Chapter 584
"Empress, you are still wrong, Yuan never needs to prove anything to anyone!"

Yupo raised his index finger and shook it.

"I've heard that Mr. Yuan announced the "God Panic List" that can predict the general trend of the world, and has the ability to peep into the future. And among the twelve gods, there is the name of the battle star, why? Could it also foretell the future of my Yan Luo Ghost Prison and I? end?"

"If that's the case, then I would like to hear who will die in the hands of me, won't it be in your hands, Mr. Yuan?"

With a heroic spirit in his chest, he sat on the throne and said pointedly.

"Some things, the empress knows, so there will be more unknown dangers." At this moment, Yupo looked like a stickler.

After all, the two identities of winning the sky, playing chess, and counting the common people, watching Kyushu were both magic sticks, so Yuan Wuji is most comfortable playing this role.

"Dangerous? Why am I afraid of it!"

The corners of the mouth of the world are slightly raised, showing a disdainful smile. She never believes in the so-called destiny, nor is she afraid. As long as she is strong enough, everything can be broken.

"The empress is indeed full of courage. Since that's the case, then I'll say something. As for whether the empress believes it or not, I can only judge by the empress herself."

Yupo's eyes narrowed slightly, a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he continued: "If I hadn't intervened, the empress would have died in the hands of Renjue Weijun and the Buddha sword in Moshi's schemes. Of course, that was before. , not necessarily now.”

"Moshi? The Buddhist sword is divided?"

Zhuo Tianxia murmured, she would never listen to one person's words, especially in such illusory things as the future, but these words finally aroused her some interest.

"That's right, Mo Shi is the Nine Heavens Demon Venerable, also known as Xianzong Wuming."

"Hahaha! This is interesting. One of you says that the other party is ambitious and covets a difficult situation, which will threaten my status; the other says that the other party will kill me in the future. Tell me, who of you should I trust?"

Yao Tianxia leaned forward, staring at Yupo with a pair of beautiful eyes, and questioned.

"I believe that the Empress will not believe anyone."

Facing the coercion, Yupo remained calm, smiled and replied calmly.

After staring at Yupo for a moment, Yao Tianxia laughed out loud, and then changed the subject, "Then do you think the hatred between Xianzong and Xuanzun is true or not?"

"Still testing, this woman is really hard to deal with!"

Yupo's thoughts changed, and he sighed in his heart, his expression remained the same on the surface, "Moshi and Xuanzun did have a revenge for killing their body and taking their wives, so it is not false that he wants to overthrow the Xianmen."

"Take your wife?"

He chewed these two words in his mouth. Obviously, this was somewhat beyond what he had expected, and he even thought of himself, because he and Xianzong did know each other before, and later married Xuanzun Jiutian.

But after thinking about it, it was wrong, Xuanzun had already killed Xianzong before marrying him, otherwise she had been in the Yunhai Xianmen for so long, it was impossible for her not to notice.

If Yuan Wuji knew what was going on in the world's mind at this moment, he would be very happy, after all, it was a woman, even the ruthless and ruthless empress was no exception to the narcissism.


"It seems that Xianzhu didn't tell the Empress the real truth. If so, I can only tell the story, lest the Empress be deceived by him."

After finishing speaking, Yupo pretended to sigh again, "It's a pity that the Empress has deep affection for Xuanzun and trust in Xianzong, but everything is broken because of Moshi's destruction, which is really a pity."

Yuan Wuji's words frowned, because she knew best what she had done, and it was because of this that Xuanzun was angered, but she didn't even think that Xuanzun would be merciless in his actions.

"Is there any other reason for this?"

Yan Tianxia's eyes narrowed slightly, as the wife of Jiutian Xuanzun, the two get along day and night, although she can't say that she understands Xuanzun thoroughly, but she also knows Xuanzun's temperament, even if she is annoyed by her actions, she shouldn't be cruel for the sake of Fengtian.

At this moment, even Nao Tianxia was a little bit delusional, thinking that perhaps what happened back then was not entirely her fault, she quietly looked at Yuan Wuji, waiting for the answer.

Yupo Jian really aroused the interest of the world, and he laughed strangely in his heart, women, how many people would think that they did something wrong?Making trouble out of no reason, always thinking that they are right and others are wrong, is the character of most women.

Afterwards, Yupo narrated the speeches that had already been compiled.

"Although Xuanzun Jiutian destroyed Moshi's body back then, Moshi had long been wary of Xuanzun Jiutian, and even planned to assassinate Xuanzun Jiutian, but he didn't expect Xuanzun Jiutian to be more decisive and one step faster than him .”

"And not long after, the incident of the ghost prison broke out. After the empress 'married' Jiutian Xuanzun, but because the soul of Moshi secretly haunted him, and secretly revealed that he and the empress had known each other for a long time, and had other relationships, Xuanzun was very concerned about it. The Empress was always suspicious, until after the Empress did that, the Nine Heavens Xuanzun got angry and killed the Empress."

"Oh? According to you, the reason why I was killed by Xuanzun Jiutian back then was because of the fairy trail?"

Yan Tianxia narrowed his eyes slightly, his mind turned, and he was speculating whether the words were true or not.

As Yupo said, there is a lie in the truth, and there is a truth in the lie, and it is really difficult to distinguish between the false and the real.

However, apart from the fact that the person in front of him does not distinguish between superiority and inferiority, sometimes the words are really nice, especially the word 'marry' is used well.

After all, being forced to marry Xuanzun Jiutian is a disgrace to the world, but getting married is different.

Women are all vain, and the empress is even more so as the master of Yan Luo Ghost Prison.

Seeing that the world was still thinking about it, Yupo decided to use another dose of strong medicine, "That's right, so after killing the empress, Xuanzun Jiutian brought back another woman from overseas."

"Huh?" Hearing this, Mo Tianxia opened his eyes for a moment, with a hint of anger in his eyes.

This was not because she had much affection for Xuanzun Jiutian, but because she felt insulted.

After all, she is also the main wife that Xuanzun Jiutian is currently marrying. Now, Xuanzun Jiutian brought other women back after her death. This is because she is completely ignored, and he secretly hates her, "Xuanzun Jiutian, you How heartless and ungrateful!"

Sensing the subtle changes in the face of the world, the corners of Yupo's mouth turned up slightly, and continued: "And this woman was born in the Feng family, her real name is Hua Xiao Zhaowu, and she was also the wife of the former Moshi. In order to avenge the empress and Xuanzun Moshi, that’s why he named Hua Xiao Chaowu who lost his memory—Jie Hongyan, this Jie is the Jie whose real name is Jiezhu.”

Hearing this, Luo Tianxia's fists clenched even tighter.

Yupo kept talking, "Although the two of them wanted to reveal their relationship to outsiders, Xuanzun Jiutian later named Jie Hongyan as the master of Emperor Wa's lineage, and a few years later, Jie Hongyan gave birth to a child at the Yunhai Xianmen. son.

However, because of the battle with the Baqi evil god, Jiutian Xuanzun was also cursed and polluted the blood, causing the son of Jie Hongyan to be stillborn after giving birth. The baby was rescued, but since then, his body has been incomplete, leaving hidden dangers for his later fall.

And since then, Jie Hongyan has lived in Wahuangyun Palace for a long time, and even Jun Fengtian, the son of the empress, respectfully calls her grandma when she sees Jie Hongyan. I think the empress should understand what should have happened during this period, right? "

After Yupo finished speaking, he smiled and shook his head again, with a look of emotion on his face, "As for this matter, I can only say-your circle is really messed up!"

"Nonsense, although Xuanzun Jiutian is ruthless and cruel, he is not capable of doing such a thing. He wants to deceive me with such a stubborn lie. Do you think I am a three-year-old child?"

Regardless of whether it is true or not, Mo Tianxia was aroused in her heart, but she would not easily believe what one person said, so she said directly in a cold voice.

"Female Emperor Yingming, how could it be a three-year-old child? If it was a normal Jiutian Xuanzun, he would naturally not do such a thing, but after the battle with Baqi evil god, Jiutian Xuanzun's consciousness has been polluted by evil forces, and his actions are getting worse. more and more extreme.

I think the empress is familiar with the eyes of martyrdom, the power of ghost truth, and the power of blood and darkness. The empress also knows how many people will die to complete these. Does the empress think that the normal Jiutian Xuanzun would do such a tragic thing? "

As soon as these words came out, the hand holding the dragon chair could not help but tighten a little bit. Although she said that Xuanzun Jiutian was ungrateful, ungrateful, vicious, but after getting along for so long, she still knew a lot about this person.

That is a person who can dedicate his life to the common people in the world, and such a person is a stumbling block in her imperial path, that's why she wanted to get rid of Jiutian Xuanzun in the first place.

Therefore, thinking of all the changes that happened later, the world really became suspicious, because even such extreme things can be done, so the matter of robbing a beauty is nothing.

Feeling that the will of the world is really shaken, Yupo is satisfied, "It's not in vain to waste so much saliva!"

 Thanks: Shi Jinglun, Du Tian Shen Sha Zhou Tian Xing Chen and other Taoist friends for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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