Chapter 583

"Xianzhu knows it very well!"

Zhuo Tianxia would not express his opinion directly, so he took a deep look at Xianzong Wuming, and said pointedly.

Obviously, Xianzong Wuming knows so clearly, which means that he has been paying attention to the situation of the miserable state, and the existence of his power in the miserable state, which means that his ambition is not small.

This is also an unstable factor. It may not be less threatening than Yuan Wuji, but he is better at hiding and looks harmless to humans and animals.

"Since he and I are enemies of life and death, we must be clear about the enemy's information. The so-called knowing yourself and the enemy will never end a hundred battles. Similarly, if you want to form an alliance with others, you must also know yourself and the enemy, otherwise..."

Xianzhu Wuming didn't say what he said next, but the meaning was already self-evident.

"I haven't seen you for many years. Have you become like this, Brother Xianzong?"

"Brother Xianzong" seems to be full of sentimentality, but there is not much emotional fluctuation in the voice of the world, because she has already lost her love and sex, and can even let go of the relationship between mother and child, let alone a longing for a period of time in the past.

"Xianzhu, to me, you are as mysterious as Yuan Wuji. I know that you must be related to Xuanzun Jiutian, but you have never been honest. How can I believe your sincerity?"

The world is the empress of Yan Luo Ghost Prison. No matter what purpose Xianzong Wuming and Yuan Wuji have, what she needs is to protect her own interests. Get more useful things or information from you.

Just like when Yuan Wuji used Wanji Barren Rock to beat the Ghost Prison.

Then it's time to pay off the debt.

"So Jiezhu, you want to know about this!"

Xianzhu Wuming narrowed his eyes slightly, and said quietly, if it wasn't for the fact that the situation was almost completely destroyed because of the adversity, he wouldn't be so eager to join hands with the world.

Now, under the eaves, I have to bow my head, and the enmity between the world and my good brother is not small!
After all, it was Xuanzun Jiutian who personally killed the world, that is, Xuanzun's own wife, so cruel, how could the world not hate him.

On the standpoint of subverting Xianmen, the two are consistent.

In addition, his identity has been exposed, even if he doesn't say it, Yuan Wuji will not keep the secret for him. If the world thinks that he deliberately concealed it for other purposes, it will be even more troublesome to cause misunderstandings.

Thinking of this, Xian Zong Wuming said slowly, "It's okay to tell you about this; my name is Jun Xuanyuan, and I'm also revered as the Nine Heavens Demon Lord!"


Ji Tianxia's expression became solemn, and he fixed his eyes on Xianzong Wuming, "Jun Xuanyuan? Nine Heavens Demon Lord? What's the relationship with Nine Heavens Xuanzun?"

Apparently, the name brought back some bad memories for the world.

After all, it was Xuanzun Jiutian's ruthlessness that made her completely despair of men.

"Emperor Hongnai and I are brothers of the same mother. In the battle between Emperor Xuanyuan and Emperor Chi, he was cursed when he killed Empress Chi, which affected his blood. I was the one who bore all the curses for him. Later, we created Yunhaixian together. door, but for the position of the Lord of the Three Realms..."

Speaking of this, Xianzong's nameless eyes showed resentment, "Jundihong, a despicable and shameless hypocrite, suddenly killed me when I was looking for him to heal my wounds, and destroyed my body. Only the soul escaped. After I died, he became the The upright Lord of the Three Realms, the Lord of Xuanhuang, and I can only linger in a dark corner, so the enmity between me and him is as deep as the ocean!"

"It turns out that you are brothers."

The world was a little surprised. Although she felt that there must be a connection between Xianzong Wuming and Jiutian Xuanzun, she did not expect that the two were actually brothers.

This is indeed somewhat beyond the expectations of the world.

However, she and Xuanzun Jiutian also have the same hatred, and they also want to subvert the fairy gate. If this is the case, there is indeed plenty of room for the two to cooperate.

Just as Du Tianxia was thinking, Xianzong Wuming increased his bargaining chip again, "I know Jiezhu, you want to turn the miserable situation into a ghost prison, and I can help you realize your dream."

"Are you talking about Emperor Chi's hatred?"

"That's right, the seed of hatred left behind by Emperor Chi after his death, supplemented with other treasures, will surely eat away at the entire miserable situation."

The imposing face of Xianzhu Wuming revealed a sinister look.

"Then what is your purpose, Wizard?"

Ruo Tianxia squinted her eyes slightly. She was indeed a little moved by this condition, but she was able to achieve her position today because she made a decision before acting.

"What I want is Yuan Wuji's death. Only if he dies can I feel at ease. As for ruling the world, I have no such intention, so you don't have to worry about Jiezhu."

"Xianzhu's hatred for him is indeed deep enough. I will carefully consider this matter. When the three parties meet tomorrow, I will give you an answer."

He didn't know whether he believed in Xianzhu Wuming's words, but he didn't delve into it and saw off the guests directly.

"Then I look forward to Jie Zhu's answer."

Xian Zong Wuming's eyes were slightly lowered, and he was still warm on the surface, but there was a trace of emotion in his heart, "Jiezhu, your progress is really not small, you can hold back like this, you should be able to achieve today's achievements, look I didn't see the wrong person at the beginning."

And after Xianzong Wuming left, the hall fell into silence for a while, and a moment later, a cold voice from the world suddenly sounded, "I haven't come out yet, when do you want to wait?"

As the sound of majesty in the world fell, a burst of applause came from the side hall, "The empress is worthy of being an empress. In fact, Yuan has no other intentions. She just wants to appreciate the majesty of the empress for a while."


Ji Tianxia raised his brows, snorted coldly, and ignored Yuan Wuji's teasing, "You have heard the words of Xianzong, with your disrespectful attitude, I can join hands with Xianzong to completely leave you in the ghost prison , and become a dead bone under the Guiji River."

Yuan Wuji still didn't take the threat of the world seriously, and said playfully, "Oh, just like Mrs. Qiyu and Wen Chi's talent back then?"

Mrs. Qiyu and Wen Chi Tiantian are the biological parents of Renjue Weijun, and Mrs. Qiyu is the elder sister of the world, and the queen of the tyrant Xiao who was once the master of the ghost prison.

Although it is said that this matter was arranged by the Tianxia who was still Jiezhu back then, it is also a taboo of the Tianxia, ​​and I don't like things that are brought up by others.

Undoubtedly, since Yuan Wuji's appearance, every word has challenged the bottom line and majesty of the world.

Compared with Xianzong Wuming's warmth and protection, the two have become a stark extreme contrast.

"Yuan Wuji, such an attitude is not the attitude one should have when asking for help."

There was a cold flash in the eyes of the world, and said.

"Your Majesty, you seem to have misunderstood something."

Yuan Wuji gave a salute neither humble nor overbearing, and continued: "Yuan has never begged for help in his life, and this is not a simple alliance, but to save the life of the Empress."

"My life? Ahahaha!"

Hearing this, Mao Tianxia couldn't help laughing out loud, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, revealing a touch of sarcasm, "Yuan Wuji, it's pointless to play tricks in front of me, you'd better prove your worth!"

 I'm cooking, I'm so hungry!Everyone go to bed early and get up early!If there is no accident, the third shift will resume tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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