentleman, as a human being, there is one more person on his head, even if he doesn't care about it at first, but as time goes on, he will eventually become dissatisfied, even if he doesn't become the most human, he will destroy it with his own hands. He came to prove himself, let alone the world.

As the Empress of Ghost Prison, she has to control the difficult situation, but now, someone told her that she is not worthy to be called Empress, because another girl has obtained the Emperor Star fate, she is the real Empress, how can this be tolerated.

Although Wei Tianxia and Fei Feijun are not mother and son, they are aunts and nephews and are related by blood. This kind of temperament is really similar. Sometimes compared to Jun Fengtian, Fei Feijun is indeed more like the son of Wei Tianxia.

That's why Xianzhu Wuming said this to the world.

And Yuan Wuji wanted to cooperate with the world, unless the Forbidden City Yuyu gave up the throne, but in his opinion, Yuan Wuji was not someone who would give up after planning for so long.

There is already a natural contradiction between the two.

And this is the purpose of Xianzhu Wuming.

 Kawen, Kawen has only written a chapter until now, what a pain!

(End of this chapter)

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